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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Different Era. Different treatments for injury. Better understanding of nutrition (and chemistry). Today's game for a quarterback has tipped: cerebral skill > athletic skill. These dudes can hang on a little longer in a less physical game, and get by with a better understanding of the game than others, who are more athletic. [Again IMO, anyone feel free to disagree]
  2. More power to him. All the comments about 'knowing when to shut it down' are coming from normal rational people. You don't get to the NFL, and you don't get to Brees level by being normal or rational. These guys are mental machines, they don't know how to turn it off even if they desperately wanted too. Reminds me of Buffet. Why in the heck does this dude get up at 3am start reading stock articles in newspapers, and all the crap he does. -You're 180 years old, stop, relax-. These guys don't have that switch me and you do. Clinical definition of workaholic! Hell I'd like to see Brees come back with a year of rest (and hgh to rejuvenate everything). I'd bet he can come in and play well still. But thats just me and MHO
  3. I wish our schedule was back heavy instead of front heavy, like it is, for this reason (and tre). Thankfully dorsey and Josh aren't unfamiliar but they are on limited time to implement changes and dial in exactly who they are as an offense. Hoping for no hiccups, but I think it's unreasonable to expect pur offense to be clicking like they were in the two playoff games either
  4. Kaep has and never has had any real desire to get back in the nfl. Hard to blame him when he can milk Nike contracts, while turning a blind eye to Asian children sewing their finger tips off for 5cents an hour 😆 dudes a joke
  5. If I had to guess Beane would've been thinking along the lines of 4th or 5th rder which was proli cool, but the money was a sticking point. Car looks bad getting a day 3 pick andddd paying half the guys salary still. When you're already on the super hot seat, "admitting" defeat like that on CMC makes you look worse than just keeping him. A GM like that can't make that trade. A first year GM would get leeway to do something like that
  6. Cool down period? 24 hrs I'd guess (no not lawyer, edumakated guess)
  7. Is it some other flavor of hate crime? Sparring with the old lady in Public and said something sexist? Weird charge name This has broken her cellphone written all over it. Don't do stupid ****, but that'd be a big Ole nothing burger if thsts all there is to this
  8. I'm a big fan of him on the field. Never heard anything negative about him I can remember. Hopefully its nothing big
  9. Gotta wonder if the nfl did that trick where you tell everyone a diff version of the story, and when it leaks out you know what bug to squish. Maybe it's happened the past few years and people wised up to it
  10. Baltimore is a beautiful thriving city. There's a show shot there called "The Wire", it's about rich soccer moms quest for love, oh, and romance. There's a steamy kiss between the 2 fresh faced stars of the show. Now, you're not going to want your MIL missing out on this tale as old as time, so have your charcuterie board prepared before you hit play. Please let us know how she liked it.
  11. In writing I can not tell if this is serious or not. I caught "ghost" but the rest I'm on the fence. Schobel isn't exactly a household name. He gunna get recognized twice a year. Nope, I think you're full of it and I don't care if I'm stupid for entertaining the idea 😆
  12. "Bro only macho men drive their Ferraris in blizzards, whattu a wuss" We're not getting a dome, buuuuut speculation is the sides of stadium will provide wind cover. Bit of an over hanging ledge at the top. Those open air toaster coils. It's not my #1 pick but I'll be very pleased
  13. I haven't read the whole thread but I'm sure you've caught a little flak about the Ravens rumor. Either way us smarter posters appreciate the input when its around. Please don't let any morons scare you off next time u get tipped off on anything 👍
  14. My gut feeling is we won't. Everyone says infrastructure but idgaf. So what the city is booming for a week. Nyc is like that all the time. Quite yanking us around Roger, you been quietly holding our team over our head about a stadium. We got it done. Throw me a freaking bone hereeree Efff the Boston globe too. I've never been on the site and they csnt even do one free promotional article a year. Maybe I'll sign up tmrw if bruins got knocked off tonight. Bathe in their tears
  15. Krafts tired of getting made fun of for his little pp in the massage video... but everything looks big played on a 22k Sq foot tv!
