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Everything posted by KnightRider

  1. I remember thinking at one time TBD was run by Bob and Kultar. There was a third guy who did a few articles, plus the enemy press, and of course, the Jills...
  2. http://www.z-a-recovery.com/ I had the fan die on my laptop in 2004 when I wasn't around and it cooked the HD. All you'd hear was a nasty click when you powered it up. About 6 months ago I stumbled across this, and recovered most of the data on the drive. Cost me $30!
  3. You might want to put the same message you have on sabrespace.com on sabresreport.com. It's a little weird about sabresreport - when I went to bed last night, it was the only page working. BTW, how pathetic is it that I went to way back web history last night for a TBD fix?
  4. Doing that type of thing would make the Bills a much more attractive place for FAs to sign. [/sarcasm] Either the Bills didn't leak it, or, it's true. Heck, once Willis got the big contract, I can see Rosenhaus leaking something like since Buffalo did not want to deal with him.
  5. Putting the O-Line up there would be very cool.
  6. THC is showing the 404 pink screen of death.
  7. Apparently you transcend TSW... Link
  8. Name one crappy Honda or Toyota in the late 80s... (Ok, maybe the Avalon.) I put 200k on 86, 88, and 91 Preludes, all after I got rid of that Dodge. The crappy designs were in general not in Japan. BTW, while Dodges are known for being built in North America, they are just as foreign as Mercedes. Airbags go off sometimes, regardless of the make, but they are responsible for more saved more lives than lost lives. Like I said, it's the engineering that is bad in America, not the guy putting it together.
  9. Dodge didn't even bother with a recall on my old 89 Dakota. The rack and pinion steering gave out while I was making a left turn one night. I was just glad I wasn't on an on ramp at the time. It took weeks to fix, since Dodge was out of stock of that particular item. Seems they couldn't keep enough rack and pinion steering replacements on the shelves. At least Toyota is doing something about it. Dodge charged me $600 in 1991 to replace it, since is wasn't part of the their 7-70 powertrain warranty, even though there was less than 30k on that piece of trash. (FYI, this is not bashing the Detroit auto worker. The Dakota back then was assembled in Canada using a Mitsubishi engine. I'm bashing the poor engineering of that lemon though.)
  10. I was absolutely stunned at the damage when I drove through over Christmas. It was hard finding any tree that didn't look like it had been through a hurricane. I know I didn't realize the magnitude of just how bad that storm was. As for this year's attendance, it was a "perfect storm" (sorry) of sorts. 1. There undeniably was a backlash being sold a bill of goods for the previous five years. When Levy took over, the marketing ploy of raising expectations to start the season was abandoned. For the short term, that was bad for attendance, I would expect that next year the attendance will improve. The approach is similar to the one Regier and the Sabres have taken. The Sabres had terrible attendance to start the season last year even though many NHL teams' attendance was up. 2. The Sabres success has highlighted just how bad a product the NFL was putting in front of us, and I believe it goes beyond the lack of talent on the field. For years, Buffalo has been screwed by officiating. Even though I think Buffalo can support two major league teams, I start to wonder sometimes whether I'm watching the NFL or the WWF sometimes. Many of the rule changes in the NHL favored the smaller and faster Sabres. And go figure, the refs were even making the calls in Buffalo's favor! 3. The storm. If I hadn't seen some of the damage I would not have thought it much of a contributor, but it has to be.
  11. You've obviously never lived among Pats fans.
  12. Speaking of Cruise, and the 80s, Lea Thompson and Rebecca De Mornay come to mind...
  13. Oh, I know he'll get in, and probably this year. That doesn't make it right though. I think of him as the reaper of Roselle's efforts, went from the merger to instituting drug testing. I find it somewhat sad that Congress had hearings on MLB steroid use nearly 20 years. It was already a multi-billion dollar enterprise when he took over and had overtaken MLB. I guess it is always true when you are at the top, but it seems like there is nowhere to go but down right now. Tags started NFLE, implemented the 2pt conversion, and basically caved in to the players when maybe a work stoppage might have been the better course of action for the overall health of the sport. He allowed the Oilers, Browns and both LA teams to move. The number one thing though that I dislike about him is his inability to make some very rich people understand is that within the league, there must be ownership cooperation. To let a guy like Wilson, who made sure Davis would not lose the Raiders early on and fought to keep teams like Cleveland from moving, get hung out to dry by the media, is inexcusable. I wish Kemp had had less presidential aspirations. He'd likely have done a better job.
  14. Davis, no Dent, yes Hayes, yes Guy, yes, ST players are very important Matthews, yes Modell, no. Wilson not making this list while Modell does is embarrassing. Tags, no way, undid much of what PR accomplished Reed, probably not. He a hard worker, and was bread and butter across the middle, at least until he got popped. He also did his best when Lofton and Beebe and Thomas were on the field, too. Thomas got robbed last year IMHO. He really made the no huddle click.
  15. The first part, yes. This thread is absolutely hilarious, specifically looked for it today. A troll? probably, but a funny troll.
  16. Good cholesterol... Dunno about 6, but they are good.
  17. Are you nuts? They were great on the counter trey whether it was hurry up no huddle or the typical no huddle...
  18. Best one in quite a while...
  19. If the NFC only played NFC teams, the NFC would be exactly .500. The NFL is .500. Every football game has one winner and one loser. Therefore, it is the AFC vs NFC that tips the conference winning percentages...
  20. The ethical thing would have been to remove the feeding tube long ago. If there is no hope for recovery or being a member of society, what is the point? That said, it is the parents decision, at least until they die. Like KD said, I hope they are paying for it.
  21. I just read this thread through for the first time. First, a 5 year old can't demonstrate an inability to learn over long period of time, because, well, he's five. Wait a few more years. It's not like he won't be able to catch up. Second, chances are, if he truly has ADHD, he will not grow out of it. He may learn to compensate, and function well enough. If he cannot, he is on meds for life. ADHD is genetic, and mostly in boys. It wasn't diagnosed, but it obviously has gone back in my family to at least to my great-grandfather. My mother is a teacher who tends toward pushing ADHD. She could not care less about getting funding. She simply wants her kids to succeed.
  22. (Sorry, couldn't help it...) FF works just fine, but I'm not on a not dial-up connection. Looks good, Scott! The FF icon is no longer there, but, maybe you have a new logo cooked up? Suddenly, I'm thinking SS needs an upgrade...
  23. John Elway or Steve Young would have been good fits, too. Marino, no thanks...
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