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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. As a Bills fan i dont wanna hear this. As a gambler, Id like to hear the logic on you taking the points (sincerely).
  2. Someone actually looked at the dates on the 2016 bank and the location was geographically and time frame between two chief games 😆😆😆😆
  3. Josh Allen *truck sticks* Chandler Jones
  4. Laterals that move 2 yards forward arent called because refs are scared of a beer shower
  5. Generation that sent ho ho hos home from school because their skirt showed their knee caps. Snowballs "makes us Philly", listen to yourself. Silly goofball. Go be a real human, i promise its more fulfilling then pretending your judgement is the highest standard. Let some emotion out! Yell at the sportsball guys. Grab your SO's butt in public. Pee your pants and fall asleep in the stands. Get that bullet scars lapdance at Colonie Lounge. I fart directly in my dogs face, he loves it, does that make me Philly?
  6. Its a game. For entertainment. Heated rivalry. Modern day gladiator! "Embarassed" 😆😆? You know whats embarassing? Cheering for a dirtball that broke his childs arm. Thats a real black eye. How about risking tuas long term health/safety for a team that isnt even ready for a playoff push
  7. Would have preferred he went down past 1st down (going forward). But yes we saw cleveland lose by NOT doing this and i believe that was 10pt game inside 2mins
  8. Ton of hindsight here. That season we were comin off afccg loss to kc. We couldnt do anything to slow him, and our offense was at its peak. Looking back, two des wasnt crazy at all. Hoping development still mskes this look like the best decision
  9. I neeeed this lol bumping in hopes of link!!!
  10. Someone, anyone, link please
  11. Vaguely remember a story about ice balls thrown at Cox as a kid. Did we throw em because of the middle finger or was there already hostility. Im 34, remember hating Fins by like 5th grade, but has been since then i actually hated them. Good to have that back ! 🖕 the Fins
  12. Dudes physical frame very raw as well coming out. Hes filled out 10-15lbs i read. He should be able to match that again next offseason, with that frame, he can carry it well. Mario Williams is a great comp IMO
  13. The tweet you responded to was insane lol good grief
  14. My ex gf was like that. Take her and $17 to the Colonie Lounge, leave smelling like a bowling alley and Tua
  15. Its amazing to me that in 2022, after 10+ years of clickbait driving ad sales, that this board is willfully helping line Jerry or Nick or Skips pockets and feeding them the exact attention and clicks that they need. Not even being snarky, its pathetic. Your feelings are being manipulated and used against you. Stop it
  16. The loss of Hyde was a dagger. Our only chance is to fire up a married duo at safety. Rachel Bush gets childrens size 5 game pants. Cant look off a safety if you keep starring
  17. On impact his body folded the exact way a crash dummy looks in seatbelt lol dude got ran over by a car
  18. Stupid is right. LA had 2 dudes absolutely cruuunch baker on 2nd down, for what certainly looked like a game ending sack at the time. Then some moron uninvolved in the play smacked the ball directly in front of the ref to give them a 1st
  19. Dont wonder, it wont, thats not news in 2022. News is to tear people down, and when its done, discarded regardless of what happens
  20. I know this is going to rub some ppl the wrong way, but im now open to 1st rd WR/DE for the draft. Crucial position, would prefer we go up and get the best ones we can. The defensive secondary benefits exponentially with a good pass rush to allow them to be aggressive and cover less time
  21. Yall might get a kick outta this, 100% true and perfect example of how "real" they are as fans. I flew down to Ft Lauferdale to catch a fight with sone buddies this weekend. Great fight, Shaq was there! Anyways this guy walks by our section in a Tua jersey, my buddy calls him over and we talk a little friendly $#@!, I didnt want to be actually hostile so i start AYE AYE AYE AYE chant at the guy, knowing my buddies will pick it up. Spread like wild fire, felt like 25% of arena was in. Saw Bills hats and shirts all night! Cant imagine that ever happening in buff
  22. Cool episode! Im always down for some josh football talk! But i tune in to these for casual shootin the chit vibes, and enjoy how chill qb1 is. Literally lol'd at his ivan drago quote. Josh is truely one of the boys
  23. I dont at all think its good marketing if this is true. If you think regular season is a no- go, playoffs only, you need to be upfront about it, sprinkle optimism on it. If thats not what was conveyed it comes off as dishonest and time wasting.
  24. Dion is a fresh breath. Dont get me wrong i love meatheads in football too, but Dion is kinda dorky and not your typical football personality. Love it lol crazy how much taller he looks, hockey players are pretty damn big too
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