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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. The Amazon one for the Cardinals with Palmer and Arians was absolutely captivating to me when it came out! Was never a hard knocks guy bc it was training camp... but im gunna give this a try!
  2. Over Tomlinson????? No freaking wayyyyyy. Blasphemy!
  3. Anybody else see this?
  4. Thanks for sharing.... more people need to hear this story. Too many people out there with reefer madness mindset still... meanwhile that granny is on 3 trazadone a day, and her daughter takes her Xanax down with a glass of wine for anxiety! .... but the weed has no place in medicine 🙄
  5. Old habits die hard. You don't just get to that level in sports and up and decide to start selling weed and carrying a pistol for the first time.
  6. Dude grow up. Don't click a clearly not Bills thread. Just cause you don't like the party, doesn't mean we can't throw it. Not that you've ever been invited to one it sounds like
  7. Especially when it's easy to just not click, it's obviously not Bills related looking at the title. Like it or not, there are 31 other teams, and everything related to those teams is 2nd tier Bills news. Most people in here follow the league. We wait all year for football season and this guy has a front wedgie about football talk 🙄
  8. The craziest part to me is how do you get to that level without following the NFL? There's multiple ties a year? You made it 21years old, wanting to be a pro, having pro aspirations in college, and you never saw a tie in nfl scores? Or on SportsCenter? Not even being critical, just more of a how do you not learn this even by accident???
  9. Crazy stat line!
  10. I think you two make a cute couple! Love is love, and I support yall
  11. This smells like owner. The fanbase down here is, understandably, pissed off. They really reminded me of Buff in McDs early years. Injuries started killing them, then Darnold reverted back to trash. Big emotional swing from contender feel to hot trash. Tepper trying to drum up some excitement/tickets sales for the extended season. At this point its a good PR move, and as good as you're going to do for a bridge qb week 10. We shoulda kept Teddy B around, huge mismanagement of qb position by the GM imo
  12. Thr dude led the team in Redbone carries for three ish years. He unleashed some brutal hits and took as many.... what did everyone think would happen to his body? Was fun while it lasted, and I see this ending week 17 at the latest
  13. I mean this isn't boxing and neither is Jacina Paul
  14. Well when you involve gambling, yes. It's fraud at the highest level possible. You'd think with gambling going mainstream right now that officials would be under intense scrutiny with no room for error, for the exact scenario above. I have no clue how this is happening.
  15. Man if you can find it go back and check out that Chandler fight, brawl for the ages Was 15mins of this!
  16. Dangggg my girl was saying I bet she'd be adorable with hair and sure enough. Covington really put up the fight of his life. Best I've ever seen him look. He gets wrote off by alot of people for that persona but he's very talented and was tough as nails. The persona is exactly that... if you wanna get paid, as a businessman, you have to have some WWE in your vains, it's silly and makes me laugh, but get the feeling he's actually a humble guy, with a good business approach. He called out Masdival right after, I'd love to see that fight! I'll come back and start threads a few days before the next fight so we can all talk about the fights!
  17. Anybody watching? Michael Chandler v Justin gaithje is one of the craziest fights I've seen in a long time. Opening fight, hopefully to a killer night!
  18. This was in response to him saying "I'd rather lose without him, than win with him". I just needed to point out he's not oj, ray Lewis, Rae Carruth, tyreek Hill. Or Ray Rice. Those are the types of players you make that comment about.... in the theoretical scenario I responded to, I'm not willing to lose, so that we don't have a dbag on the team.
  19. Well it's pretty dumb... we've done plenty of losing so, maybe we can win. I'm not saying he would make us win, that's up for debate, and I have no clue I'd hed help or hurt.... but if beane likes it I'm on board. Dudes a diva but you saying you'd rather lose without, than win with makes zero sense. He didn't rape or kill anyone. He's not hitting women or breaking his kids arm.... soooo this take makes no sense.
  20. Maybe cause we're contenders. That or the sports books know about a WR we were going after at the deadline maybe?
  21. Got CC:d in an email? 😆😆😆
  22. If the Saints were my team at this point I'd welcome the rebuild. Brees nor Rivers are more than a very short term stop gap. They played the heck outta - kick the can down the road, and have done it well. Time to bottom out, live a year in dead cap hell, and hopefully get some nice picks to re stock the cupboard.
  23. I dunno a whole lot about Laurent D-T, but im cheering for him. Class act big time
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