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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Thanks for the heads up everyone including Mead who PMed me (I don't know how to respond on there haha)
  2. Is Hammers Lot open to the general public or is it private? My first year with seasons and I want to make it my home base tailgate
  3. 19-0 here we go you sunsa bytches! Close this thread all ya want. You can open back up after we hoist The Lombardi!!!
  4. I like it and could not possibly agree more. We could continue to have divisions on paper, but no need to let that determine where a team is seeded.
  5. Did you read the texts back and forth? Incognito wasnt bullying him at all! He used coarse language, but he was trying to help him out and make him feel like one of the boys. Guys, and especially athletes "ball bust" all the time... if youre in a lockerroom and nobody is busting your balls... then nobody probably likes you, or considers you close enough of a friend to say outlandish s**t too. If i met a dude for the first time today i wouldn't call him names and joke about his sister. If you heard me talk to my hest friend from 3rd grade, youd think we hate eachother!!! But were able to say that crap because we are friends. Incognito was trying to make him feel like one of the boys and boost his confidence. Anyone who read the back and forth texts would see it!
  6. Hahaha Triple Post is kinda catchy. Seriously i dont know how my phone did it though. This site is not very phone friendly
  7. Where is this majestic Hammers Lot i hear of? Haha totally not discouraged
  8. Sorry about triple post, im doing this from my cell. Not sure how that happened. Im not sure how to delete the other two either
  9. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  10. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  11. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  12. Has he been hanging out with Warren Sapp? http://dudecomedy.com/prostitute-who-goes-by-the-name-throatzilla-calls-out-nfl-player-for-not-paying/
  13. I definitely wish it was blue, super sporty looking!
  14. I know we arent supposed to break character either... but seriously, you do a fantastic job with these Mr Spags. Laughing my ass off!
  15. I like the little jab at maroone
  16. I like them. They look intimidating. Only thing that sucks is the helmets dont really match, but there is no way around that
  17. This would top off the most amazing offseason in tecent history! Get er done!
  18. The left tackle... Karl Malones son. He was a human holding machine
  19. I got watery eyed just reading this. Id be an emotional wreck all around in every way possible hahaha
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