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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Yep cant do it. Had a strict Bon Jovi free policy at my wedding. Turn it automatically and shun anyone who doesn't do the same, while I remind them why. If a dude tries to bang your girl unsuccessfully, are you still cool with him?Of course not. ? bon ?'ing jovi
  2. Nah those are ammo to move around!
  3. Lol even Pegulas daughter hops on to talk some smack on that thread
  4. I don't think these players are on that short of a leash. They didn't start it, they stuck up for each other and flexed a little. Good for camaraderie, as long as it's not ongoing.
  5. My gf is from Canada, first year watching football before and she said the same damn thing to me. 'Whatd he miss from like 35'ish a few times? Why wouldn't they go for it?'
  6. Amen. I dont do it, but if someone does they probably are half way Invested fans, with a curiosity towards the sports whats wrong with that. Guarantee there are plenty of crowds that wear designer suites everyday that would laugh at someone in an authentic Allen jersey! Dont be a fn tool
  7. I like watching the Rams, but that said, have they had 3/4 games primetime already? I hate that, and I hope they lose now lol
  8. It's never good to have a baby carrot but gold grief could you imagine trying to live that down ??
  9. Leaks don't have to come from the team. Theirs agents, players and players families. All 3 of those sound pretty viable
  10. Damn I wanna hate you. Can you please stop being reasonable and contributive? ??
  11. It's a matter of effort. Were not a team full of superstars, need to play as a unit and pick up slack where it can be picked up. Only as strong as our weakest link with that roster build. The DB was in the air, would've taken the smallest effort push to have him landing out of bounds.
  12. Specifically one of the pics he could've contested the catch or even pushed the dude out on the sideline and dint seem to care at all. I've been a defender thinking, give him time to develop, but I've seen enough. I dont want him here, and I think a change of scenery might help his 'yips' catching the ball
  13. Nah. I just can keep an open mind. Just cause its not my cup of tea doesnt mean it's not a decent cup of tea! Metal elitism sucks in the scene
  14. This place is old and white like a skeleton at the museum. Knew this wouldnt be well received before I heard it. Was catchy for what it is, and thats coming from the white dude listening to almost exclusively death/black metal. Got some friends that would get a kick outta me playing this around them haha proli do just that
  15. That makes sense. I was thinking Cam must have a 1m budget a year for hooking kids up
  16. Wont let me upload the screenshot but it blew my mind that first time giving a ball away cost almost 6k and second time is 12k. How does that improve the brand? $150 ball to create a hardcore life long fan isnt worth it to the brand? That garbage makes me hate the league
  17. What do you get for that special opiate addict in your life that has everything
  18. Here say obviously but valid point, not enough ball to go around and hes the odd man out. A man can dream https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/09/26/should-the-vikings-trade-stefon-diggs/
  19. Look at the madness its causing for Arizona stilllll
  20. This place is insane. Allens the next Alex Smith eh? ???
  21. Josh made it on last year too. Proli after the Vikes game
  22. No, we would be Buster Douglas in this analogy lol
  23. Fichtners been eating too much at tailgates??
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