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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Yea but its a theoretical between 1 and done playoff appearance or potential to be competitive for 10 years. I'd argue the #1 pick wouldve long term benefited the Tyrod team. Think Beane with first pick of every round. Playing devils advocate admittedly because with our current roster id take playoffs.
  2. I think the offense and secondary positions are pretty obvious to everyone but theres alot going on at DL and LBs. Anyone want to take a swipe at what they think depth charts will be?
  3. Cocaines a helluva drug! Seriously nothing surprises me when its involved, lucky to be 7mos clean today, and if you're struggling know that you can do it too and there's support out there
  4. F@$% please nooooo
  5. Weird.... I can do it in under a minute if im not drinkin
  6. Ray Lewis' bust sucked too. How in tf do they mess this up
  7. Good news to me. Harder to shut down a started season, than after a preseason game or two. The games mean nothing and gives time for them to figure out how to contain it
  8. Is this the whole thing? Harassment and verbal abuse would be a letdown from the posturing of what this was
  9. Yeah I kinda figured it would be atleast the 1 round downgrade that usually is discounted for picks a year out
  10. No team is going to trade for draft picks in the upcoming draft.
  11. Morons! They couldn't spend $50 on a burner phone to make sure they got off. They would've got away with it
  12. The body will quit before the mind with a guy like him... crossing fingers for a few more good years
  13. He's standing there because they're one of the dumbest animals in the wild ? they almost went extinct during the train hunting days because they weren't scared of the gunshots or the fact their buddy next to them was thrashing on the ground bleeding out.
  14. Learning on the beach, is that good? Just think the surface would throw off rhythm
  15. That makes no sense. Its an easy concept, why make it difficult? I like this if necessary
  16. Congrats. 5months clean! One day at a time and I wish I never touched it! Also which fool gave you the "beer glass emoji" to your post???
  17. The dude DOES NOT want to play. Plain and simple. He knows he sucks, and doesn't want the pressure of all this on him. He's donezzzzoooo
  18. Glad I'm not the only one that got hyped for the business decision comment haha Devin liked that one too
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