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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. I understand the tradition of it. Kyle Orton has waited his time to be enshrined on the wall of fame..... but do we have Isabella cut the line? What other guy on the wall has ran a 4.2 Get er dunnnnnm
  2. 48hrs later and its looking a lot like Oher was given awful advice. In the mean time the family has been dragged for taking in a homeless kid, feeding him, loving him, helping him get into school. opening your home up to a stranger is no small deal. theyve been called crooks and white saviors and all sorts of nasty ****. like always, the headline will be their lasting impression by a large chunk of the public when it comes out the family did no wrong. it'll be a quick blurb, no apologizing and the accusation will stick for many. unreal levels of ungratefulness, all around. no apologies or retractions from anyone. cant help but wonder if white foster parents dont give pause to adopting anyone thats not white because of the odd 'white savior' stigma. of course plenty of folks will take in foster kids anyways, but somewhere down the line i see even one (more?) black kid not being adopted out of fear of the label. unreal
  3. To an extent, even when he does have the time, do you think it's him knowing the lines track record and expecting to have to get out of dodge, before that first read. Regardless it is a scheme problem to me. If Josh isn't confident he'll be clean till his first read opens, seems like they need to set up something quicker developing.
  4. This seems like a well thought out study, but it's too long to read and I can't buy into it. Out of the gate, it's going to effect what personnel the defense puts out. Any study that starts off by ignoring the effect of a linebacker vs extra DB on the field, is incredibly flawed. Add in variables like audibles at the line, and there's already 2 too many variables to give this study credibility.... but that's just me.... and well, 32 franchises entire histories lol
  5. "Despite having more time than average" Hugeeeee asterisk here. Josh flying around like Superman from pressure from the middle and off the right side, hardly counts as more time, in my book
  6. I think there are a lot of explanations for this, a lot or it indirectly being caused by lack of run game. I think we addressed this with Harris and Murray. Bulking up the OL. At the same time Josh had some very uncharacteristic turnovers from there (Maybe they weren't all inside the 3, but a few were). I stand by i think Josh was concussed in GB game on the play at goal line his head snapped back. Add the UCL thing almost immediately after that. I think we go back to being an awesome red zone team.
  7. Honestly I feel bad for the dude. Sounds like someone tried to convince him there was a lot of money there, and there isn't. Any lawyer worth his salt doesn't put out this much info, unless it's all true. They're even going to look at the dates for the trust. If the acct is freshly opened and a lump sum dropped in there, he'd be setting the family up to get roasted in the media, which is likely a bigger concern then the $$ As far as the conservatorship, doesn't sound like the family ever controlled his NFL $$. He bought a $1.4m house in 2014, and Ohers lawyer woulda blasted them If they were keeping his money from him or taking anything. So conservatorship sounds like it's in name only. It absolutely makes sense that keeping this title in place was an emotional sentiment. His tie into the family as being one of them. Why go through a legal divorce of sorts if that's the case? If he'd wanted out he could've asked or we woulda heard news that he was fighting his way out of it, a la Spears. This whole thing sucks for all parties. Would be shocked of anything malicious comes out, at all, more than happy to admit it here of it does.
  8. Id be feeling silly right about now if i was calling these people scum and "white saviors". Dislike that term anyways, its a lose lose assumption. So rich people have a chance to help a kid in a bad situation out, and don't, what do we call that? If they do step in, take a kid off the streets, theyre "white saviors". Thats a really crappy label to throw around for any reason at all. Even if it turns out these people took advantage of him, that label doesnt make sense when theres things like "fraudsters" and "con-artists" out there. What good is coming from using that crappy label? A white person should give pause before helping out someone different looking from them? People should only adopt same race kids? What a nasty, fabricated label that is to hand out
  9. im puzzled how someone with 14k posts even asked this honestly
  10. Lawrence Taylor only kept his in his sock or the lockerroom
  11. You dont know any of that, and neither do we. Pretty wild to jump to these people being scumbags or Oher money grabbing, this early. One detail that caught my eye was saying he received no royalties (i believe that means- back end money). Could it be possible they cut him in up front, while agreeing they would take their slice of the back end money. ^^no we dont know, just something i noticed Regardless of outcome I doubt either party comes out of this with 100% blame. Experience tells me the story will be somewhere down the middle. Curious to see the families legal response.
