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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. legit question, zero sarcsasm -seriously. Where have you seen this? Because Ive seen nothing but the opposite. Grasping at anything thats resembles hope for competency at this point
  2. Theyre only going to enforce it to their benefit, not their detriment.
  3. Even if this analysis is correct, who cares whos wrong? You can be right all you want, but its going to do any good if you cant get anyone to buy in. Are his odds better at changing the entire league, or him adapting to something that works. Why try to be smarter when you can just yell louder lol would anyone on this board want a boss like that? Is a boss like that going to make you better or disgruntled
  4. You mean to tell me if you follow all the smoke long enough, you'll find a fire? Truly shocking! I really thought that literally half the league (well 15 teams per article) decided to gang up and not hire him, for no reason at all?!?! The days of getting a HC job by being the biggest blowhard are long gone. With the McDaniels, McVays, and Kyle Shanahans of the league rising up, is anyone surprised that waterboarding your guys with vinegar isnt catching any flys lol the fact that he can't evolve with the trend tells me (and 15 teams) that he's too dug in to change. The games changing more then ever, you need to be able to adapt better.
  5. I think you're asking great questions despite the flak you're getting. For as dumb as you're being treated, these are the same questions that Von, McBeane, and Dr. 1BillsDrive are all asking 👍👍👍 I think asking these, especially with the notion of 'genuinely asking, open to learning' is great. The people giving you a hassle are saying it because it's always been said... and it might still be true, but the evolution of this sport will always continue. "Because it's always been done this way" is the correct answer, till it's not. The science will keep pushing and pushing and repeating this question, until it changes. The monetary resources being dumped into evolving injuries in the sport is absurd. The first team to find a different answer here will have a huge advantage over everyone else! It might start with Von, might be 100years from now, but in no way are we at the final stage of how to help players recover. Science and medicine is rad 🤙
  6. Would be H(u)GH(e), but wouldn't surprise me. "Genetic freak" can really help amplify any extracurricular science lol Dude has probably met the top CRISPR scientists in the world. We're proli a decade away from a 3 legged 400lb DE going #1 overall 🤣🤣🤣 I'm here for it!! Yep. If it's 100% cleared, using a few weeks to ramp him up is more beneficial than sitting on his arse IMO
  7. yep. with our secondary im all for bend dont break style. dont get beat by the pass, and make teams have more plays/drive to get into scoring range (as opposed to 15-20yard chunk drives)... the more plays needed to move the chains, the better chance we have at forcing a mistake
  8. I never saw that! Gunna pretend like i didnt lolllllll i involuntarily love mahomes, refuse to like anyone else over there... on top of that i got misty eyed over Zack Thomas speech earlier today. ive filled my liking of rivals quota for the year lol
  9. i was never in the camp of 'they hate eachother, Diggs trying to force his way out'...... but this is great to read. obv you never want a superstar to be disgruntled, but it hurt to think that they might not be friends anymore, especially after the SI Kids cover and everything. we all got to be 3rd wheel of the bromance lol felt like mom and dad might be getting divorced for a minute. corny, i know, but still makes me happy to hear
  10. Kelce is a trash bf. His fiance dumped him because he expected her to pay half rent (im assuming mansion/absurdly priced loft), and same thing at expensive restaurants. She suggested eating places in her budget and he would scoff at it. Im all for shutting down a gold digger but if you make 8digits a year and your girl makes5 or 6 digits, you make concessions. He reminds me of every Tonawanda thuggy white kid, but with tons of dough Mikes cool af in my book. Players like playing for him
  11. The yards isn't a problem. 48 catches sucks. He has 48 catches because he's worthless on short routes. Diggs can't do it all as the focal point of the defense. 2-3 catch games should not be the norm. He had a 48rec season because he's a deep guy only and needs 5secs to get even minimal separation. It's true we need someone to step up in the slot and help us move the chains, but we needed Gabe to step up and help out on 3rd downs. 3rd and short and our #2 has to run 30yard routes! He commands zero respect on 3rd and short, feels like lining up with 10 men. I'm a glass half full guy, would love to see him step up... but the Dink n dunk we've run at times is the best our offense has EVER looked... what's his role in that offense? Cause it's not a #2
  12. 6.5 sacks last year, came on stronger last year. He's a nice piece and safe on 53 imo
  13. THIS is what I'm here for. Really pulling for this dude to shut the board up!!! Really hate the arrogance of writing off every draft pick after year 1. Dude has some traits!!
  14. Taylor Lewan ever play RT? (*DUCKS FOR COVER* LOL)
  15. I think plenty are in the camp of, although the guy has sucked Beane has repeatedly gone to bat for the guy, they must be seeing something were not. Prior to reports 2 days in a row (Astro said something about watching him get up gingerly, the way an old man does, off the field. Now hes seen unable to get his helmet) we at least had a sense of hope... if this is how hes moving after 3 days of padded practice, how is he going to look by week 10
  16. Didnt Kamara literally play in that pro bowl too lol
  17. What we were all hoping for here was to not only see him not be hurt, but to rise up and TAKE the starting role. Its early, but reports have been he has not played well. While that part may or not be totally true, we def have heard nothing to make us think hes gone in, improved his play and put him in position where he cant be taken off the field. Winning and 'not losing' it arent the same thing, and we needed the first. Its early in camp and id rather not wait till week 2 to figure out what were going to do in emergency. Its time to start turning over rocks, which we can do while still hoping for the best. The Lee Smith idea wasnt to offer him starting RT job lol but I think for starters we better make sure we have a block first TE on the roster to help out whoever is starting at RT.... not sure if we have that in Gilliam or Morris.
  18. This should absolutely be on the table. He had a great season, then sucked the next lol idk what the problem was but maybe we get lucky with him (again)
  19. Or "that guy in Cinci"....... like he said, i "must not watch other teams"..... hes the same guy that will say "yards are yards" and be completely oblivious to the fact that Tee having an extra 25 catches, despite "similar" yardage means, helping keep his QB off his back, helping his #1 avoid bracketing, opening things up for your slot, a chit ton of 1st downs that keep drives alive (our biggest offensive struggle last year
  20. Torrence was strictly a guard, and even if Bates beats him out I want him focused at playing the spot he was drafted to play. Have to hope someone decent shakes free after cuts, but hard to imagine it being anyone to get excited about Thought here.... Whats Lee Smith up to? At this point I think were already in an emergency at the position. An elite blocking '3rd Tackle' TE is probably our best bet to try and help out whoever is over there
  21. IS THIS EVEN ON THE TABLE???? cool site feature with the head to head!
  22. Is Shell that bad? I dunno anything about him but I was not a Q fan last year. And the year before we got him he gave up a league worst amount of sacks if I'm remembering right Side note @NastyNateSoldiers you're tied for my fav poster name on the board lol makes me laugh everytime (tied with 'not at the table karlos' 😅)
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