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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Oh Lord, please dont set off this argument again 😆 (just kidding i agree, but i remember 30 pages of this argument back in the day)
  2. Meh hes a better tyrod. Someone will snag him. Very serviceable. Watched alot of carolina last year and he was far from the problem. Itll be an open competition and it wouldnt shock me if teddy b won No. I dont believe that at all. And i dont think the compensation forces them to start him either
  3. Great balance on contact, good burst, i dunno that hes a "burner" but speed looks pretty good. Looks good inside the RZ. What do you all think? Im gunna check out a scouting report to see what the consensus is on pass blocking. Looks to me like he brings something to the table we dont currently have!
  4. Honestly thats a good breakdown, its appreciated. What would you say the main differences are between G and C?
  5. Can I ask why? I know he wouldnt build a new stadium in SD because he wanted too much tax payer money..... but is there other stuff? I never heard anything negative that i can remember
  6. Any idea what hes looking for contract wise? I love the idea of it, i trust the lockerroom to show him how its done. If not i trust Beane to ship him outta town. Biggest hurdle is money on a short term prove it deal. Not expecting "team discount" but hes also not getting anything past middle of the pack money
  7. Oh cool! I dont think we ever got to draft a Mr Irrelevant before 😆
  8. I gotta say thanks for this @Virgil, and everyone else involved. This is so much fun and extremely valuable, and im impressed at the knowledge that mock drafters have. To not only know each teams needs/tendencies, but to be able to draft past round 1, thats not something alot of people can do. Posters made their own big boards?!?! Cmon thats amazing. Maybe in another thread after this we can see some of the big boards ya'll had. Just an idea and something id be interested in! Im gunna feel alot more prepared for the real draft. THANKS EVERYONE INVOLVED!!!!!!
  9. I get why people care, but im definitely not nervous. If its cool, itll catch on half the time. If its not, nobody relevent will call it that. Itll be "the ralph" and a way to verbally screen for dweebs when they call it "summers eve fresh crevice colloseum" or whateverrrrrrrrr it is
  10. Awesome! I could see how that fan based environment could pull somebody in. I relocated to NC and met a Panthers fan lol she hasnt changed allegiances either but loves her Bills too from seeing my rabid fandom lol glad youre here, I love the common connection between fanbases. I gotta "hate" somebody LOL! Ive picked up a little soft spot for Carolina between living here, and all the coaching/ player ties we have with them
  11. Easy to pull something? I was thinking more about the ball sliding away, and his face smashing into the ground with a good 40lbs accelerating his teeth at the floor. Its pretty dumb and impractical really but to each their own
  12. Athletic as all heck, and arm talents there. Im a lot more worried about his poise to work through progressions after being mentally shook. Hes been playing atleast 2.5 years with zero confidence, like hes either thinking too much or not enough. That play is classic barn-ball, although impressive
  13. Yes he did, so he does it "independently". Hes about as awful of a human being as one can. Dirtball!
  14. PESKY SNEAKY TRAINS LOL! Bad time in my life. Im proof that things can get better and the whole permanent solution to a temporary problem. Lost an arm (various other surgeries/injuries) but gained a purpose/meaningful life back. Still handsome too 😆😆. My Allen jersey was pretty shredded and bloody, but i cut out the name plate and hung it up on my wall as a reminder of how far ive come
  15. This is my fav one in the thread so far: A. The highlighted 😆 B. Reading it i could feel the frustration of the damn radio. Think most of us have done this on a smaller level with a radio or antenna C. The other soldier must haver felt awesome "to pass along the good news" Good story! These kinds of threads are one of my favorite reasons to stick around here. Thanks everyone
  16. When were their 6 preseason games 😱
  17. Ive seen that name around here. Whats her Bills affiliation story? Bills fan hubby?
  18. Fight story 101 is, if they dont tell you they won 10xs, they lost.... flip side is, if they tell you they won 10xs, THEY MOST DEFINITELY didnt win 😆
  19. Damn good name for a Bills fan lol awesome
  20. I got hit by a train wearing my Josh Allen jersey and survived LOLLLL for real though. Pharmaceutical grade miracle over here
  21. I want whatever birthday gifts he gets lol especially from Mrs Pegs.... Also 70?!? He seriously looks great. I knew better but late 50s woulda looked right to me
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