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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. On the Josh side of things, I stand by a concussion during that GB game also. That play his head snapped back, and thats literally when the weird INTs started. Weve never seen him make mistakes consistently like that. The UCL injury certainly didnt help from there. If im wrong, then Josh starting throeing unforced errors at an astronomical rate, and if it continues we have bigger problems than any coach coordinator gm or player can solve. We g2 solve the problems we can, weve upgraded from Saffold, and possibly Bates. I think we take a swipe at RT in the draft. Dorsey has to make a jump year 2 or we move on. Not much we can do to "upgrade" at this point Lets keep Josh healthy, get back to that quick hit offense. Gabes drops sucked, no doubt. Even if he had 0 drops last year, 55 catches is not getting it done as a #2 Ideal scenario, you bring in another stud outside WR, move Diggs into slot, and we've upgraded 2 positions at once. We can afford to let Gabe be a deep threat when our other 2 WR's are workhorses moving the chains. Plus hes drawing a weaker corner now.
  2. We need to upgrade from Davis either way. A WR who needs a 30yd route worth of space to have a chance at getting open is not doing an OL or anyone else favors. He's a 1 trick pony. We've worked on the OL, we'll continue to do that. Josh had a weird year Im not worried about repeating. OC either gets better or leaves, but a WR with 1 route certainly isnt making his job easier. Gabes performance made all the others you listed have harder jobs. I dont hate the guy, but i HATEEEEEE him as a #2. The offense looked amazing w/ the quick hitters, then you have a #2 that can only run the deep ball. Its not a fit. How are we supposed to run a quick hit offense w/ a #2 WR that catches under 50 balls a year
  3. Gabe literally disappeared in about 9 of 16 games. I dont understand how anyone is missing this. He made Josh and Diggs job infintely harder, basically playing a half season 10 v 11
  4. Only thing that makes sense to me too. Due diligence never does harm. Plus they build rapport with guys for down the road like this. Its a good practice in general
  5. A tale as old as time. If you pretend you dont want something to happen, then it doesnt happen it cant hurt you. Personally, I find supermodels personalities to be shallow and uninteresting... Thats why I won't date one
  6. I dont see how trade a few day 3 picks stops us from doubling down on the offense w/ OL picks, or undoes the two OL we already signed. To me acquiring Hopkins means higher chance we go OL earlier in the draft than if we dont get him.
  7. I dont think either is true. Jeaudy is still a huge quest mark, drops balls, is likely more interested in $$ after a season than a ring so even if it works out who knows if he can be signed. Theres literally no indication Hop is slowing down, hes not a burner, never has been, his game should age in late career similar to the way Diggs should. Not to mention Jeudy plays mostly in the slot, Hopkins is outside where we need the depth. W/ Dhop, you go him and Gabe outside, Diggs in slot, and upgrade 2 positions at once. Jeudy doing that is a lot more murky at being able to do that. Might just be adding a 4th slot guy at this point lol They just dont remotely compare to me
  8. How does this random erie county bulls guy have info nobody else does it's weird? Came outta nowhere, has no followers. Without looking that tells me he's never broke anything prev to Edward's. I want him to be right, it's just suspect
  9. Comparing losing an elderly gramma to a 21yr old younger brother, to unnatural causes (especially if it was the 'worst' one) is beyond silly. It's a d*** thing to even imply. Knox needs to perform this year no doubt, but good Lord @Rags get a grip dude.
  10. 3% kept and promoting some crackhead gym >> 3% less and having, I dunno, actual advertisements. Dudes gunna end up sitting out the year. He should call up Leveon, then again he clearly refuses advice from everyone
  11. Anyone have a few extra xannies? I'm trying not to F5 all night lol
  12. What are you science nerds doing. This is a place of d*** & fart jokes. Have some respect!
  13. 100% this. He popped dirty in Nov 2021. The month before he had recurring hamstring issues, the month after is when the MCL tear happened. Im not sure if the knee was something that nagged before it finally went, or if that was a sudden onset injury from 1 play. Either way the dirty piss was dead middle of injuries that suck With only a 2 week detection time, the Cardinals being 8-2 at the time, I think he rolled the dice trying to get healthy before a playoff run. Respectable if you ask me. Its a giant NBD
  14. exactly. how bad could a rebuild be with josh allen? win a sb, and 2 years later have to go 9-8? fine, still a fun year worst case we keep josh, make sure we have a solid line in front of him, and skill players come and go. id rather be stacked obv, but our floor is better than our old ceiling PUSH THE CHIPS IN
  15. idk kinda looked like a stupid sponsorship of some grocery chain i havent heard of, and there was just a thread on the guy
  16. i HATED that first half..... but that second half has me in the throws of ecstasy. Ive been edged enough i might accidentally say ILU lol maaybe ill just go neck tat? keep it classy
  17. im permanently suspended from twitter LOL anyone know if this is real ed kilgore? or a guy with a blue square and 3 followers
  18. I don't disagree with your line of thinking. But for me it's 1 in the hand, 2 in the bush
  19. Sorry to ruin that Hulk Hogan poster on your wall. He's still the man!
  20. Lol thats aight, kind of a niche interest. Detection times are low for ostarine, ~2 weeks. Pretty easy to squeak by for most players. Theres a dead space in the offseason where players can get away with a lot more. He failed his test Nov 2021. The month before he was fighting off hamstring pull, and the month after failed test is when he tore his MCL. If i had to guess he toook a calculated risk taking it in season to help out with the hammy or maybe the knee bothering him before he tore it. Cards were 8-2 around the time he got popped and they looked like a good team. Late season, playing through, gearing up for a playoff run (sorta, lost in WC to Rams in that game Murray looked horrendous). None of this says consistent PED user because the game is passing him by. But im just an internet guy with some niche interests lol so people can take it for what its worth
  21. I cant remember exactly what it was but i remember it being a peptide (dude wasnt running a cycle), and i think it was a growth hormone secretagogue EDIT: ostarine (mk2866), its a SARM. its an androgen, mimics testosterone. You'll see studies saying its great for gaining lean muscle, these studies are almost always on AIDS patients, I dont see these being over relevant here. In the bodybuilding community it is seen as a very very mild compound. Bang for the buck, most guys arent bothering with it for size or strength (you can do much better for cheaper with test or other compounds). Its taken orally. The general consensus in the community is pretty much this: I now everyone hates hearing this but these types of compounds are RAMPANTTTTTTTTTT in the NFL. These guys bodies take a pounding in games, practice, add cardio and strength training outside normal hours. Its endless. As these guys age, a mild SARM or growth secretogue can make joints tendons feel better to keep up with those routine, take less Veteran rest days etc etc. It is what it is, a giant nothing burger. The guys that grew up thinking Hulk Hogan got that way eating veggies and a balanced breakfast will never believe it, and thats fine. DHOP got overly aggressive in his regiment, or took risks using this stuff within a timeline he shouldnt have been. Just a guy grinding through a tough injury, doing everything to get back out there as fast as possible and healthy. Its a very very low concern IMO
  22. Can anyone confirm this? Ive never heard it and it sounds insane. Maybe this is for drugs, but that doesnt even sound right. This sounds like NHL's rec drugs policy to me
  23. yep, doesnt fit a rebuild really. and even if he did, its a dogfart start as a first piece
  24. i like the signing, makes a ton of sense, but is it just me or does giving up 6 sacks and being good enough for 6th best, sound like a lot???
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