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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Barkley strikes me as much smarter than Bell, having seen him talk on a limited basis. On the same hand dude knows better than most, careers can be over in the flash of an eye. This is the perfect time to play this card and not mean it Chance to drive up that guaranteed $$, as he should I think theres a 0% chance he sits out. Most likely he resigns, or maybe the best option sign and trade deal Schoen has to have the appearance of fielding most competitive team, but its not really in their best interest to give out a max RB deal He should see what compensation looks like and let Barkley get the bag elsewhere.
  2. Yeah he's a HS coach. Moonlighting as a security guard makes a bunch of sense for a guy like that. The dudes hes standing around are all huge, and hes bigger than them. The face looks spot on but could be wrong. Just thought it was interesting
  3. @ the 52 second mark theres a long dread security guard... i havent heard what hes up to but i saw tyhis guys frame hair and face and it looks a helluva lot like Jasper. What yall think? Fight was somewhere in Florida (shocker i know)
  4. live footage of monahan https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtKG5iJsEOa/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D&fbclid=IwAR39u-ok7TUtzakwzYwa24iJz082YPxfPUALlFdIUm_k622IePD445lfz3k
  5. Shoulder too. Dude couldn't put his arm out straight. Looked bordering on dislocating. As a 1 armed man, how tf you gunna push 300lb brick walls around like that? U aint
  6. The gambling addiction is probably scarier than a drug addiction. Gamblers can blow an infinite amount of money in a night or 3hr window...even the best drug addicts are capped on how much they can drop in a day.
  7. why would anyone agree to work for a crack smoking, borderline personality disorder'd, dirtball lol How much these coaches making $50k/year, but youre going to get 2 checks and get fired (these checks bouncing? lol)
  8. 9 Rb's />/ 2 Rb's lol i dunno wtf theyre doing but idc
  9. specifically coke + gambling is an extra nasty combo. never heard of this dude before now, but he gives artie lange a run for his money as degenerate gambler/addict
  10. none of the food surprised me except the honey. these guys have much better insulin sensitivity than the average dude though. the honey would have me falling asleep by the 2nd quarter lol
  11. literally may be the most normal thing about dude. keep waiting to hear he sleeps upside down hanging by his ankles Beanes interview today was awesome. Seeing him on Pat is about the closest youll get to seeing what hes like to drink a beer with
  12. lol! we have a similar type one around here. Might be Eichel's first name or very similar lol maybe it got updated, but i remember it making me laugh
  13. Who are they sparring him damage from though? lol his family? Like other GMs are going to think he wasnt fired lol getting fired is hardly a death sentence anyway. Good coordinators get fired non stop. Glad we did him classy I guess, seems like a good dude, loved in locker room, but a move that needed to be done. Ill be cheering for him elsewhere
  14. Felt most relevant here. This didnt seem like much of an issue just a year ago, but has Terry ever spoke about Succession plan before? Kim obviously is much younger than him, Im sure that was the plan. God forbid the worst thing happens with Kim, but regardless, sounds like she wouldnt have the ability to carry on the team. Terry is 72. Seems fairly healthy from what we know, but no spring chicken. Hopefully its a non issue for a long time. But has he ever said anything about one of the daughters eventually inheriting? Can see a lot of pain in his eyes from todays presser. Respectfully, I hope some type of plan has been drafted up.
  15. Who? Wanna throw him on the radar I've been very surprised to see so many speaking highly of Shorter as a receiving prospect? Sincere question. Why? 5th rder, nothing jumps out at me, is it just the big frame? He seems like a dude who only makes roster bc of STs and only plays few snaps outside of injury bugs.
  16. Edmunds balled out last year. The elevated play was the payoff as sometimes certain players are gunna get picked off by weaker teams that will overpay. Would've been perfectly content to see big Ed ball out, help us win a Chip and get the Cleveland and Arizonas of the world pay him $18-$20m andddddd maybe get a comp pick
  17. I honestly couldn't tell you what his stat line looked like last year. I know it wasn't anything sexy. Strictly going off the eyeball test. There are plays where he throws the switch and looks like he made up his mind ahead of time, he's getting penetration and nobody is stopping him!!! Even whole games like that. But I know for dammit sure he doesn't do it consistently. I dunno If he's out of shape, too small, lazy and coasting through whole series, but it's easy to see. As far as the injuries thing, that's fair and lineman are always banged up.... but if you're banged up so hard, so often, that you look that inconsistent, I'm not one to hold my breath and wait for a storm of perfect conditions that he can perform in. Really my BIGGEST problem here. We had a year to dangle a carrot in front of him, and force him to try or get in better shape or focus purely on his craft, whatever it takes to get that payday he was talking about on Twitter.... and now we'll never see that. Hoping he has a great year, but we stood to benefit a lot by keeping that carrot a yard in front of his face.
  18. Diggs hates losing. Dude doesnt care about the ball if were winning, winning is fun. Also, Ive never seen Hopkins b-word about targets. Maybe I missed it, but the % we throw the ball, there are ZERO ZERO ZERO issues with having two #1 WR's All the Hopkins bad mouthing sounds like people who think we have no chance and are pre justifying it. "Dude have you seen Megan Fox's thumbs.... I could never! Gross"
  19. flashing big games and then disappearing is not the type i want to invest in. i cant stomach giving big $$ to overly inconsistent players
  20. This is the part that somehow is even worse than the $17m aav Thought hed have a monster year for sure.... i sincerely dont see that happening now
  21. Only freaking way this is even remotely tolerable
  22. That's how Dean Cain got hurt in Buff too wasn't it?
  23. How wild lol in the 70s this sounds like the equivalent of Josh returning kicks (which admittedly sounds kinda fun if Injuries are turned off)
  24. I know, very late to the party, but just started the doc. I was born in 88, so OJ was wayyyyyyy before my time, hell my parents were infants. Very good series so far, Im through part 1 of 4 or 5. I knew OJ as the murderer for a decade as one thing only before I knew he was even a Bill. Here's a few random thoughts. 1. Had no clue college sports were as big as they were at that time. Part of it is growing up in the Northeast, were about our pro teams...... been in the south since early 2020, and its opened a whole new world to me, where college is in the driver seat. 2. The guy doesnt seem well liked by many. I never understood "OJ Simpson, still not a Jew" in Adam Sandlers song, i get it now lol he rebuked Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown, im sure it wasnt universal, but he lost his black audience fairly early it seems. 3. He wasnt very good his first 2 years it seems. Took a good coach and Electric Company (had known this) to turn on the Juice 4. Dude was ready to step away from the game very early to pursue Hollywood.... weird to me, as it seems that was there waiting for him. Was Hollywood money that much larger at the time? Must not have had good people in his corner advising him That's all I have till part 2 tmrw. Feel free to chime in!
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