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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Hes a big dumb ape, likeable at times. Hard to stay mad at a kid too busy eating pencil shavings to understand his stereptypical meathead persona. 69 > 3, so today hes cool in my book!
  2. Man i love this. Im in Charlotte, and the ppl i talk to cant relate at all to me. So many "you cant come because theres a game on? watch it on youtube later" "ill never get it, grown men blah blah" "paid too much" ive seen a ton of it in my life and its ramping back up. "bills mafia" has been a great community, im pretty isolated in my state, and when im on the board and watching the games, i feel at home, community. so many ppl from all walks of life reach out to me when theres a good game, or bills news. idk certain ppl choose to avoid the sports community, and thats their choice, but it brings A LOT to me and the ppl i know Hamlins literal miracle has helped me put my problems in perspective, its lead me into leaning back into my faith. i know im not the only one. Coach and the team culture is bringing a lot of ppl to God and putting a shared faith in the community. I know its silly, and it doesnt work like this but Coach deserves Christian of the year lollllllllll im kidding but serious too /rant Whos Lamar Hamlin? 😆
  3. What a dumb soc media post 😆😆😆
  4. Its not. He absolutely has a gripe to pick. Cinci can have a gripe, at same time have shown us some empathy, and not blame buff allllllll at the same time. Which he did, and im not going to let any of it hurt my feelings. They arent mutually exclusive actions
  5. i dont mean this towards you, but i dont let anything change my opinion of them. id be upset if the shoe were on the other foot (once player is outta the woods). theyve been dreaming the same dreams as us since inaugural season, and have had SB winning aspirations the same 12months we have!
  6. Heck no. Gimme a state not in Ohio, regardless of the distance from Buffalo
  7. Does this mean anything about brain damage? I know theres major concerns there too
  8. I cant help but picture dude being at a playoff game in a suite. at the ralph. jumbotron pre-game message or live shot. hope we can get there on both sides of that coin. could you imagine stadium energy, Damar seeing/feeling that, and the juice in the locker-room. It really could be one of the all time great 30 for 30s
  9. Part of me loves it, part of me feels like it would feel like a pity award, but you know what, it can both be deserved and receiver some pity. Its both traumatic, and has been a nightmare of a coaching year. I really think the usual way would go to Siriani, but Seams 100% deserving. i think he'd take a ton of pride in winning it too. Im sold
  10. 3 years ago this week for me, i was involved in gnarly accident. Was struck by a large vehicle, thrown 30 feet, 6-7 surgeries, lost a limb, nasty nasty concussion. I was unconscious for 5 or 6 days. Obviously different physical traumas, but i would guess the public would be surprised how much a victim like that can remember. I didnt remember anything about my accident, where i was/how i got hurt or any of my week in the hospital. Slowly with time, i started getting poloroid snapshots of different moments within that week. Years later i can remember several different clips from that first week. Will be interesting to see him fully recover and maybe get to watch his perception of his accident grow over the years as he tells the story. I half tried to share my perspective, half needed to vent a little here too. The timing of this so near my anniversary, has made me a little bit more raw this week than in past years. So thanks for that ❤️
  11. I thought initially it may have been a concussion that made him fall, and a second one was possible during the fall. Obv bigger concerns now but his head snapping back after fall reminded me of both Tua concussions
  12. I think it will come down to team vibe. If playets come out bouncing, pumping up crowd on 3rd downs, lrt out some visual emotion, cpuld be loudest place has ever been. Could also see team come out flat, would be understandable, and i could see the atmosphere being as flat as the team The fans and players could all benefit from reprieve, and i hope we all get it. I think players will be physically amped to play, but being unprepared after an unfocused week at OBD. JMO
  13. Migjt sporadically see some of this, but also imagine theyre coached to play normal. Freak injuries are more likely imo when players turn off instincts and try to decide at what speed to do things. Would think this cpuld drive some strange non contact stuff
  14. How many of us are right now wishing some trivial thing had altered time to prevent the incident. i.e. different play calling for him to be on sideline. ive wondered if maybe we didnt draft him, none of this wouldve ever happened or been even a concern. maybe hed got banged up in practice and was out this week? something to throw him off this timeline, where even if we didnt know what we avoided, wouldve caused this to never happen.... now think about the red light on the way home from work that pisses you off. or missing a flight, or getting a cold, things that upset us as humans. have to wonder how many near misses or avoided tragedies we've all had. i guess what im getting at is a more grateful outlook, in more of our lives, as humans. life is fragile, hug the ppl around you, even when they annoy or make mistakes. [for the believers in the group] anyone else look at this event and think how many potential players, staff, and fans this could bring closer to God. Im not the best at remembering to pray, reading my Bible, or at being a believer... but i know its stirred up a pretty emotional outpouring in the last 24hrs. How many hurting souls could find comfort from faith now, temporary or full time life changing experiences for these young hurt men. last thing i ever try to do is cram a belief at anyone, but if youre feeling that heartstring being pulled, explore it. Im devastated today, and glad to have this board as an outlet.
  15. this is saying the commotio has a 10% survival rate? have to wonder how skewed stats might be with the bulk of them being young kids. Hamlin is carrying more muscle, hoping it helps support some of the blunt trauma
  16. and witness it versus read second hand edited (wont see the replays we did, probably wont see everyone bawling, guys on all fours, or have to explain to their 7yr old live, why everyone is upset) news about it.
  17. atleast in 200s when i wrestled it was the only sport where injuries increased as athletes gained more experience, backwards curve. def were concussions along the way, not that i knew it at the time... hard to say what effects exactly those have had on me, but was pretty directionless as a kid till i found that sport and the weightroom that went with
  18. I dont want to go too far down this rabbit hole for obv reasons... but how extra insane does that make Raiders look for benching Carr, if theres an extra team. Couldve won Sunday already, add this and seems theyre best fit for that extra wildcard
  19. Cinci can have all the compassion in the world and not like this IMO. Obv it was very early, amd they were winning, looking like they had better stuff. If something happens where Cinci pushes back against this, i think itll be unfair to make them out t9 be the bad guy. Theres just no good answers here. Regardless, Bengals coach has my full respect. I think a lot of coavhes woukd be tempted to accept a forfeit.... seems like he stepped up and "refused to play", helping us avoid an outright forfeit. Glad to see blame deflected at NFL FO, where it belongs
  20. my link was though draftkings, always wondered what books Action is pulling their numbers from.... DK is 54/46
  21. Theres no sure fire way to do it, but this is where I check. Handle %, is dollars being bet one way (100 > $1), where % of bets $1k ticket and $1 ticket carry same weight. The best signal I know to look for sharps $$... if 25% of bet tickets are one way, and they have 50% of the handle, that means the high dollar betters (theoretically "sharps") are betting that side. https://www.vsin.com/betting-resources/daily-betting-insights-for-mlb-nba-nhl/
  22. 54% buff $$, 46% cinci $$...... pretty even
  23. I dont think anyone ever had him labeled as a young Antinio Brown, but a guy who can get open in short space, with his height, and hands, is a redzone target any team would love to have!
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