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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. im a glass half full guy, but a ton of us said the same last year. verdict still out, and im not down on that class per say, but they didnt live up to the expectations of this time last year. fingies crossed
  2. Athletic says they practice today and switch to full pads
  3. LSU has some brand new gnarly AC'd helmets. i dont think theyre legal for NFL in quick article i saw, but players loved em and we better be figuring out how we can use or modify them so we can use them
  4. Justice in this country hasn't been about rehabilitation at any point since I was born. I resent that because she's a female, suddenly there's a different standard here. What she did ruined this man's life in a way (no matter what), and had she fully succeeded, would've COMPLETELY destroyed his life, and we never would've known any different. This "thing" (can't even call it a crime, insane) she did, is actually fairly common in our society, with no consequences. How many innocent dudes we'll never know about behind bars, and life destroyed when they get out. It really muddies the water for every sex crime. All this for money (and/or clout)? This is probably top 5 reprehensible things a single human could do in 2023. Yes, as a man specifically, this is infuriating. Should (and likely is in some circles) be equally infuriating to real victims
  5. Really theres not many things scarier than a false accusation. Im fairly certain most of us men were taught at a very young age, the situations you avoid to protect yourself from something like that. Prior to being a teen I understood clearly things like: when youre in a room full of people and a bunch of those people leave to a different room, and its just you and a girl you dont know.......... you get up and move from that room. I certainly hope everyone here is having convos with their sons like this. We're taught to be afraid and vigilant of this from pre-teen age, because its a scary prospect, that could include incarceration, violence from a relative/boyfriend, permanent name tarnish, and no good way to prove you didnt. OF COURSE DUDES ARE GUNNA BE ANGRY ABOUT A FALSE ACCUSATION, AS THEY SHOULD BEEEEEEE
  6. The Cover1 guy had an interesting take on this. Our "offer" is: come showcase in a top offense, no new deal, but something in writing we wont slap a franchise tag on him. Do i want this? Yes. Will it happen? Also no, but my gummy is kickin' in... check back in an hour Dude how mad are you if you're Ballard tonight! lol everything is fine waking up, then by afternoon Jim 'OxyContin30' Irsay kicks down your door with a ---hold muh beeer
  7. Not me. I hope she lives a dreadful life. If he'd been found guilty people would've been calling for a bullet, (deservedly so). To subject someone to thaaat, in the name of money or "fame" is equally as low as what he was accused of. All the same people calling for him to be put down in the street are gunna be the same ones praying she gets off easy, because of her sex. Hope she eats nothing but Ramen and wears lost and found clothes the rest of her life, and that's getting off pretty damn easyyyyyy
  8. reminds me of Adrian Peterson. last years concerning but that line was atrocious, hope he bounces back cause hes fun to watch
  9. Interesting. Dudes going to get paiddd. Was by far my fav RB prospect to come out in a long time, absolute menace. Obv no room to sign him (nor great use of cap space) but man he'd be the perfect #1 back for this offense. Anyone thinks he gets traded (i know not to us, this isnt Get Er Dunnn post)? Where are his most likely landing spots?
  10. This plus they can get an eye on emergency signings for later in season. A lot of hand wringing over nothing. Best case- he looks like he could push bottom of roster. Worst case- rash string of injuries on a short week, and we have a ranked list of possible WRs to reach out to for emergency.
  11. "What do you think Gabe fetches? A 3rd? A 4th?" Man im just about the biggest Gabe hater on the board, he was god awful last year and i think a huuuuuge reason for our 3 & outs/short series.... but i just hate him in the role of a #2.... he makes for a good target #3 imo. Theres no freaking way Im trading him away for a 4th or less, i proli turn down a 3rd rder too. Would much rather keep a weapon (#3 option), and let him willingly walk in FA next year, before trading him! Side note, even in doing that we can get feelers out on his value and decide if hes worth a tag & trade deal next offseason, and at least have that route as an insurance policy, AFTER having retained his services this year. Ideally see a Peerless Price type situation happen AFTER we snag a ring!
