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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Asking seriously? Is it that different to play RDE vs LDE? Neber understood that. Same with LG vs RG. I get the footwork is mirrored and maybe your less favorite arm/side is leading when you pull, but id think these guys are good enough to do both ways. What am i overlooking here?
  2. I will, i love you 1manRaid and all TBD! HAHAHAH PLAYOFFFFSSSSSS
  3. Is it josh? Proli for charity and hes proli pushing it on twitter or insta
  4. Pegulas daughter is my answer. To what question, I'll leave generic out of respect
  5. I'd already thought this out and yes, and I cant believe I'm saying it. We were playing with house money, and I dont doubt MCD would have either. Predators bite at the jugular Also I dont think anyone disagreeing is stupid, and any day other than today I'd disagree with what I'm saying. Today felt like a day to bite at the division win more than just win a game if you look at the schedule. Easy to say coaches take it one day at a time but today was our chance to close ground on the AFCE with Pats playing KC.
  6. Yeah i figured that was it. I drive truck over the road as of late so not an option for me. That's alot easier to look at though.
  7. These are always so painful to look at, maybe it's just on my phone?
  8. You're thinking of Carpenter and the same thing happened to him here as Hausch is going through here
  9. Its relevant and a good point. If it causes even a split second of hesitation the dude Is gone. Hes already faster than you. It's actually an interesting point.
  10. I know you're jealous, but maybe we can still be friends? Lol
  11. Agreed. I dont know why people think you can only have one good TE. Hes a stud. Side note, you're one of my favorite posters here. Nice mix between humor/quality posts, find myself agreeing with you alot. Back to the original point, does nobody remember Gronk/Murderer as a duo. It's such a unique mismatch, you cant possibly put the correct personnel on the field to deal with it.
  12. Fwiw, my dad worked with his wife pretty closely when he coached at SU. Met him a hand full of times and said he couldnt have been more of a dismissive pr*ck, even when being talked to as a normal human, let alone talking football. Poor woman
  13. He really looks shot. I think hes done and if he plays it's not gunna be pretty.
  14. I'd think in a league favoring passing alot of this has to do with garbage time and playing from behind
  15. Where'd you hear that? Dont disbelieve it but didnt see anything on it
  16. The whole post idea is pretty lazy. Was anybody advocating going for it on 4th down without taking into consideration other variables? I just dont see where this was going
  17. We kept control of an entire game and won. A stranger from the bar touched me. My morning pee didnt burn sooooo I'm g2g.
  18. I'm 95% sure you're kidding. So I'm gunna vote this is funny ??
  19. I get it's not ideal but this is as dumb as people criticizing a dude for being seen at a party in the off season and saying bahhumbug he should he practicing. Let the KID enjoy the win. If josh did this wed all be laughing
  20. You're mistaking his intensity for job preservation, you dont get to this level on that. The intensity level comes from him wanting the most out of his team and to meet goals set. Anyone doing shenanigans like this JUST to keep their job, has been weeded out waaaaaayyyyy before professional sports coaching. If the team goals intersect with reporting, I always want the team to come out on top... and if the media doesn't like it stay off the playground. He didn't aim a gun or beat anyone up, if it's a "man up" competition I'd rather the coach wins everytime. You do not get to the level without being more intense than 99% of your peers. Show me a coach that backs down to the media and I'll show you someone that's not In that 99%
  21. I dont care how he does it. You think the Locker room wouldnt rally around that? 53 alphas ready to run through a wall for the guy. Mcd cant control s*** on the field, and players cant control things going on in the media. Mcd gets on someone from the media, the team runs through steel walls because they love and respect the guy. I wanna run through a wall reading it. GO BILLS
  22. Perfect. Coach controlling the small details he sees relevant. Maybe we can crowd source Fairburn a box of tissues. McD did this so well that he stopped them from reporting it. Holy @#$! that's amazing!
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