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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. That set was amazing lol I think he just didn't care about Saget one way or the other. Guess I'm really just thinking of his love for poking at OJ lol he did 5 years of material on him that was always on point
  2. I completely agree with you especially that first paragraph.... which is why I fully expect NFL to drop a suspension quick here. Funny they met with him a day before that HBO special. The longer they wait, the worse this is going to look. If they rush to the table with an 8 game suspension here like I expect, then they covered their own when bombshells come... and they can play dumb about it being too short of a suspension, "we didn't have THISSSS information". Quicker they can suspend him, get him back, let him take his public beating, the sooner this will be outta the headlines. The whole thing is gross, and its going to get worse.
  3. Tweet was from 2020 so pretty sure that was Daboll. Qb was that guy we had last year not from Georgia lol really struggling with names today apparently
  4. How much does your company make by comparison, and how much does your work directly generate for said company? Think they might be mildly different figures at all? Are you top 5 in the world of sweeping floors?
  5. then all the better to use his leverage now, as opposed to waiting until were in the thick of things
  6. Can anyone elaborate on this? Seems like a bizarre comment. Is he talking about not taking dumb celebratory penalties, or something else? choosing to ignore all context to the situation is dumb. if we had a 52 man all-pro roster, where each had done nothing but buy in and preach process to their peers, were all considered underpaid to their market value.... then sure thatd be fine
  7. i dont know that that interview did anything to help plaintiffs, if anything i think the opposite, and just my feeling/opinion. its a bit of a red flag that only 2 of 22 agreed to do it. also, while definitely sexual assault, those hardly painted him as ugly as the rest of the accusations. bumping himself into them is completely uncalled for, but far different than him over-powering them or any of the other more violent accusations. i can def understand these still being traumatic and even scary at what he might do, but Im not seeing a 1 year suspension, let alone a 2yr coming down. if they really want to maximize his suspension, more info is going to need to come out IMO
  8. i wish more had agreed to interview. I believed Solis, but am having a hard time with the 2nd woman interviewed. He ejac'd from bumping his member into her hand a bunch of times? A bit of a red flag to me. If he was bumping it against her hand, thats still wrong-doing, but he ejac'g from that? With no other explanation? At the least she exaggerated that claim, and if she did that, when the first part was enough to get the job done, how credible is the rest of her story? It certainly wasnt a positive piece, but I dont think its anywhere near the bomb-shell that many were expecting.
  9. this is gunna be 10 outta 10 bad just off that 60 second clip... starting to come around to enough pressure that he might never play
  10. Anybody know what time its on? Wont be watching but interrested to read HOW bad this sounds after it airs
  11. Is Saffold taking LG spot for sure? Glad Bates was versatile, but really hoping theirs no drop off with him shifting to the right. Good think is id have to assume switching sides as a guard has to be one of the easier position changes
  12. My post was a direct response to other poster using race card as to why he was arrested. I don't disagree about being waiting for a guy to swing first, but that's the way the law has always been handled. If you swing first, you're going to get arrested, the other guy got physical but he never swung. Even if he was arrested it wouldn't be the same charge.
  13. normal people dont have 3x legal limit in their blood this early in the morning. nor do they take horse tranquilizers at the same time, and then drive, likely on no sleep and drinking straight through. thats addict behavior if ive ever seen it
  14. because he beat tf out of the guy. trying to use the card here, is the reason people roll their eyes at hearing it. theres a time and place to use the card, when you threw 9 punches in (3 seperate instances), and the other guy threw 0 punches, youre going to get arrested
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2022/05/23/dwayne-haskins-autopsy-report-reveals-qb-had-24-bac-at-time-of-death/ Yikes. I guess this clears up the reason for not calling for help getting gas. Another death to addiction
  16. Change it to a net positive... coach refs to enforce the heart of the rule over actusl measurements. If RB gets nailed a half yard+ behind LOS, stop the clock, if it's remotely close to back to LOS keep it moving I like the other two, but we already do things this way don't we? Am I missing something?
  17. Could see some interesting packages against the pass where Von and Lawson(or epenesa) line up at end, and Rousseas or Basham kick inside. Oliver or Jordan Phillips plays the other DT spot. That's a helluva pass rush when playing with a lead. Salivating This is an absolute must. I trust us to not overthink this
  18. I don't see why, it's an extra few meaningful plays in a game, that would make closing out a game interesting. An extra 4 plays a game isnt going to create a significant spike in injuries. It would lead to a good amount of possession changes inside 2min drill. Would be a lot more exciting, and change outcomes of a good 5 or 10% of games. If you want to win, actually close out a game. Would freaking love this!
  19. I love all 3 of these ideas! Of course I don't think I've enjoyed a single change Goodell has made to the game, so these will never happen. What do you all think? Out of the 3 I like the fair catch the least, but wouldnt mind any one of these https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/05/21/bud-grant-urges-nfl-to-change-rules-to-reduce-kneeldowns-fair-catches-touchbacks/amp/ I would complain to people about the idea that when the trailing team was out of timeouts, the quarterback starts kneeling down and the fans are leaving,” Grant said. The answer always was, ‘There’s nothing that can be done about it.’ I kept thinking about it and decided, ‘Yes, there is. The team on offense has to make a yard — 1 yard — or the clock stops. A few things can happen when trying to make a yard. You can get stuffed. You can fumble. You can get a penalty. And you keep the fans interested." There’s no fair catch in Canada, but the coverage also has to give the returner 5 yards. NFL people hear this and they’ll say, ‘It will increase injuries.’ The 5-yard cushion makes all the difference. My opinion is there won’t be a real increase in injuries, and the punt would become an interesting play.” “Why bother, if your goal is to make the kickoff the most-nothing play in football? They say it’s about safety. Injuries happen on every play,” Grant said. “They have made several changes on the way you can block on the kickoff. They can keep those. But you wait three minutes through a timeout, they come back, kick off, walk the ball out to 25. It’s ridiculous. Move the kickoff back 5 yards [to the 30], and if you don’t bring it out, you don’t get rewarded with the 25. You get the ball at the 15.”
  20. Damn them for putting josh on ESPN plus!!! He obviously has to be decent to get a celebrity invite. Anybody know if he started playing after he went pro? What a freaking athlete if he got that good in 4 years basically lol I played 10 years and didn't get to respectable even 😆
  21. When you're as loaded as these guys are, he's right. It's not exactly a multi millionaire play ground. People always try too hard when this comes up, its usually something like "Buffalo Chophouse isn't exactly an Applebees" lol We're pretty on par with Cleveland. Is anyone packing up and taking a one way trip to Cleveland tmrw if their powerball #s hit?
  22. If stopping run is our biggest weakness, the team will have been built exactly as it should. Nobody is going to be able to keep up with this offense by running. The run first teams we lost to last year were when our OL was a mess. Dawkins has covid. Bates hadn't been found. Daryl looked like a shell of the previous year, leading to rookie starting. We have Beach Chairs, added some vets and better continuity
  23. So you're saying there's a 1 in 5 chance this years rough? Lol I've dealt with worse odds 😅
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