  12. i mean i guess its the smart thing, but that doesnt matter one bit. if BB leaves or if he stays, it will have 0.0000 to do with mac freaking jones lol
  13. Better take his keycard to the room with the opiates first ! lol
  14. The bulk of Josh's run yards come on scrambling. The defense is spread out by that point, he has good vision of where defenders are at, he can escape to a sideline or slide. I realize he doesn't always do the best job at it, but generally these plays seem safe, and he's in control of what contact he takes. I love the scrambling, he has green light from me to take off when it makes sense. Do a better job getting down. Now the designed runs are opposite of all this. They should never happen unless in redzone and dire, and occasionally on a critical 4th down. Outside of RZ and critical 4ths, this needs to leave playbook fully
  15. yikes. hope we meet in the middle. hate the agents posturing... its not about the $$ with us, its about the same cap 31 other teams are against. your client was on a jetski, and your posturing for hardball $2.5m after 48hrs. fly a kite dude. i like hines, but take a meet in the middle sum, and collect that lost $$ through the insurance policy these players usually have on their bodies (i think)
  16. thats a lot of dough.... who they getting? cause thats not safety net- in season $$
  17. youre looking at this way too short term, like the league might fold by 2030 lol not to mention they have to spend it one way or another. they going to improve their value by handing other positions that $$? but yes, the billionaires are certainly the dumb ones 🤣
  18. Weird. I'm from Buffalo and came here right before pandemic. I definitely don't feel like people here are dumb/uneducated. It is a nice town, still blows me away how nice and genuine people are, bit of a culture shock coming from NY. Definitely plenty of access to mountains and Charlotte is an easy 55minute drive. You can drive there during rush hour doing 70 and not touch the brakes once, really nice highway system. I'd like to eventually get to a town with a similar feel that's 20-30mins from Charlotte, but absolutely love this state!
  19. Yeah this WILL catch up to him, it's not an "if". Maintaining insulin sensitivity is huge for body composition. Also body composition can stay looking top shape but If you aren't taking in vitamins minerals micronutrients, your body doesn't just go without them. It will eat tissues to get and use them. Can be dangerous. Can and will pull them from muscle tissue, organs, possibly even tendons.
  20. im not at all surprised it did/can happen, i guess i always assumed it was an off the books type thing. to involve a lawyer and contract sounds pretty wild/borderline illegal.... not saying it is, just SEEMS like it would be
  21. The most interesting thing to me here is confirming that bribes to recant are alive and well in the NFL. We see it all the time. Mixon comes to mind, tyreek, proli better examples. But we hear "money fixes all" and I took it with a grain of salt that a direct cash for recant was really possible or happening, and yeppppp. Would be interesting to go back through previous cases of this and see times where the victims statements sound exactly what I just read requested of this one
  22. "Baltimore Bullets" lol im farrrrrr from PC/political but that absolutely can not be done lol that place is a literal warzone day to day, but if were going this route: I like Washington Raw-Dimebaggers Longshot ticket on: Norfolk Omar's(Coming)
  23. I hope they let Hines take those returns, otherwise, why is he on this roster? Also, hope to see Harty focus on WR and staying healthy. I think hes a nice piece we've been missing. HR hitter and YAC guy potential through the roof. We paid him on potential, but the market was bare, contract is incentive and escapable after a year. Exactly the type im glad to see Beane take a HR swing on hitting.
  24. have to remember cook was in the dog house first 50-75% of the season too. he'll have a ton more touches by just averaging his late year touches through a full season
  25. Save the lecture for someone else. It's normal and it doesn't scream whatever made up disease your spouting off about. Does everyone do 140? No, they literally cant. People do 100miles an hour in their moms beat up minivan/truck/beater all the time! Actually that's a helluva lot more wreckless than this, in old vehicles not designed to do this. That car can run from 55 to 140 in few seconds on the gas. Doubt he had the cruise control set lol It's not ideal, and if caught again would be a major concern. Jumping to he's a bad kid and a selfish person, is dumb. Virtue signal your job thing elsewhere, everyone knows cars/speeding is dangerous. They're more than free to cut him 🤷‍♂️ 31 other teams wouldn't mind
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