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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. It blows my mind how there is a kicker shortage. Last Saturday I saw several clutch long kicks, and I saw the two best onsides kicks, the type either would've been the best one nfl has seen in 15years.... either one. What the hell is harder about nfl than college?! The rush is a little quicker? Is that literally it? Kicking is bad around the league. Give each team an extra roster spot to carry an extra kicker only....let these teams have an extra roster spot to develop some of these kicker. Is there nfl fans that like seeing 35-40yd FGs decide outcomes of games? I can't wrap my head around this being a real problem
  2. Get the kid mandatory sports psychologist, prescription Xanax, and a few dime purse whookers! Dude needs to chill and get some confidence; and at this point artificial or authentic confidence isn't an option we have 🙈
  3. Refs being subjective should be a part of the game. They've overcomplicated so many rules these guys are second guessing things they already know. "What is a catch" is a perfect example. 2 feet, reasonable control of the ball. The "Well he shifted the ball after the catch going to the ground/out of bounds" kinda BS is where these go bad. Dudes catch the ball, transfer/tucker it down into a running with the ball position and suddenly it's not a catch. GARBAGE
  4. They need a complete revamp. This season has finally convinced me NFL peaked and their profits WILL take a hit, even if it takes 5 years to catch up. The growth curve can not continue while alienating your core fan base. Sure they have women watching more than any time in history, and it's awesome. Seeing my wife become a fan since we met has warmed my heart in a wild way.... but when core fans stop turning on the TV, what happens to the "secondary" viewers.... wives, kids in the house. Neighbors who really only come for the hang and then the league starts winning them over into a "real fan". My Fandom has soooo many secondary eyes. In-laws. I personally bring 15-20 sets of secondary eyes onto the product... but when me and other core fans shut the TV off, the growth curve is NOT sustainable. ^^^and I know what I'm talking about is probably half or more of the fans on this board
  5. Get over it honestly. Tired of these refs being pampered. Refs make $200-$250k a year, and likely have the best benefits in the country. $23k in 401k contributions a year. Part time work. If it's a soft A, and they're both black, GET OVER IT. There are delivery drivers getting $2/hr at Domino's without benefits that have to hear that 1,000xs a shift. Hard R, sure do what ya gotta do. But you hearing a word you hear all game, does not supercede product on the field. League is hot trash. Any one of the gripes from today would be fine. But when there's 15 bad and unnecessary flags, it's egregious and I don't care what words you hear 🤷‍♂️
  6. This is interesting. Seemed like a tuck rule at the time, but wild if you have this right. It's goes to show how garbage the product on the field is, they took a bunch of common sense rules that worked for decades and way over specified rules. See "what is a catch" for example 1A. Remember watching games and everybody knew what a catch was. Now we need a receivers mother's astral sign, and her tendencies during a hazy waxing gibbous moon to decide. Common sense of 2 feet down, not bobbling worked fine for 5 decades. We shouldn't need a lawyer on the field to dictate bi-law rulings. Give a solid foundation of rules and let the refs use common sense/feeling to enforce the spirit of the rule.
  7. If the league didn't want it this way, 0 chance it'd last 10 years like it has. The league is dictating this to refs. I don't think it's as obvious as "hey we need the jets to win this, big market team, make it happen." I'd assume it's similar to NBA playoffs where the league talks to crews before games with a couple rules they want to really dictate that week.... those talking points coincidentally line up with keeping a game close, or keeping a big market star from having their season bust by week 6,etc etc
  8. That "rule guy" they bring in to talk down to us fans who've watched the sport and have known it out our whole lives is known as "The Minister of Propoganda" in my home. You can tell me the chicken I'm looking at is clearly a duck for 5years, I won't forget what a chicken looks like. Whoa lol he's as sick of it as we are. Instead of 10 bad penalties/make up calls a game, maybe put the flags away and let a team actually win it
  9. Same man. I was never more then a here and there, tune in for big matchup - college football guys. And Sunday i had 2 tvs going all day, big TV 4 bills, (then the best 4p game), small TV gets runner up. 10 years this was my house on Sundays. Now I think how in the heck did I think there were 4-6 good nfl games a week??? Maybe there used to be, but certainly isn't more. Saturday is my new Sunday, there's 10 awesome games Saturday, few at; 12p, 3-4p, 7p, 10p, usually a good Friday night game or two as well. I used to think college fans huffed their own farts and loved them, a smugness, how could amateurs be better than pros at anything? Welp, in a span of 2 years i have completely flipped. I watch Bills game, and then I'll cherry pick a game here and there (balt vs Washington sunday). My point is, NFL is unwatchable a ton, and reffing is a part of it, but a lot of small decisions accumulating over time have made it that way. I'd bet there are a TON like me. Icarus flew too close to the sun, and if i have traded Saturday for Sunday, then it's only a matter of time before the nfl is #2, and it's been incredibly well earned by them 🤷‍♂️
  10. My god the butchering of names in this thread put my over
  11. Weird. Any bar I've been to you give a card and they hold it behind the bar. Worst case end of night they run it. I doubt his card bounced. If I had to guess he's used to the same thing, they saw a VIP, started serving him as soon as he got recognized and didn't ask for a card from him. Dude gets smashed and leaves thinking he can grab it another day or call up tell them to put a nice tip on it and cancel card after it runs and tell them to toss it. UGA aren't known for being scholars or choirboys, but he'd have to be incredibly dumb to think he'd pull a fast one as James Cook in America's smallest city
  12. They aint taking Knox, their fans were already b-wording they took Bowers bc they had too many TEs if i remember correctly.... plus Knox sucks lol The 3 players Massare mention makes me believe the previous tweet even more, why on earth would LV want any of those players, especially with their contracts. They wouldnt
  13. Strawman? Im the one who cited evidence showing players know how to circumvent these. I didnt even know this before lookup "SCAT 5 Test" and tell me if you think Josh got through this test in the time he was off the field. But you wont, because you either prefer to pretend its not going on or are a certified troll. I look forward to your non-fact based emotional argument though!
