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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. We kept control of an entire game and won. A stranger from the bar touched me. My morning pee didnt burn sooooo I'm g2g.
  2. I'm 95% sure you're kidding. So I'm gunna vote this is funny ??
  3. I get it's not ideal but this is as dumb as people criticizing a dude for being seen at a party in the off season and saying bahhumbug he should he practicing. Let the KID enjoy the win. If josh did this wed all be laughing
  4. You're mistaking his intensity for job preservation, you dont get to this level on that. The intensity level comes from him wanting the most out of his team and to meet goals set. Anyone doing shenanigans like this JUST to keep their job, has been weeded out waaaaaayyyyy before professional sports coaching. If the team goals intersect with reporting, I always want the team to come out on top... and if the media doesn't like it stay off the playground. He didn't aim a gun or beat anyone up, if it's a "man up" competition I'd rather the coach wins everytime. You do not get to the level without being more intense than 99% of your peers. Show me a coach that backs down to the media and I'll show you someone that's not In that 99%
  5. I dont care how he does it. You think the Locker room wouldnt rally around that? 53 alphas ready to run through a wall for the guy. Mcd cant control s*** on the field, and players cant control things going on in the media. Mcd gets on someone from the media, the team runs through steel walls because they love and respect the guy. I wanna run through a wall reading it. GO BILLS
  6. Perfect. Coach controlling the small details he sees relevant. Maybe we can crowd source Fairburn a box of tissues. McD did this so well that he stopped them from reporting it. Holy @#$! that's amazing!
  7. "Yet to see the chart tick up". You're out of your mind! You cant see any evidence that this team is building up from where its been? Insane
  8. I want my coach psycho, and I want him to fight anything he perceives as a negative impact on the team. THATS HIS JOB. His job is to look out for the team first and that means hes might step on media toes to do it. Who cares. The media is to report what they think the see, they certainly dont care that it steps on his toes. The media and coaches aren't always paddling in the same direction and that's ok. They're opposing forces and this just sounds like a butthurt loser on the wrong side of a battle. I hope the a** kicking continues
  9. Sulky sounds like a deusch. Our head coach is a control freak and an alpha male.... big freaking surprise. After all the whining about Jauron. And the stories of Marrone acting like this to staff that's supposed to be paddling the same direction, THIS IS AN ISSUE? No. Maybe he wanted the team to see it and know he's got their back and doesnt have to spit on his palm for media cooperation. Winning will get media cooperation. Whatever McD is doing is working. Stay the course. I dont care who he pisses off as long as the team respects him and hes working towards winning. ??????
  10. Anyone have an easy way to rewatch the game from yesterday? Got caught up in a family situation and missed the first half completely. Thanks in advance
  11. 3/3 with a 52 yarder. Let's hope he keeps it rolling
  12. What a 1-2 duo Karlos and Singletary could've theoretically made. Damn coulda been a version of CJ2K and Lendale White
  13. Anybody else take the story of Garrett getting punched by a random fan a few weeks ago, differently after this? I remember thinking that felt like an odd story previously and there might be something more to it.... now I'm definitely thinking that's an incomplete story and one where he likely was an aggressor in.
  14. Yeah but they do some things to counter this. When rex was fired there was a clause that if he took another coaching job hed have to pay the Bills back the years salary from us. Part of the reason it made sense for him to go into the studio and not try for a DC job
  15. Yall are knee jerk af. Every kicker doesn't go through this? Dudes had a clutch career. Let him ride it out, and see if he can fix it.
  16. If you haven't struggled with a real mental illness, you just honestly cant put yourself in this guys shoes. I gotta route for the guy, cause to root against him is to root against myself in a way. I've absolutely been down that path and it's a nightmare. If Richie Fn Incognitoooo can get his isht together, leaves some hope that maybe I can put together a decent life too.
  17. I'm not sure why... but I would. Mommy issues?
  18. Yeah agreed. Easy to make fun of but the dudes been dislodged from the thing that he identifies with, and I bet it sucks. And makes you crazy at times. Probably not that indifferent than going through a divorce really. He just needs to find an Avenue that isnt social media to dump this into
  19. Our run D Getting gutted again is likely my worst nightmare losing scenario
  20. PM me for a link to this movie lolllll
  21. Hes not a scholar, but what couldn't you read here?
  22. Yeah I saw an article yesterday I was confused
  23. The way Warren Buffet still has a drive to make money, is the same thing as Brady playing. No need for it, but they do not know how to turn the switch off. You dont get to that level without being kinda insane like that. If they knew how to turn that drive off, they wouldn't be who they are. Brady will probably find a new thing that drives him like football does, or he'll miserable. Built in nature. I hate the dude but hes a mental Terminator robot, I respect it and wish I had "that" (but also eff him ??)
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