  16. Things are never predictable. Motor going into his second year was catching all the praise and running up hills in Florida heat up the thruway hills.... then he dropped a steaming coil. Then going into last year, we saw the off season stuff again and everyone was all "I fell for that last year, he is what he is," Moss was going to take his spot --he came on strong at end of rookie year... Then Singletary came out playing with a physicality we hadn't seen, looking explosive (for him), and Moss looked like **** last year lolllll AJE is in my camp of don't expect much of anything right now, so maybe he flips us on our head. Heck, last off season Knox was on everyone's 💩 list. There were plays you could see him turn it on, and it was just enough to keep you excited, and then he dropped balls and disappeared. 365 days ago half the board was ready to move on. We have one helluva coaching staff and it shows seeing some of these guys refinement. As fans, we weren't used to seeing players develop. 20 years where at the end of a players 2nd year, he was at his glass ceiling and no way to go up. There's hope for AJE, Boogie, certainly Rousseau, and I low key expect Dane Jackson to be one the hottest surprise in TC. Heading into 3rd year, and a full off-season of him hearing "who are we gunna draft" to put Dane on the bench. Dude got a taste of starting last year, got a great head on his shoulders... I bet that competitive fire is absolutely blazing. I feel like he gets lost in the mix of young players we expect to take the next step. I hope he hears and senses that too 💪
  17. I dig it, but the article didnt do much to back its claims other than say itd be awesome and should lol. Rams get a home season opener for sure, but it didnt really give a reason Buff would be opponent anymore than the other 8 teams lol hope it happens though
  18. I hope he gets the job and kills it. I'm beyond ecstatic that we got Beane, I wouldn't trade him for any other GM. I liked Whaley. He built some solid teams despite all the disfunction around him. Don't get mr wrong, he was a flawed character, but I don't doubt for a second that he gave it his all. Not sure why anyone would cheer for the guy to fail, when he gave it 100%, never did anything malicious, and built teams better than I'd previously seen in my adult life (I'm 34). Hope he gets it, and good luck, and would love to see him build a good team around Pickett! Will it happen? I dunno, but I'm sure he learned a lot, and hope he succeeds. Wishing for the dude to fall on his face, to me, is weird. Yet here we are 🤷‍♂️
  19. Boogie was fat though, he absolutely needed to get that under control. Def hoping they didn't go full Epenesa with him. Never go full Epenesa
  20. I think this year was a bit of an anomaly. Had it been a regular 32 it wouldn't have been anything like thst lol
  21. There was a guy on here 2 years ago that said something about buying 4 Chiefs playoff tickets VERY early, sold 2, kept 2, and pocketed something lol Anyone know when you can do that? I think availability to purchase them like that must be a team to team stance. Would like to repeat said maneuver 😆
  22. I'm gunna disrespectfully disagree 😆 QB pressures don't mean anything lol tell that to our #1 secondary... hey you know that thing you've been doing... think you can do it twice as long?
  23. I find it completely inexcusable. Never in the history of the NFL has a fan been able to cherry pick guys from 5 years ago s draft that shouldve been the pick. Every single year, draft picks are selected in the same exact order as one could rank them at the end of their careers. Just ask 2000's #1 overall pick Tom Brady, or in more recent history, 2030 first ballot half of famer, and 11x Super Bowl MVP, Jared Goff.. Now we're stuck with Josh Allen, who certainly never could've won one entire Super Bowl with Tyreek Hill, Kelce, and Andy Reid at the helm.
  24. Actually that was sincere lol how fn refreshing right 😆😆 Went from. Wow we oddly hsve 3 awesome rbs and JAGs at every other spot to... holder problems lol we made it guys
  25. CAN WE ALL TAKE A SECOND AND PAUSE... SERIOUSLY. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING AND LET THIS STEEP. Our current biggest hole on the roster, is the FG Holder 😆😆 This is like hearing Paris Hilton complaining that she had to drink a Dasani once lol glorious magnificence
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