  14. He might (understandably so) be a head case, as he had a very young daughter drown in his pool a few years ago IIRC. Who could blame him if he's depressed or able to function at a high level
  15. To pay out the money wr s want in FA right now, you'd BETTER NOT MISS!!! now more than ever a bad FA signing at WR, is about as much of a setback as a QB busting out from early Rd1.... and the only comparable positions that'll hurt you like that are bad FA QB & Pass Rushers. They're just eating such a huge % of cap. Adams is a swing of the bat i can 100% live with. You have to supplement our WR position with FA, we can't accomplish our goals through the draft only at this point. Maybe if we'd started a few years ago
  16. To me.... it's a player you really like, for a crap shoot draft pick, and (I'm my uneducated guess), at least semi cap friendly, especially in relation to type of player you're getting. Anybody good with the cap numbers.... if Raiders eat all that dead cap, I'm assuming his remaining contract looks manageable for a future HOF guy, who's style has allowed him to age well. We're not talking about a Tyreek Skillset, he's a craftsmen of his routes.
  17. I wish they'd allow cash considerations as part of the deal. I don't think that'd set a bad precedent if it's in consideration of salary cap. BB: You eat the cap hit on your books, here's a #2 and we'll float you the cash it takes to alleviate your (non cap related) financial concerns
  18. dang, how the heck did we g2 not even cracking the list. hopefully not from someone inside of OBD talking
  19. I'm assuming this means evaluations *THROUGH* the first 5 weeks, but how hilarious would it be if it was ONLY about week 5..... Adams would just stay home cause "we have Jets/Bills/Saints already at home" lol
  20. It's not TV doctors we've literally heard players admit to doing this. I think it was Peyton manning? I know I'm not the only one here who's seen this. And boom. This was 13 years ago. You're living under a rock if you think this idea hasn't spread past 1 player ever https://www.nfl.com/news/manning-admits-underperforming-on-baseline-concussion-tests-09000d5d81f83fbc
  21. Hard disagree. We've seen it happen plenty in the league, and Josh did it last year. If its minor, and it was, and Josh fibbed his baseline enough to give himself some autonomy for smaller ones we'd never know. Players have openly spoke on throwing off their baseline tests..... its a billion dollar business, played by the most competitive people in the world. Id bet my life Josh threw baseline off even just a smidge, so he can play through those exact scenarios. Im 90% sure weve already seen it from Josh before.
  22. I agree with the intent of what youre saying and the rule...... but timeout was not a game changer, and the challenge loss is nothing. TO ME, THE BIGGEST POINT IS WITH THESE REFS.... WHO, FREAKING, KNOWS?!?!? Id say if u gave that plat to 10 crews, 2 would overturn it from incompetence. We see stupid isht like that alllllll the time!!!!
  23. Anybody whos watched or heard Josh talk knows he'd die trying to win us a SB. I'm pretty old school, in that, it looked like a "head ringer" (we know now, those are concussions even if mini) someone can shake off in a tight game in 4th quarter. I'm also one clammoring for Tua to hang em up, especially since hes so likeable. IMO Josh was mostly fine, but it was still a risk coming out.... another big blow in that game could realllllly change the trajectory of his career. Basically, driving w/o a seatbelt id equate it too. Proli fine once here or there, but over a large sample, there will be major repercussions from some of that sample. My point here, is that I'd bet my life savings Joshs head was shook up, and this was a minor concussion at minimum, and that he'd NEVER let that take him out of a game. Whether it was deflecting blame at a chest or "wind knocked out", all the way to, bluffing his baseline tests, so that he can play through mini-events like that one. Please be smart about it, if its bad, do not fake your way through it, and on smaller ones, make an honest self reflection "how bad is it" and ask whether that game scenario is "worth any risk at all." Secondly, NFL, take your tax exempt money and fund the ever living snot out of the guardian cap guys!!! Make them look more like the real thing, hide them inside helmets, or create a larger shell to throw over those things. GUARANTEED if you do some or all of that, the voluntary participation will skyrocket! Cmon Roger, do something where everyone wins for once
  24. Probably not, but im not trading him. hes healthy, pissed off, and fully dependent on incentives to get paid. if we were to make a run, its because we get better with a trade, and Von plays with his hair on fire.... 100% believe he does stilll
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