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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Like anything it's a combination of factors. It's obvious hearing him talk about the game he loves it. Dude has a photographic memory about every game and play, seriously. On PMT he was referencing down/yards/play what the defense was giving for looks, why he made a decision, for regular season games 10+ years old. He is not without blame but I do blame coaching and GM. If you have a guy like that, disinterested in the game you're not giving him the proper help and not doing your job of motivating your team. They can't make a player care, but they aren't able to even cause a spark. I give 60% coach/gm, 40% Rodgers.
  2. All respect I think you're wrong. Josh cut up field because the play is intended to make a def player commit, once a commitment is made is when josh either keeps or flips. There's really no excuse for not being ready when you are the option. Especially nit with an aggressive player like josh.. he acted like this was a random uncalled lateral
  3. Did anyone notice Jordan having weak knees yesterday 😆
  4. I always wondered how play by play guys were so on top of everything, they have some spotter help! Also, it's so weird to hear how quiet it is inside the booth with commentary, without the stadium track mixed in haha these guys have cool jobs, and it's def not as easy as most ppl would assume
  5. Guessing he's talking about Benford. If you have a rookie cb playing, being a ghost is ideal. Honestly the best corners are invisible. I'll always remember laughing at all the 0's Champ Baileys stats werebas a kid. I took a lot of pride in having a similar HS career as him. I played basketball so a lil different. I didn't play so much in games... just kinda a practice thing
  6. I know. Nigel Bradham hasn't done anything here in years! Might be time to move on
  7. Speaking of this guy who's name escapes me now, wish we could hear something about how he looks in practice. Seems like we take the more raw but talented kinda players lately. Definitely a nice luxury when you don't need a guy to step right in... That said, I'd love to see him get on the field later this year. He was a ST ace wasn't he? That's your ticket to play, and while he's dressed would like to see him come in situationally for blitzing, and obvious run plays
  8. I've seen a lot of firesticks offering this but then they're 20/mth and then another 10/mth for every added line. Might msg you
  9. It'd be like "hey let's replace Edmunds with Brandon Spikes! They both play MLB"
  10. The only people saying this are dudes that A. Doesn't know he's a better pass catcher than RB, still great for 3rd down situations B. Is taking zero consideration for how far off the LOS safeties are going to play us, as we get healthy and Gabe develops into a serious deep threat. This is a move that has a synergistic effect on the Off. 1+1 = 10 situation. They wanna stay in 2 high look, well gut them underneath with CMC and Knox and slot guy. They get tired/frustrated with that, start to creep up, josh puts one over their head. Would make life easier for everyone. Our OL sucks at battling in trenches. Let them in the backfield on a screen. Get on the move into space where they're asked to block smaller Lbs and DBs Now that's in the back of their head and DL becomes hesitant/patient can't pin their ears back. All the sudden OL looking a lil better LOL!! Could you imagine Smith trying to cover the middle 60% of the field? Cover a TE? Cool player in 1995.
  11. I haven't seen the Singletary and a 2nd. Was this said somewhere?
  12. Lol I knew someone was going to do it here. Of all the dumb things to deny, denying or writing off psychology is at the tippy top of dumb things to deny. The human brain is the single most impressive and mysterious thing to ever exist.... and you're like nahhh. We know more about life at the bottom of the ocean then we do the brain, and we don't know chit about that.
  13. I'm not a sneaker guy, but dude has some hood in him. I'd bet those were a few grand
  14. I would rather have She-Hulk perform CBT on me. Would rather work at a massage parlor Robert Kraft frequents Or have Adrian Peterson and Tyreek Hill marry, and adopted me as their son. Why would you do this? I can't watch a single play. It immediately puts me in the same place that Forward Lateral or Brett Hulls "goal" puts me.
  15. Can you send a link either private or on here? I sort of found an explanation of it but I'm not seeing actual scores
  16. There's a group of these dudes here. Yall proli don't let your gfs talk about anything that happened before they met you either lol
  17. I hope 100 uninvolved women come forward against him at this point. Let them and his attorneys bleed him dry. How many of these does it take Cleveland to move on? 20 more? 50 more? Is there even a number lol
  18. Obj Gabe outside... Diggs in slot. Easy
  19. I'm tending towards this being in response to the million dudes at their regular old jobs saying he's a diva and washed, then to refute airport story. JMO Yeah cause we have zero way to find the $2-$2.5m this would take 🙄
  20. HOW ARE WE FORGETYONG INJURIES HAPPEN THIS QUICKLY?? A week ago were pining for Jake kunerow, and today we don't need OBJ? Imagine an injury or two to the WRs again, now imagine in playoffs (seem to remember an AFCCG with 3 top WRs basically shot). Would anyone have wanted an OBJ for that game??????
  21. Paperwork nerds giving a high profile citizen a hard time. He must nit be tired sick or poor enough to go back to NY
  22. Winder how much that 98yder skewed things. Maybe not all that much. I've def noticed it with Diggs, less of those comebacks that bring him out of bounds Def more screens. Aside from those two I've seen improvements, but it hasn't seemed like the lights witch on level of change, that this stat indicates.
  23. I feel pretty good about getting on board at -1.5!!!
  24. How many of those has he looked dangerous? And how many of those were screens? How many have been key third down catches for first?
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