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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Is Gaine a white dude? With the way those compensatory picks are paying out, we should be searching high and low to find quality black dudes to fill the FO. Not kidding. If Beanes gunna have his own GM tree, how nice would a bunch of residual income 3rd round picks be. Get dudes promoted 2xs in 2 years and we'll have so many picks we'll be wiping our arses with day 2 picks in no time 😆😆
  2. Most FA money has been spent this year. If he really wants to maximize his money, take a bit of a hit on a one year deal now, go win a SB, show you can be a good teammate on a team where you're somewhere around #2 or #3 cb. Then next year you go after FA hard before every team already blew their FA$ load. Even if its not here, I think it'd be foolish to sign more than 1yr deal anywhere.
  3. Especially if it 🐓 blocks KC or anyone else in the AFC
  4. Aje sure, but Boogie and Groot, I disagree. Both guys came in needing to refine their game, ESPECIALLY Groot. Coming into last year he had ONE season playing DE, in his life. We saw a freak, that carried good 1st rd value, but knew he would be a project. I expect a really good year out of him, time will tell mid-point year 3, on exactly how well it paid off. I'm taking those odds all day
  5. Lol its like Baker and the Browns held a contest to see who could devalue his trade stock worse 😂 sooooo weirdddd
  6. Holy smokes! In 2 years Bass has kicked 110 XPs and 66fgs! That's honestly nuts. Cool article and something to keep an eye on but I think he figures out a way to get er done. I know it's not identical but there's some similar mechanics in catching and dropping a punt. Have T-Pegs mail a Juggs machine to his house, and get to gettin
  7. I get holding is important but holy chit, there's 53 PROFESIONAL athletes on the team! There's no reason Araiza hits the streets over a holder. I know, I know, it's more than the hold and timing and all that, and it IS important! But I mean good grief teach Kumerow/Taiwan or any one of Bernard, Shakir, Benford, Spector to figure it out. Take one for the team and spend some practice time on the other field. If we are punting it's likely from inside our own 40, can't be sending haack out to get blocked, kick it 30yards or backwards.
  8. Def not a vet minimum lol at best a 1yr manageable deal. His Stocks at its lowest right now (time of year). If the marker isn't what he wants he'd be smart to sign 1yr w/ a contender for a lil less, parlay a SB ring into a fat payday. Different scenario, but not too dissimilar than what Juju ended up doing last year (minus contender)
  9. Was that where he said he had s hard time cutting or something like that? Maybe post draft presser?
  10. When u get paid for clicks. This is a smart move. Rabid fan base. High profile name. It's text form of Skip Bayless
  11. Agreed but it's not a sure thing, and a bit of a question mark for a SB team. If he wants to come in and compete for the #2 spot, on a prove it deal, to set him up to get paid next FA.... then thatd be awesome. But unlikely
  12. Anyone know if Waddle can play outside at all? Bease would be a nice cushion for Tua if i was a fins fan
  13. NFL does not, and should not care. This is basically an open invite. Players know when the tests are coming. Based on the article below Hopkins popped for something other than HGH, things the league are less lenient on. https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/05/health/performance-enhancing-drugs-nfl-investigative-explainer/index.html The NFL, for example, is far less vigorous. Each week during the season, which runs from September to February, the NFLPA randomly selects 10 players per team to be tested for testing. The NFL uses an isoform test, which detects synthetic HGH. But the test has a very short detection window of just 24 to 48 hours. So if a notification is given to a player to test at home, he may have up to 24 hours before having to submit a sample. The USADA, and in turn the UFC, uses a more precise bio marker test that looks for a chemical fingerprint to detect HGH several weeks after usage. “I think the (NFLPA) would be open to hearing from the league” about bio marker testing, said Atallah. The USADA can also create a “biological passport” of an athlete by compiling an athlete’s results over time. Such a profile can help identify changes or physiological trends that may occur in an athlete’s body. The NFL destroys a player’s specimens after 90 days, but the USADA can keep them for 10 years. This allows it to test them again with even more precise technology.
  14. "To maximize fan enjoyment"??? So less football is what the fans want? No. Not at all. So tired of this league catering to fringe fans, and jamming a middle finger in the faces of their loyal fan bases. This rule is for gf's and wives that "tolerate" the game. Lets sacrifice a bunch of plays, and change a rule thats been around since inception, so non-fans can watch something else 11mins earlier edit: is this usfl only? good God please. knee jerk reaction by me, but im so used to Goodell dry ****ing my favorite sport to death
  15. Undoubtedly Rousseau. If we add Von and Rousseau steps up like I think, we'll ACTUALLY be the bona-fide #1 defense. Let Josh get us ahead and these guys pin their ears back... wow!! Bernard's a rookie and I don't expect much. That's said... he could be the serious beneficiary of these two. We're not asking him to develop pash rush or do anything mentally tricky... go blitz, and be fast. Time to get the Kleenex after writing that 🥵🥵🥵
  16. So they didn't let anyone in buffalo down? He was dumb to go outta his way to say this. When josh says they know a whole city is riding on the team and he understands how important a W is to the culture... everyone here rallies that's awesome and inspiring and leadership... Levi does the opposite and it's, what, cool? Idgaf what he said, but I can't be convinced this was smart to say. It's a stupid comment
  17. Because theres a 1 in 31 chance at landing a guy, provided you do want him. Giants take on half the salary in a more cost controlled scenario. Get rrrrr done
  18. Sure, as a non Titans fan lol would anyone have been cool with Hughes saying this about Rousseau last year? Exactly Nobody is outraged. I'd expect a qb to think that way, but volunteering dirty laundry to the media is stooopid
  19. Great interview. I love McAfee and what he brings to the table. He's got a great balance between dry ESPN type stuff, and Barstool where coaches players might be a touch hesitant to associate with. Beanes a cool cat. Surprised at how much inside baseball he gives. GMs are so secretive and rightfully so, but giving the fans a little taste is cool. Not exactly giving out trade secrets lol
  20. its just a dumb comment i didnt miss him before that, and i dont now. should be a major upgrade for us
  21. was fine up until he said "really just let us down, cause the fans arent out there". pretty tone deaf comment for a guy that spent what, 4 years here? lost focus, lack of attention to detail... wish we replaced him with someone the opposite of that, OH WAIT
  22. I'm likely in the minority here but I enjoy having Jerry around. I'm glad he doesn't own Buff lol but he's a big dumb loveable idiot, and basically a mascot for the league
  23. Anyone know what day this interview was from? I wanna go find the full length clip! It's the 2nd appearance in 2 or 3 mos, pretty cool. Pats gotta fill slots but there's no doubt he recognizes Beane has a cool chemistry with that shows vibe. You'll get a lot of candid insider info on the day in day out kinda stuff that takes place. Really cool hearing that kinda stuff.
  24. Mines more like **** 13 seconds, my life would be better if I never thought of it again. But thank you von Miller, beane, and I will thank kc for getting rid of tyreek Hill! The effect that dude has on a team is incalculable. If Cinci has him, they win SB. Same with us, San Fran. Maybe GB. Even if he turns in 3 catches, 48 yards, he amplifies everyone else that much. Imo, of course
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