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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Agreed. I don't care if I get roasted or not. People can both not condone this and believe 'SA' needs to stop being thrown around will nilly. There are degrees of things, and shouldn't all be lumped in together. Stupid stupid move, very likely should cost him some $$, maybe court. But its cheapening to women who have been been forcibly penetrated by fingers or things. Have been physically over powered or weapons used against them to make this happen Then you see 'SA' without any description in the news, and nobody can tell the difference between this and a heinous heinous despicable thing. It cheapens the phrase and takes away all the shock and anger that should be reserved for SA. There's degrees of offenses and victimhoods. Blending 1s in with 10, 5's, 7's, is not doing the victims any favors. Every victim has to be presented as a 10 now. There's tens and zeros, and people are tired of it. Exaggerating these types of claims cheapens all them. The term SA carries less and less weight by the year.
  2. I was severely pissed when I learned what I learned about milk. If you're looking for an excuse to quit it, it won't take much googling. I get a weird kick outta ruining things for ppl, but I don't even have the heart to do it to ppl, when It's been done to me lol and it's ROUGH #milkREDpilled Doesn't even have to be chickens. For example, when I got out of prison and hadnt......jk! (I was never in prison but don't mind smelling change)
  3. are the players who are relaxing at home/on vacation uncommitted to the team too? how is this any different he takes 3-4 days tp pursue other (yet still overlapping) interests
  4. Actually I'm not handing over more slippery slope for the gov't to have even more power over us, that effects our everyday lives, to prevent the once every three years accident. We're headed towards a social credit system pretty fast as it is, and encouraging it too. More govt is never the answer. Less is.
  5. this is why im not on board. its a hard position on the rookies to develop. contrast that to the way receivers been hitting the ground running lately, or the more reliable pick on OL. heck, most TE's arent even doing much until their 3rd year let alone rookie. i get the idea, we just dont have the luxury of a low impact 1st rder
  6. Sign me up for Addison!
  7. Yes we def need government involved in telling adults what kind of car they can or cant get. People get fat too, I think the ATF should install scales at the grocery store for anyone wanting non broccoli items. What should we start mandatory minimum sentences at here? 5-7'ish?
  8. I suspect there's another motive here, than saving $$. Help build comraderie, be more likely to talk shop, have one other there to worry about snitching on the other if they think it's a hookers n blow kinda night lol Are players required to use the rooms given, or can they upgrade If they want, or pay their way out of sharing if they want? I'm guessing no, which brings me back to my first hypothesis
  9. Must be why he catches it once per week. My biggest fear out of him is slightly better than last year. I want him to either boom or bust hard if we're going to entertain any type of contract talk w/ him
  10. Didnt even think of this, 100% no they cant. yikes
  11. Thank you. i fully expect consistent pearl clutching here.... stupid decisions, but no doubt something most HS, college, and adult guys have done... but he didnt "kill his teammate". hes going to have a big fine, and carry this for life mentally, sad for all parties involved. white kid does this and its the good ol boy routine, black kd does it and im reading "thug" all over twitter. im so against the way race card gets thrown around now, its lost all meaning, but this fits it to a T
  12. Who hasn't raced and sped. My only real problem here, as far as a character concern, is if he knew the teammate was drunk. That changes things for me. Sad story, kids mistake no doubt. We're there prev character concerns?
  13. When basically your whole line is trash it's gunna take more than one offseason to build a dangerous line. We'd be doing well to get to above average this offseason, so adding a powerful back would be very helpful. Don't care if we do it in the draft or through FA, but we can't roll in with only Cook and Hines... and Hines isn't a given
  14. Condoms, seat belts and bicycle helmets don't look very cool, yet every 20yr old wears those right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiighttttttttt
  15. Shoplifting , sexual harassment, mehhhhh pretty much a wash 🤷‍♂️ /s
  16. I hate all the new names as much as anyone else, and Guardians is stupid, but I think the split finger logo is cool!
  17. wuttttttt lol are you talking the reg season game that nobody cares about?
  18. one little typo really changes a wholeeeeeeee lot here lol
  19. obv a lot younger, and im sure that call has been made a bunch, but "shot heard round the world" will always make me think of game 1 (or 2?, whichever was sabres 1st W of series) Sabres v Stars Stanley Cup game winner. Jason Wooley overtime, it couldnt be more etched in my brain where i was
  20. Love Poyer, if thats the best place for him i hope it happens. Every one of us knows or is (🙋‍♂️) multiple ppl who left buffalo. Usually its sun related, with taxes being a close 2nd. Dudes always been a warrior and ill cheer for him anywhere he goes
  21. Yes thats logically what anyone here would argue for, whether for or against the idea, everybodyyyyy would be on the same page. But dont let that stop you from over simplifying things
  22. were not discussing morality here. were talking talent on the field and being healthy
  23. funnt that the ppl defending him are commonly using watson, murray, and wilson as comparable situations lol i agree, but not for the reasons they think
  24. i think its very telling that he cant get a hc sniff, chiefs win 2nd sb under him and theyre ready to let him walk this easy. where theres fire theres fire
  25. yep great thing to set the mechanics of for all the kids in karate. learn it young and its engrained in
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