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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  2. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  3. Hey guys im a first time season ticket holder. Just moved to Tonawanda. Ive been to games before but have no idea what the best way to get to and from the stadium is. I know i could mapquest it, but i know you guys have some easier ways to dodge traffic. Anybody care to assist? Thanks and GO Bills!!!
  4. Has he been hanging out with Warren Sapp? http://dudecomedy.com/prostitute-who-goes-by-the-name-throatzilla-calls-out-nfl-player-for-not-paying/
  5. I definitely wish it was blue, super sporty looking!
  6. I know we arent supposed to break character either... but seriously, you do a fantastic job with these Mr Spags. Laughing my ass off!
  7. I like them. They look intimidating. Only thing that sucks is the helmets dont really match, but there is no way around that
  8. This would top off the most amazing offseason in tecent history! Get er done!
  9. The left tackle... Karl Malones son. He was a human holding machine
  10. I got watery eyed just reading this. Id be an emotional wreck all around in every way possible hahaha
  11. I bet you say that to all the teams message boards
  12. Wish it hadnt taken me this long to see this thread! BB ive seen impending doom live, they rule. Lead vocalist is a super down to earth dude, talked to me for a while at the show. Saw Dying fetus live this summer at Rapids Theatre and wow they did not dissappoint! I see you like Dfetus amd MiseryIndex, makes sense, alot of the same guys in both bands. If you like old school death, and swedish death youd love Bloodbath. Make sure you check them out. Good song by them is -Outnumbering The Day!
  13. Eli Manning if you count regular season. Hes got some kind of post season deal worked out with the devil though.
  14. What an idiot. How do you leave shell casings in the rental car??? Hes done for
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