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Everything posted by MR8

  1. Some people age like fine wine, and others age like cheese sitting in the sun in Florida...
  2. Soooooo arm wresting is a sport? Hell, competitive eating is physical and has money involved, is that a sport? I ran track in HS, ran distance in HS, College, and I run now... in races... it's an activity. Have you seen some of the fat mother ***** who go out and run? Sure the best of the best are in superb shape, but if its something you can do around the house it's not a sport.... "hey honey I'm gonna run to the store" ... "enjoy those sports sweetie"... NOPE! Activity, just like Zumba or Yoga... Sooo shuffleboard is a sport too? How about Bubble hockey? Foosball?
  3. Prove me wrong ? This is definitely an unpopular opinion haha. Just fun to get people talking about it though... I have this debate in bars all the time to stir people up while playing darts. It's great to get into their head and get them thinking about that stuff while I am focused on the game and beat them ?
  4. Curling is proof that not all "Olympic Sports" are actual sports... Curling is an activity just like Bowling. Archery, and shooting bang bang sticks... also activities. Highly skilled activities, but activities just like Darts... Running is in the Olympics, but I still put that in the activity category. I am a distance runner who does 2-3 half marathons a year, even I'll say it's more of an activity than a sport, and it's one of the "Original sports"... it's a highly specialized group of people good at their physical activity. Just like Body Building and weight lifting... not sports... activities.
  5. Nope... activity... just like "Precision Darts" or "Precision ax throwing".... archery is in the Olympics... or was not sure if it still is... it's still an activity.
  6. Activity...
  7. There are a lot of things out there that people call sports that I don't agree are sports, they are activities or skill games... lets see where you fall... Football - Sport Baseball - Sport Basketball - Sport Tennis - Sport Hockey - Sport Soccer - Sport Golf - Sport Bowling - Skill Game/Activity NASCAR - Activity (It's not a sport if I do it on the way to and from work every day, and it's the worst part of my day) Ping Pong - Skill Game/Activity Darts - Skill Game/ Activity Hunting/Fishing - Activity Boxing/MMA - Sport Running - Activity Wrestling - Sport Kayaking - Activity Surfing - Activity Biking - Activity Hiking - Activity Skiing - Sport Feel free to add your own and debate on any of the list above.
  8. Ask the Sabres how tanking works...
  9. its NOT a coincidence.... ?
  10. That's why I joined TBD... too much fun was being had, I had to come in and bring it down a notch.
  11. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries.... none are berries... All have the seeds on the outside, and by definition berries have their seeds on the inside. On the flip side, Chili Peppers, aren't peppers, they're actually berries.
  12. Coconut is delicious... but not a fruit... Pineapple is also delicious. You're a monster! I will agree Honeydew is disgusting, but cantaloupe is meh... watermelon is pointless, drippy, sticky, and largely flavorless. The only good watermelon is one that's been infused witch booze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSNSyioD2Bk truth!
  13. Can't always believe names... Peanuts aren't nuts, they're Legumes but their name same "Nut" just like Coconut.
  14. his daughter.... I totally would... Is there something immoral about thinking a 19 year old is hot? I'm pretty sure you're just being holier than thou...
  15. 19 is too young? Come on people, no one in here is gonna tell your wives... if course you would... you're probably the same dudes drooling staring at buxom teenagers on a beach through dark tinted sun glasses being careful not to turn your head so your wife doesn't see you looking. Or she's just really excited to be back in prison... I hear Toilet wine is to die for...
  16. Tracking well for him to play week 1... The writing was on the wall after week 1 of preseason that their goal was to have him ready by week 1 of the regular season and they didn't care at all about Preseason. Something that stuck with me a bit was Knox saying that when he had his injury the trainers intentionally took it slower and longer with him during his recovery. He said he had never had a hamstring injury of any kind and the trainers told him they were going to work slower with him on in to make sure there was no recurrence down the road. When I heard that it really struck me because I feel like in professional sports trainers and coaches pound the table about getting a guy back "As soon as he's ready" which is just coach speak for "as soon as possible, and he mans up to play." But as the league has changed, and frankly the Bills have changed with their new sports science approach, I am wondering if they are intentionally taking longer with players and injury recovery time tables to try and minimize flair ups and additional injuries. Maybe Knox wasn't the only one they decided to keep out longer to prevent further exacerbating the injury... maybe Morse was tracking better than we all thought, but they held him in each phase just a bit longer, because frankly they didn't care if he played in preseason or not. While chemistry with the line and Allen is important, getting him to 100% is WAY more important. SO once he showed symptoms of a concussion, the decision was essentially made "We're taking all preseason to manage this". I don't hate the approach... As a fan I want to see everyone on the field, but when you look at the average athlete's recovery time from injuries, and the rate of how quickly those injuries then reoccur, maybe there is something to lengthening the process for rehabbing and doing it right rather than doing is quick. It may not be "best for the team" in that your top guys aren't out there, but it's best for the player, and long run ideally best for your team because the player is less likely to re-injure themselves and be back off the field again.
  17. Of course not! They hired Offensive Guru Adam "Crazy Eyes" Gase to lead their team! Didn't you see those prolific offenses he had in Miami? The Jets are the AFC East front runners now! :sarcasmoff:
  18. Interesting take, any support to back up your agenda? Or just cryptic statements?
  19. Yes but William "Buffalo Bill" Cody had nothing to do with the City of Buffalo... so the name has nothing to do with the city, just a silly connection based on similar name. ? I'm just saying most teams names have nothing to do with the city.... Colts? Chargers? Titans? Redskins? Raiders? Rams? Lions?... Just a silly thing to be rubbed about with these names.
  20. I was really hoping for a more local team just outside of Buffalo.... The Rochester "Screamers".... and they sell only Genny Cream Ale at games
  21. Yes because the "Bills" make a solid connection to Buffalo..... ?
  22. I like the Battle Hawks logo the most, so that's the team I'll cheer for during the 2.5 week season before this league goes under. I'll buy some merch too, because by 2020 it'll be vintage XFL...
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