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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. I'll solve this for you. They may and likely do test for it, but intentionally do it in a way they will get the negative test results that they want. Nobody has EVER been suspended for HGH use , not a single game. They might pull blood samples and test none of them, I dunno what they do, but they would immediately lose 50% of the league literally (or higher) lol HGH is great for the sport. Nobody is getting an on field boost, its just keeping them on the field or getting them back to it faster. Longer injury times does nothing to help the game.
  2. Singletary was far from a power back, but i was a fan of his game last year. He was shifty and surprisingly tough at the end of runs last year, he really upped his game. That said, Im a much bigger fan of the new tandem, moss was ass
  3. Are they allowed to wear it in game though? Haven't seen it? They could paint one up to make it blend better, would be good for the kid
  4. Pats been known to play up injuries lol Von better lawyer up
  5. Im flabberghasted that anyone would try to make the point youre responding to here. Yes, as we all know, And1 Mixtape football is what wins championships lol Ill be the first to advocate for Josh to become a dink n dunk QB! The teams and QBs that have done that have done it, consistently, moving the ball up and down the field. Brady did it for a decade! Every team knew thats what was coming, and there was 10years of tape on it, yet couldnt stop it. Josh being able to snap off 40yard runs is the icing, not the cake.
  6. when u have a limped arm qb throwing the rock, who needs separation lol need a WR who can either manhandle his way to the ball or play DB for the down
  7. Thiiiiiiiiiiiis. Let the man plaay and learn zone, but dont fully ignore his natural strengths. He can play man with the rest of the D in zone at times, and should!
  8. Shakir is interesting as well. Year 2 earns a lot more trust with this staff, and we saw flashes. Nobody is saying any of these guys are 100catch, 1000yrds, but they dont need to be that to upgrade the offense. Reall hoping were more efficient, quick, methodical, dink dunk drives. Theres no reason we shouldnyt excel at it. I dont want boom or bust offense. Methodical, reliable style , that can be replicated week to week. Not this HR or strike out BS from last year
  9. How freaking sad, but i cant think of a more noble death than dying while trying to save your family! Tip of the cap, and RIP to the man Did the wife and kid make it?
  10. Seeing the complaining about the holding is irritating to me. You play the game the refs allow and push the limits. How many playoff games have we seen KC hold the livin isht out of us...... no flags, it was effective, we lost......... We need to replicate it. Experiment, figure out the sweet spot for the crew refing the game. Yes, literally study tape on on what each crew is calling or not ^^ this is a two sided coin. teach our CBs how to play playoff football. teach our WR's how to overcome it. Swipe them freaking hands off you with a violent forearm. Not only get used to being physical, seek it out, make it your advantage. Make other teams dread playing you, we're gunna bang you up, and you can cry to the refs while youre down 2 scores
  11. As respectfully I can ask, I've seen the report. There were H rumors coming outta Arkansas. Insane. He drop to 3rd rd? Was absolutely in the camp of get er done. If he was born 10-15yrs earlier, he would been a helluva lot more successful.
  12. hard to be a chain mover or a #2, while averaging 2 catches a game... anybody defending Gabe looks at his season stats the way a kid looks at the back of cards. its embarrassing
  13. This is a bad metric to compare Gabe to DHOP. "First down %", Gabe is only good for deep routes, so this stat doesnt really mean much for him post lol
  14. I expect a nice year outta Bernard. The flashes are there on his college tape. He got picked knowing he'd need to bring his size up (planned red-shirt all along), which is much easier to do than a player that struggles with the mental. Cant wait to see a bunch of posters get their nose rubbed in their mess after it happens too.
  15. LOL! I enjoy you being here, appreciate the effort.... but man youre MS Painting a bullseye on your back here hahaha these remind me too much of the early 00's disaster unis we wore. when i see someone wearing the white Bledsoe, i assume theyre homeless and dangerous lol!
  16. All this is dumb anyways.... but for Ceedee? No way! $45m dead cap to acquire a dude whos contract is going to demand more than Diggs makes? lol throw in Micah Parsons and a free night with a Cowgirl of my choosing, and we'll talk. I'll even send a conditional 7th if I last over 5.25mins lol
  17. if im not mistaken theyve used a very similar logo back in the day
  18. Shocking thing to think about if you dig a little...... Either A, he's unaware completely (howwwww???) B. He's aware and his cognitive ability to sniff that out was completely non existent. How many of us in the same situation would've caught ourselves before we said that?! Pretty solid example of where his head space is at
  19. I sincerely dont think hed have any problem with it at all. Dude could have less targets /game, and end up with 20ypg more and a few extra tuddies. Plus the time frame he was pissed is when the offense was sputtering and we looked sloppy. If we were cranking out TDs non-stop, I dont think wed hear a peep. The only real risk IMO, is if somehow DHOP didnt mend well with the Off, Diggs targets look similar, and offense sputters like it did again. Seems HIGHLYYYYY unlikely to happen IMO. Diggs can no longer be double teamed or fully gameplanned out.
  20. The injury history isnt as significant as it appears strictly on paper. Will it work out? Hopefully, but if you dig below surface of injuries, they arent anywhere near as significant as posters writing 'hes played in x of y games stats.' That said, Im 100% on board with make Hop Happen!
  21. HOLY-CHIT LOLLLLLLLL Best comment award goes to: “We also asked Lamar Jackson which former Raven he’d least like to share an elevator with”
  22. Especially messed up because thats the **gasp** bartenders love child 😨 Dang, beat me to it
  23. You wonder? Not attacking you or anyone else personally, but we gotta stop taking the bait hook, line, sinker. We're being manipulated into lining this guys pockets, and then to make it worse, we're calling attention to everyone "HEYYYYYYY THERES CHEESE OVER HERE EVERYONE!!!!!!" Gollie does it piss me off imagine him smirking and laughing at "the Buffalo Simpletons", as he walks to the ATM for a max withdrawal Ignore him completely. Dont click a link, dont like, certainly dont comment on it or draw anyone elses attention to it. The dude sucks, and he doesnt even have those delectable milk monsters around on his show anymore. Seriously those were the best... but this... this is a post-gym nuts*ck sandwich. I dont want a bite and i dont want to watch anyone else eat it either!
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