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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Average nfl fans just look at that draft 2 years ago where they had what felt like 9 picks in the 1st round and thought WOWWW Imagine being the guy that got fleeced by him for Jamal Adams, to put him there lol A 90s Style SAFETY!!!
  2. Maybe they look to move Pickens. Dudes talent is absurd enough to male him extremely attractive, but pitt might be leery of giving him a 2nd contract already. Dudes a butthead and that's only after a year (or 2? But I think 1)
  3. all good points, none i disagree with. i guess ive seen Beane kinda hone in on remaking one position group heavily per year..... corners were done, safeties his first year, OL last year, this year felt like WRs turn. i didnt expect Chase/Higgins on the team, but was hoping we'd be more aggressive. i like our moves, still think we need a dominant ass #1 or a move up for Odunze type guy... not that i dislike Coleman. i like the getting bigger tougher for playoffs we've seen so far. hopefully next year we can snag josh his crown jewel and get him a ring. i expect to be competitive but not SB team expectations like last 2 pre-seasons
  4. i get the argument, at the same time, if youre a fringe player like, ?deshawn williams?, his instinct is to make plays to make the roster, or put shiii on tape for his hopeful next team to see. also, without seeing it, could just be that one dude is a DT and the other is a petite receiver lol either way im not worried about juices flowing. do it to josh or take shots at the knees on guys and ill be the first to run him outta town
  5. how have we not learned that only tinkering with the wr room has hurt us every year since 2020. im not saying we have to force aiyuk, but damn id have preferred more aggresssion in FA/draft at addresssing the position. i hated gabe, but we still lost our #1 and #2 this year. expecting a 2nd year tight end and 3rd year shakir to not only eat up those lost catches BUT also push out more production than them (ya know to get over the hump), is not enough.
  6. throw "buffalo bills wutang hat" into etsy. almost guaranteed thats where something like that came from. worst case youll see some cool shirts and merch funny side note, i thought oh i always thought new era was an older guy, then remembered wutang gear is practically old guy attire now LOL were gunna be a fun generation to watch age. grandkids with pics sittin on gramps knee and an Ol Dirty Bastard tee on hahahaha
  7. they probably told the same thing to the centers lol
  8. Tied 3 games a piece in 1st set. Win 6 to win a set, first to win 2 sets wins (I think guys are 3 sets to win). On Peacock. Pretty easy to get into
  9. For those interested she's about to start her match for the day in a few minutes, individual game.
  10. No, he looks really dumb here lol he's the one that brought up what wasn't even the question or implied. To use the block out the noise thing specific to the S-A was epically dumb lol he wouldn't be grilled if he'd phrased it as a "me and the team haven't lived up to our expectations" kinda way
  11. man i didnt remember this was him. major life changing event like that will have you seeing life totally different. would no doubt change you forever. hes got a newborn in the house again, would bet he wants to soak up all that time while shes young for once after missing so much time away from growing kiddos. probably some fear involved too wonder if they moved, would be hard to be in that house. at minimum id need to cement over the pool. absolutely brutal. for their sake, i hoped they moved signing with miami, and hes just wants to see his newest little tot grow up
  12. its ok to be outraged this dude gets to play at all again...... adding the mORE tHAN gAMBLInG thing is stupid, and completely unrelated. 32 billion dollar mini companies, under one umbrella. 1 $100 parlay from a guy against his own stats/team goes public, and the financial problems are immeasurable. -hundreds of millions (maybe billions?) of revenue dollars, gone..... theres no competitor to take over that missing market -hundred billion dollar tax exempt status goes into spotlight, maybe they lose it, probably not -could a city of that team be pissed enough to try and break a stadium lease -who else immediatelky ends sponsorship with the league, or the city of that team -what potential sponsorships down the road are lost. opportunity cost ever been at work where somebody makes a $1,000 mistake? boss in a great mood? now imagine 32 billion dollar bosses, and a $10Billion loss (roughly the valuation of most stocks in the top 100 in entire country). use your brain lol how many billions did rae curruth cost the league? .000 (00000?) 000-something? possessing CP (kiddy films) usually carries a sentence of a like 5-25 years...... DWI can be a $1k fine and a firm warning.... and can kill people Should your 55 year old blue collar, never did a crime, uncle who blew a .09 do a mandatory minimum of 25years, no questions asked? MOST would say no. Anybody here think CP possession should be a 1k fine, since DWI's can and do kill people? NO. ITS APPLES AND ORANGES, AND BOTH BRING SEPERATE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES. We can condemn 2 things at once, and realize there are varying levels of heinous actions. Gambling is a serious problem for the league! 2 or 3 uncovered point shavings/thrown games could completely destroy a $156B organization...... we've seen the league survive 2-3 domestic abuses at a time, basically, at any and all given times. Im sick of hearing about superhuman with create-a-player physiques, trouncing on their baby mamas, as is everybody else in the country. My true thoughts on what should happen to the player would get me banned from anywhere posted on the internet, as im sure 50% of the other ppl here..... yet i still find it pretty easy to figure out why a player gambling on his sport has huge potential ramifications
