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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. praying that person was either external, or 8hrs away from being external
  2. Could be something like they spoke to a witness, who has since recanted a favorable belief on araiza. does seem like something changed in a hurry. mcd didnt keep this dude around for 6 weeks, and then realize at press conference that the squeeze isnt worth the juice. something changed quick imo
  3. his wiki says Browns, otherwise this is a no brainer if cutting loose
  4. this is all the problems, none of the benefits, 100% makes 0 sense imho. they cant be seen as wavering. either they have the ultimate trump card of innocence (mcds presser tells me no), or 801am, hes gone.
  5. welp this tells me what i need to hear
  6. narrative or his patience levels with this? or both? visibly angry?
  7. right which means that word has SOMETHING behind it. i hope they have something big, and its the reason buff felt comfortable keeping him
  8. assuming this is a written prepared statement.... which means that verbiage was very intentional. i certainly hope so!
  9. after seeing BeachChairs interview with his daughter and the podcaster, id be inclined to agree
  10. nah, most ppl have tootyhpick wide slits for eyes, and one eye rolled up to the back of their head lollllllllll
  11. With the pipeline and all, maybe we can just use communal kickers. They borrow Bass, we borrow their P
  12. Whatever you do dont lookup Callie Carter on any sites starting with P, cause you wont see any resemblance lolllllllllll
  13. and yet theres a reasonable chance hed have another staff entirely even if he has a good year and re-signs with Car lol brutal
  14. Disclaimers- I loved Steve fiercely when he played, he's a fun change of pace as a commentator.. That said, he dumb as rocks and a first round talent at being uninformed but the loudest lol Pumped to watch him on Panthers broadcasts in my home state (while buff isn't playing)
  15. Mild indication of their belief of innocence/support? Again not saying definite, but certainly possible
  16. So you'd prefer these men are in jail for something they didn't do, because it looked bad before? That's justice to you? The flip side of 'if this was your daughter', is If this was your son/brother/friend, would you believe they have no right to be heard? Would it be, 'he's just a burger King worker'? You're not arguing in good faith here obviously
  17. Wawrow for ya, I'm shocked 🙄
  18. Maybe you don't know the definition of lynching, hint, has nothing to do with a tree
  19. Same people who think I shouldn't be allowed to watch shows like South Park/Chapelle set, because they're outraged about things they don't consume
  20. What?!?! Weird with the 19 part considering the circumstances and I'm from the wait and see clan. "Donate 4 dollars today to a sexual assault foundation in Cleveland in honor of Watsons accusers" would be almost equally weird
  21. 11 days. Very well could be in response to being raped by 3 dudes, or mat getting tested because of unprotected encounter, and finding out that way. Totally possible she gave it to him if its the later, we'll never know
  22. So dox your own client is the professional thing to do? 😆
  23. Do we know what time it was? She snuck out telling her parents she was doing x and instead did y. Needed a place to stay the night Doesn't mean she told him I lied to my parents, not to mention even if she did plenty of college kids live at home and an 18yr old college kid might not tell their parent they're going to a party with drinking. Not saying this necessarily happened, we dunno, but pretending there's no possible explanation to him giving her a room to sleep in, other than setting her up for a gang rape is naive at best.
  24. Don't blame him. Was an interesting prospect, jets have criminally destroyed so many draft picks, def worth a flyer of sorts for a team outside AFCE
  25. Lol he had a really tiny mic him and kromers daughter were sharing. Side note shes cute. Worth risking melee attack by beach chair 😆😆
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