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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. You could do same thing with stock market from a year ago, and nobody would be calling him stupid in 20 years. Nobody loses anything until they sell at a loss, and he'll be smart enough to not anytime in the next decade or two I like you lol we could hang out πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  2. It's a penalty, but I hate that it is. I don't understand where this is more dangerous than any other play. It's not from the back, he's in the players peripheral vision. Lead with the shoulder? Yeah its football. I do specifically remember seeing Dawkins several times this year just turn into a street cone, set a pick, on plays like this. Smart... but I hate that you can't take the player out of the play. When you street cone him, you buy the runner some yards, but that trailing tackler seems to be the guy that atleast helps initiate the tackle a few yards up field. Again, I clearly understand it's a penalty, but a dumb one If you ask me
  3. We're on the same page, I meant top 4th (top 8 lol i worded that weird, coulda just said top 10) . I don't think they're exactly the 2020 Bucs IOL, but def a very strong unit
  4. I do now yes. Settle and Jones signings remind me a ton of Hyde/Poyer. Not much media attention, even locally, and not the most talented guys in the world, but the missing pieces and great skill sets for what theyre going to be asked to do. Truely believe they round out our IDL as a top 4th of the league unit
  5. Chargers. Very rare do I ever jump on teams who won FA bandwagon, buy they would've been our #1 competition already, but their FA additions really sured up that defense in FA, and added some nice pieces to the off in the draft. Herbert matures another year. HC Staley took some lumps as a first year coach, but I like what he did with that team, and his aggressiveness suited them well. They'll be a tough our. Fortunately for us they play in the best division in football, and it's going to show with any of them failing to seed high going into playoffs IMO
  6. Looked like our WR coach. Drawing a blank on his name at the moment but 95% sure it's him I highly doubt we would draft a player that would do this. They could, but Shakir has a place on this team. If they talk to him let him know that, but he's g2 show it consistently and get coached up for first half the season I think he'd play along
  7. The biggest difference in ability, is availability. Beasley was a warrior, always out there. Seems like crowder has injury bug, let's hope our state of art facility/staff makes a difference for him
  8. Funny that they couldn't do the smart obvious thing, because they couldn't hire a white guy.... then hired the whitest black guy I've ever seen πŸ˜†. This is what you get when you bow down to PC crowd. They didn't even win good will points with the hire, because the guy looks white
  9. This is confusing to me. I've seen a lot of robbie living down here, and he's had a heckuva resurgence with mostly Teddy B and some Darnold. Bakers an upgrade over either of those. He hasn't said he wants out, just doesn't like baker? Maybe a personality thing he doesn't like baker
  10. For being an Emmy winning reporter im not very impressed with this response - β€œThe @Brownshave built a strong out into the contract. If Watson did in fact get massages from 66 different women in 17 months, lawsuit number 24 may be just the beginning. If more criminal complaints are filed, Browns may decide it is just not worth it…” - ok??? If you have that information don't you think it'd be pertinent to the story lol she either has nothing orrrr just didn't feel like sharing? Weird
  11. If that's what you took from it, sure πŸ‘Œ Guess its difficult to understand degrees in this country. Not everything is a 1 or 10. Its hard to imagine that more deaths equals a degree or two worse?
  12. Not really something you can throw a trivial number on. The dudes not a predator... i dont believe hes an imminent threat to the public in the way that Manson is,there's levels and degrees to everything. What happened I personally don't believe jail for life solves much. Now someone starts a reckless but accidental fire in an apt building and 9 people die? Getting closer. It's really a case by case kinda thing, and that's why judges decide on sentencing, and there isn't just a one size fits all flat sentence for every crime πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ still sucks all around
  13. What this guy did was horrible. He should do jail time. Never drive again. However I don't believe he should spend his life in jail. There's a difference between reckless and malicious. This is a personal feeling, but I don't believe this level of reckless deserves life in jail. I would reserve that for multiple human fatalities, but that's just me, and I know everyone is different.
  14. Whooooo? Ohhhhhh, "Beach chairs" lol love this guy and my fav nickname right meow
  15. Bewbs are great but he shouldn't give football up for them. Players girls are always stacked
  16. The women were trafficked in that case. Much different than the garden tool you went to HS with posting her kitty for sale on backpacks. Personally I'm down for legalized prostitution. If it was legal would we be talking about either of these cases? Likely no. Legalized it, regulate it, tax it. Take the wind out of pimps sails. The ones that trick women into coming here, without family, and changing the job description on someone completely vulnerable. Keep them from holding heroin addictions over girls, that have no chance to get help. Government is not the morality police! They're the ones indirectly creating victims and abusers with morality laws, that don't stop anyone.
  17. The use of this stuff isn't what makes anyone good. Go to an LA Fitness, there's 5 dudes on double the gear any NFLer us able to run and they look like πŸ’© They did a survey at Mr Olympia a few years back with the simple question.... "if you had to skip a meal or skip a workout, which would you skip." The answer was unanimously 'skip a lift.' The food these guys have to eat is absurd. They're gym rats, but borderline professional eaters. Eat every few hours until it hurts. You're still full, yet it's time for another 16oz chicken breast and few cups of rice. 99% of people couldn't do this for a day, let alone string together a decade or two of it consistently. To blame it on the gear is the same as "Ferraris aren't fast, look at the high octane gas they hsve in them." Anyone can be in F-1 if they put $100/gallon gas in their Corrola πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  18. Yes and no. I think the general consensus had changed a lot even in the last 5 to 10 years. I'd imagine there's a ton of denial by players, lots of "yeah, but not me" attitudes, and its hard to blame them. Football is life for a ton of fans, but these guys are in even deeper. There love for the game starts before they're 10 likely. It has given them purpose, taken people out of the hood, allowed travel, paychecks they could only dream of. One hell of a natural high. Hard to change your mind through all this to believe the game would hurt you. Very very sad reality. I absolutely love this game, more than anything other than family/friends... its hard to accept what it does to some of these guys
  19. Fantasy Football Stud, won his owners a ton of championships.
  20. That's when you quietly get a vasectomy. They're constantly trying to get one over on you, yet youre the one playing them Also: where's the link. I need my own research to make my own determination πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
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