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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. He looked like McNair some in stature only. Was odd to see
  2. Didn't araiza kick in college? Not will8ng to let him play emerg kicker because he needs to hold?
  3. Greatest WR I've seen in my ADULT lifetime (I'm 34, too much of Moss career i was a kid). I'm hoping he's smart enough and maybe Brady is able to influence him to play differently. Time to put down the battering ram, slip out of bounds or get down a yard before contact, live to fight another day.
  4. Not at you personally at all, but people saying that are either out of the loop, or have been mislead. Dudes teammates said as soon as he got his first contract he went from underrated, humble, quiet worker to 'this is the AB Show and yall are lucky to see it'.. Money doesn't change ppl as much as it can reveal who someone really is
  5. If they actually cared they would make the rule and keep it in house. This comes off as very LAMPish by nfl
  6. I'm sure in that state he had 0 appetite, so Applebee's wasn't the worst call lol
  7. Seeing his mugshot was worth clicking that link lol "Seen driving into curbs" at 725am haha wtffffffff #raidernationduis
  8. Can't remember the guy, but about 2 years ago there was a guy getting fined for missing practice. His drs had confirmed an issue (maybe his back?) that was fairly obvious to the drs, and team drs had over ruled it basically saying take a shot and some opiates and get back out there, even though the team/private drs had a solid 3 week discrepancy. I know I'm not totally doing the story justice, but it sounded redic at the time. Wouldn't shock me to see them hurrying someone again. Why wait a few weeks to give a high 1st rider a chance to get long term healthy, when you need to rush him back for a 7-10 season at the expense of his long term health ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
  9. Running for president is expensive!
  10. Obj would basically be a playoff rental if it did happen. He played well, was a good teammate and was cool with being 2nd fiddle to Kupp. Nobody is talking about a 3 or 4 yr role, but 100% I'd trust him to come in, in December and be a good dude till mid feb. Especially with Josh throwing the rock, being on a sb caliber team (oh and it'd be the best way to increase his next contract value)
  11. Aside from his height/arm length the biggest positive I've read coming after the draft and tc reports the last few years is ability to create separation, which is vague. I do remember seeing an impressive stat on avg yards of separation (grain of salt needed like any stat). I certainly think he's quick, and then an above average combination of athleticism, route running, length combines for the rest. Interesting prospect for someone we really haven't actually seen
  12. Rex Really was an under rated talent evaluator for this.
  13. Tyler Bass. I get its cool mocking drafting of kickers, but these guys lead their teams in points a lot, and the amount of game winning/losing kicks is crazy. Look no further than almost every playoff game in 1st rd ending on GW/losing kicks, 2nd round was high off the top of my head as well.
  14. Quessenberry had some of the worst OL stats I've ever seen. I understand stats don't tell the whole story, buy the sacks he gave up was disgustingly unforgivable. I haven't seen his camp reps but he scares me
  15. I generally agree, just wish the gauntlet of our schedule wasn't right up fromt
  16. I used to make really good money on weekends and honest to God, 75% of my rides were fun. I've always been out going. Collected some phone numbers. Talked a ton of football. Had a sober chick kiss me. Was gifted a Quran lol. Had a gay dude tell me I was hot (highest compliment lol). Had a guy split 20 scratch offs with me, ended up with like 35$. Lol it was a really good time on its own, add in some extra cash, it's a good gig if you can make it what you want it to be. Even drove a dude from UBs bball team that ended up being a stud (forward, avgd like 17ppg, won a game in Ncaa tourney for first time i believe) and having a stint in NBA. Nick something? Woulda been 5ish years ago. Looked stupid af in the back seat of my Accord haha
  17. I really dig him. He brings a different type of voice than every other talking head. In fairness, none of what he said was incorrect, and I also don't think he was dogging us at all. Especially it being framed from a gamblers perspective. Winning 12 games this year will be trickier than last year. Were going to need some lucky bounces, and to not lose those 1 score games. We just don't like anyone thats not sizing up joshs super bowl ring right now. I think both views are fair
  18. I completely get and accept tempers to flair and competitiveness.... but man, throwing punches? What a dumb dumb dumb thing. A. Your teammates, but whatever B. Does anyone want to break their hand, for the other guy to feel NOTHING? CMON be smarter. I'd rather they do it in locker room minus the helmets! Do we need to bring I.K. Enemkpali in for leadership ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
  19. That's a cool comp. Dude never lived up to draft status but I remember him playing really well his last year or two here, and converting on 3rd a lot. (Disclaimer my teenage opinion, and before I'd ever seen even a decent Bills team lol I also like David Nelson so grains of salt necessary)
  20. I loved mjd as a player. Dude was like a square lollll might not have been his nickname but fits him better than the other names getting attached to it
  21. I'm using Ethan for this from now on ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
  22. Lol with all the silly words I've seen get filtered accidentally, somehow the filters let the nuke thru ๐Ÿ˜…
  23. Dude grow up. Josh was born in 96. Grew up in an Era where everyone listebs to Rao. If you're a rapper, especially a successful one, people, especially teens are gunna wanna sing your song and quote lyrics. Quit creating a non existent victimhood
  24. Those got me through last year but I hate the anxiety of "will it work" and the link cutting in and out even 2-3xs a game
  25. Knowing Josh's sense of humor, there's no way the Ricky Bobby baby autograph didnt cross his mind ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
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