  13. No tears shed by me over JG. But let's be real. Nobody working in the NFL is a full on racist. Locker rooms are all race, personality, religion, upbringings, and even sexualities. One of the things that make it cool and unique! Anybody been in the military? 1. White dudes from the south 2. Black dudes from north or city 3. Jewish guys from NYC 4. Latino dudes from Texas (INSERT #1-4 HERE) running their mouth about why they're the best, and pointing out the perceived flaws of other groups. Bagging on others stereotypes, all with a sliver of truth. Each being louder than the last about why THEY'RE RIGHT. But at the end of the day, they're bickering brothers, with a common goal. Will all literally kill or fight for each other, whether in the field or at the bar. ^^^that's my best educated estimate at what an nfl locker room, looks/sounds like. Take any of it out of context, it's going to sound BAAAD. But also sounds like a better place to be, BECAUSE of it, than out here in the normal world. Everyone has a different perspective, but "locker room" "brotherhood" are the two things you hear every retiree say they miss most. There's probably a lesson to be learned from it, but I'm a half literate chimp, so what do I know 🤷‍♂️
  14. Not at all directed at you... but this reads like a job description of 'NFL coach' lol While I don't think it's necessary as a coach.... I think the personality traits required of a coach, make that type of behavior 100% commonplace. Can anyone think of any coach/executive where if they were fired, and "great in front of cameras... bull headed control freak behind the scenes" was said, it would surprise you? McD - certainly not Beane- upper echelon of "cool" for an executive. But hearing someone say that about him far from shocking? Pete Carrol? It woulda been mildly surprising to hear 4 years ago, but not now Tomlinson- same. Cool af, but still a coach. Non players coach Beli- plenty of stories like this already Parcells- well, you get the idea lol
  15. Roger&NFL scummy behavior > Grudens douche'ness Would wager they pulled out all the stops shutting this down. Imagine the juicy **** that would've came out. There'd be a million things uglier than the things he said, things they climbed over, in order to fire JG. If his chances of appeal are done, some of it will leak out, but not all of it... and they get to spin it as sour grapes ex employee speech
  16. Besides last year coming off a major injury, when has he not backed it up? When he was like 8? Dudes worst stretches of pro career, are above average, and we're talking 1 season twice.... coming off injury. So 11 good years, 2 bad, in 13years. Pro. Nasty college. Probably absolutely filthy in HS. Clown take. If you don't like him, just say that lol
  17. the bigger picture here with Carr over Rodgers, is they couldve signed the perfect high end bridge type QB to try and win now, while keeping their picks and not imploding their own salary cap. that wouldve bought them time, and left them resources to find a future starter. they couldve been patient and made sure they werent drafting a guy just to do it, unless he was a perfect fit. its insane, 2 years ago they were sitting REAL pretty
  18. im sure they do, just no way and no upside to doing it. its going to cost them their jobs, as it should. what kind of season would it take for them to spare themselves? trying not to laugh typing this, but AFCC appearance MIGHT do it. crazy to consider looking back to all those awesome moves they made, what 2 years ago to land all those picks and have a great class with it. they wont be able to pay all those guys, and even if they could, how many are going to want out of that dumpster fire
  19. whole thing has a tinge of predatory institutions circling an easy target (football player, not businessman, with large $$ to invest), to pick the meat off the bones. attorneys were on the take somehow. he probably got a better rate by backing the business with personal assets, and got convinced that was a great idea
  20. Hes so mid, we'd still find a way to go 8 - 8 in 17 games lol
  21. Perfecttttt lol I now have 2 rooting interests before the bet. Def taking the points though!
  22. Def pulling for Wade. So I'll throw a responsible amount at them blindly and hope for the best. The dude just loves football
  23. Dude should do some advertising for the blue pill. Pushing a Jello Jiggler into a keyhole sounds like tough work
  24. not only giving this guy access, but access to an entity the Bills team do not need AT ALL. If some dork at buffalo news wipes a booger on mcd's desk, its still the Buffalo News, in Buffalo. you could shut the writer out, but you cant shut them out completely. why are you not only giving this guy an interview, but youre helping this guy peddle an exclusive site/article they cant get anywhere else. im not big on burning bridges, but this bridge, river, boat, and any fish in it should be napalmed.
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