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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. maybe he shouldnt have f**** his team and teammates and played in the game that everyone knows he couldve played in. dude lost $$ not signing prev offer. then, all he had to do was not quit on his team and likely wouldve got the same offer. now the balls in their court, he looks like a me first quitter, and when you offer him another contract, it has to be lower (at the least aint going up, no way). dummy is going to be stuck playing on franchise tag, orrrrrrrr hold out, and amplify his stupid mistakes (what i think he does). boy that market next year, after not playing and getting another year older, should really pump his market (/s) its leveon bell x2, all over again
  2. not that the owners are above collusion, but theyre too greedy to all lock him out. some team would cross the boycott line and offer him a deal for less than what he was offered last season. win the bid, great for the team (factoring in the pics). If you lose, oh well, not your problem
  3. drug fueled paranoia and general disregard for others are my guesses. its not like he lives in the hood to be paranoid. looked like a rich suburban neighborhood. even more "laughable" if its a gated community if this was him, 0 chance he ever plays again. this is an escalation VERY similar to hernandez, except very in the open. if/when he kills someone, while on a new contract, with a new team, itd jeopordize not only that franchise but maybe the entire league... plus hes past his prime. juice =/= squeeze
  4. i remember structuring it in a way they couldnt match but dont remember specifically that. holy smokes
  5. i was too young to remember it, but this sounds like that 90's OL buff lost to indy. remember reading that loopholes been covered, so doubtful, but A+ for creativity
  6. if thats the argument then im ok with that as well. s*** or get off the pot. i think were above average, not elite, but am ok w/ either taking the next step or being exposed. i dont want to be stuck in divisional round purgatory. a tougher division could sharpen
  7. Dear God i hope he doesnt have Cynthia Freulands phone number 😲
  8. Leveraging them to what? I don't understand any of this? Hes done 1 year of a 2 year contract correct? I understand gb gave him permission to seek a trade, but where is there leverage? I'm assuming gb hopes he has awesome meetings somewhere to maximize compensation
  9. I cant look at his season state line. Going off against a bad pit team juiced tf out of his stats. His contribution to the team in many games was invisible. Give me the same final stat numbers but consistency game in and out. And nobody's complaining. Catch the damn ball, don't go invisible
  10. have twitter links in here sucked for everyone lately? i cant see the posts in here. today suddenly, i try to copy and paste the link into browser and get this??? just me?
  11. have to think that eagles wingspan inside is more disruptive than on the edge. not an all the time thing, but situationally very nice
  12. yeah this was 100% party of schefty joke https://twitter.com/LeroyInsider/status/1632751021645606914
  13. this is pft? doesnt look like his acct. if it is, id very much dismiss it as 99.9% tom-foolery lol especially afte schefter tried dooping him on Lamar to WASH edit: checked the clip of todays episode he literally said "we should just report it, its a 50/50 shot" lollllllllllllllllll
  14. Anyone have a good link that goes in on a bit of deep dive on 2 te sets? i found some all22 clips of gronk/ah, but would like a breadkdown of sorts
  15. theyre clearly heading towards a full rebuild whether they like it or not, seems like theyre finally admitting it. rumors of moving ramsey, stafford approaching retirement. donald is getting up there in age. i wouldnt factor this in too much. side note, will Snead learn to value draft picks now? not at all talking him down, he set a goal and accomplished it. just interesting to think about a guy whos traded more picks than anyone ever, now having to do the inverse
  16. Absolutely clamoring for a trade down in that scenario. It'll hurt less if we go defense after a trade down, and they're bpa at a pos of need But defense is a diminished return in this league. I take a B+ off player over an A defensive player. Depending on situation maybe even B over an A. Not because of need, but the way nfl rules have gone and continue to go. Is what it is
  17. I dunno, hes got a bit of that "baker feeling slighted" juice. not saying he wont cash a check and sign out, but wouldnt shock me to see him light the league on fire either (especially with an ol heavy draft (which i expect). only a season removed from mvp does he have one of those - college player coming back for another year type policies?
  18. One on hand I think his play picked up this year, and I think it improves next year. On the other hand, how much of that is Daboll? A "boost" he could apply to a rookie or FA? On the third hand, 45m lol I think it's posturing. I think 30m isn't unreasonable in this market, would feel high this year, and aight within 2 years, maybe even slight bargain. If I was NY and liked him I'm drawing a hard line at 30m and if he won't meet it, welcome the opportunity to draft a guy
  19. Perfect. Dude just looks better than everyone else. His Playing speed looks to be much higher, never would've guessed 4.5 for him
  20. Lol cmon was this real?
  21. Agreed. I don't care if I get roasted or not. People can both not condone this and believe 'SA' needs to stop being thrown around will nilly. There are degrees of things, and shouldn't all be lumped in together. Stupid stupid move, very likely should cost him some $$, maybe court. But its cheapening to women who have been been forcibly penetrated by fingers or things. Have been physically over powered or weapons used against them to make this happen Then you see 'SA' without any description in the news, and nobody can tell the difference between this and a heinous heinous despicable thing. It cheapens the phrase and takes away all the shock and anger that should be reserved for SA. There's degrees of offenses and victimhoods. Blending 1s in with 10, 5's, 7's, is not doing the victims any favors. Every victim has to be presented as a 10 now. There's tens and zeros, and people are tired of it. Exaggerating these types of claims cheapens all them. The term SA carries less and less weight by the year.
  22. I was severely pissed when I learned what I learned about milk. If you're looking for an excuse to quit it, it won't take much googling. I get a weird kick outta ruining things for ppl, but I don't even have the heart to do it to ppl, when It's been done to me lol and it's ROUGH #milkREDpilled Doesn't even have to be chickens. For example, when I got out of prison and hadnt......jk! (I was never in prison but don't mind smelling change)
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