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Everything posted by Razor1919

  1. I'll fix that then. See ya.
  2. Some of you deserve to lose this team
  3. Allsportswny.com
  4. The info on the trust makes it a virtual certainty the team won't be sold to out of town interests.
  5. And an election year for Cuomo. No way the team is sold to an out of town group on his watch.
  6. Sounds like good news. Wish we could get a leak as to who it is leaning towards.
  7. The actual lease ends in 2023 not 2019 or 2020
  8. And the last thing the league wants is a public court battle over this. The lease ensures local ownership.
  9. And here I thought I would join and share some encouraging news.
  10. Sorry for sharing. Believe me it won't happen again.
  11. The version you are looking at is the real version. It's rock solid and was written with the intent on making sure no one swooped in and moved the team. Mark Ganis, probably the foremost expert in this area said as much.
  12. The lease is a huge document but the non relocation is a totally separate document and is only 20 pages.
  13. I'm from Buffalo but now live in South Carolina. Lifelong Bills fan and now I'm in the legal field. Just trying the post some encouraging info.
  14. True. But they are solid for 6 years.
  15. It's public record. Wasn't hard to find. "The Bills shall not sell, assign or otherwise transfer the team to any person who to the Bills knowledge, has an intention to relocate, transfer or otherwise move the team during the non relocation period to a location other than the stadium". So they can't be sold to a Toronto group who intends to move them. End of story. Any such deal would be cause for an injunction and the NFL knows this which is why it will be a local ownership group.
  16. I read the document last night. It is rock solid. The team cannot be sold to someone who has intentions on moving it. That is actually written into the agreement on page 6, section 3b.
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