  12. People saying he must be broke and looking for money.... I know its happened, but feels unlikely. Spotrac has his career earnings at $38.5M. Dude was a starting LT. As far as the rest of the story who knows. Anybody know much conservatorships? Basically a guess here, but if he was already 18, its not out of realm of possibility they did this as opposed to legally adopting him due to age, while still doing all the leg work of taking care of him. Give them access to things like speaking to his school, Dr's, etc. I dunno, just pointing out there could very well be a logical thing to do and doesnt signal immediate malicious intent on its own.
  13. thanks for this! great work, i was able to remember every play from your descriptions. i really mentally zoomed in on the right side of the line, thought they looked pretty damn good, thanks for filling in the gaps of left side & morse. think Ankou has any chance to make the 53? thought he looked good in spot duty last year, toughest position to crack the 53 IMO. if he manages it, its well earned! Hes referencing the 2nd tring OL being as good as last years starters. Yall are on the same page here
  14. Didnt really start here IMO. This was the result of demand. A demand that can be almost entirely pinned to Purdue Pharma and the scumbag Sacklers. Aside from the lives lost theyre directly responsible for, they single handedly set back an entire generation of progress. A cost we all pay emotionally, and financially in a million different ways. Disgusting humans
  15. I feel like he somewhat had the right idea, but didnt express it well. i thought it sounded like they did have him disciplined to an extent, sometimes good parents have kids that are just out of control.... what i wouldve liked to hear dad say is 'i wish they held him more accountable, not been enablers' which is somewhat what i think happened. we've heard how josh gordon was enabled at Baylor, it was the first thing i thought of when johnny said the 4th string qb was peeing for him. you see johnny being responsible for over a quarter billion dollars flowing in, its hard for me to believe they werent running around sweeping things under the rug. between him and freshly joining SEC, my guess is they were doing anything they could to keep the iron from cooling down. just my guess
  16. i have no evidence, but gut feeling if he were to look bad enough this year to be a trade candidate, i could see him just hanging the cleats up. strikes me as one of those retire at 28-29 if hes not playing well/having a blast anymore
  17. Phillips should be used lightly in rotation until big division conference games, and then playoffs. he is absolutely the type of player you want in the playoffs coming in with a hot hand! healthy hes a mini chris jones! also, thankfully, i dont think Beane is in the camp of dealing a rd2 pick after only 2 seasons. cheap talent, with high upside. you develop a guy like that. let lawson go, but im not willing to voluntarily get weaker/more shallow in the trenches, especially DTs with potential to create pressure up the middle. WAY to valuable IMO if we cant develop guys like AJ & Boogie, then its a DL coach problem as much as its a player problem. always be developing, keep the pipeline loaded.... an absolute MUST as a team this good
  18. Not coming at you, but I thought I saw in GameDay thread a lot of ppl saying he looked bad and hobbled and very stiff out there. Am I mixing him up with the other late round T, Nick something?
  19. Didn't an abysmal program take them to the wire last or 2 years ago? It was like an App State level team lol I think you're right they were upset by an SEC team, but they needed a FG as time expired to pull it out
  20. Who upset Bama 2 years ago? Was someone the equivalent of MTSU! Or maybe the team just took them to OT in a nail biter
  21. Lol reminds me of that huge ass bet from Jax s divisional playoff. Came in at half time/early 3rd, Was like $100k to win $500 or something crazy like that 🤣🤣🤣
  22. I dont think hes even going to play this year (is he?). aside from physically (injured Dec 12th) being able to play.... theyre the run away favorites for #1 overall. if i was them, id sit him to let him fully heal, but im definitely not rushing him back to play a game or two, to possibly have him jacking up sliding to #2 or #3. (Side note, do they pull a Bears and move down if they land #1? Early reports: Dont expect much out of Stafford. Id be cool with Von though!! haha
  23. Just went back and rewatched the first quarter and first drive of the 2nd, OCyrus looked awesome. Looked great in the run game, up into the 2nd level where nobody has a chance against the guy lol did exactly what asked of pass blocking. The only neg i can give is his guy batted down a Kyle throw, and some of that blame can be shared with the QB
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