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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. You are the genius who can't figure out why the NFL should be concerned with punishing a player. You could go the legal route, marketing, financial, etc. Pick one and you could come up with plenty of reasons. But uh yea, I'm dumb
  2. It's in the Collective Bargaining Agreement that the players association and the NFL agreed to. Its a contract. So WHY wouldn't the NFL and players have to follow their contract?
  3. For those who say the video shouldn't have changed anything, use your thinking hat. Situation A: Rice and Fiance are drunk in the elevator, they get in an argument. She gets in his face, slaps him, he pushes her away, and she comes back and repeatedly goes at him. In a moment of rage, he hits her and she gets knocked out. Is that wrong, yes 100%. Should he be suspended and fined, yes (probably more than 2 games). But should he be cut and banned? maybe, but I don't want to take a career away from someone for one incident where he was being attacked and used terrible judgement Situation B: What occurred in the video 2 completely different situations, and thus why people demanded he be cut today.
  4. I'm sure he will try to get reinstated next year, but the thing is he will be almost 30 and his last good year was in 2012
  5. The old one showed him dragging her knocked out body. This new one shows him knocking her out
  6. No there isn't. Show me a case or statue that states if you hit someone with intent to harm is different than hitting someone with intent to knock her out. You are 100% wrong on that. Please stop That analogy makes no sense to this situation... lumping yourself with those nutjobs isnt the best route for you?
  7. So now the NFL is liars, and you are the only person who has that opinion of the video (he didnt intend to knock her out. As if when you punch someone you get to choose how much damage is done and defend it). Only here at TBD boys and girls...
  8. In case this what missed, here is the official statement from the nfl on the video: http://profootballta...eo-until-today/
  9. I'm going to drop the intent argument after this, but you are the only person who doesnt see that intent. The reason i brought up how civil or criminal courts view intent, is because that is the msot fair way to do it. How in the world you can watch that video and not comprehend that someone punching someone intends to cause harm (including knocking them out), is beyond me .
  10. You keep talking about facts, the nfl just said they never saw the video until now... http://profootballta...eo-until-today/ And criminal charges dont matter to the nfl and they have already set that precedent. Maybe you should try to re-articulate what you mean, because no one understands you and you keep saying everyone is twisting what you say
  11. Just so you know alhpa, intent has to do with the intentions of Rice, not the surrounding circumstances such as if she was drunk or even wasted. The results of the punch also don't have to do with intent (meaning if she got knocked down or not). Intention is what Rice MEANT to do by a punching her. Now, what his state of mind was doesn't matter because no one knows what that was but Rice (this is called a subjective test for intent). All that matters is the actions and the manifestations, meaning the punch. And if someone punches someone, there is absolutely intent to injure, knock out, etc. So yes, I can say clearly that there was intent on Rice's part. You are the only person I have heard argue this, and this is not a bunch of people following sheep and the court of public opinion. Its just one guy, with a goofy version of what happened. and advice, this is one of those times where you should realize your opinion is far away from the norm and in the direction of something not accepted (while you aren't defending rice fully, you are defending parts of his actions. Saying stuff like she accepted her part as evidence, that he didnt intend to knock her out, etc.). You are getting close to becoming that guy that defends wife beaters, fair or not. If i had an opinion like yours, i would keep it to my self
  12. Laws, rule, and standards lol. I'm willing to bet you have no authority on any of those subject matters. You are talking about intent and laws, and you fail to realize that what he did absolutely qualifies as intent under any legal definition.
  13. What an absolute joke of an opinion. No intent to knock her out? Intent is judged by an objective test, and any punch is no doubt an intent to knock out....
  14. I don't live in a black and white world, sorry I don't follow you. I can think of a million situations of domestic violence that vary. It isn't as simple as he hit her and the situation and facts don't matter at all. If she was in the elevator going at him and slapping him, thats one situation. If she takes a step to him, and he punches her out, that's another situation. Video evidence of the fact situation is absolutely new evidence (that is black and white) A video is not confirmation of the facts, it itself provides new facts of the situation
  15. When no national media gives us any attention or respect...don't complain, because neither did own fans because of preseason (as if preseason matters)
  16. 1. That's a criminal case 2. In a civil case (including battery, better analogy than yours), new evidence could reopen a case in most states 3. This is neither civil nor criminal court, so what's your point?
  17. Redskin is a derogatory term. Viking, raider, etc. is not. Is that a hard concept to grasp? It's not that people want anything that offends people to be changed. It's the fact that Redskin is a derogatory word. It's really not that hard, and anyone who brings up other team's names as offensive had this whole argument go over their head.
  18. Yea those 5th and 6th rounders are better than our backups. Stupid OBD
  19. Brady is the man. No denying this
  20. Laugh all you want, but thigpin's best season is better than any QB on our roster. Sad....
  21. LOL this is sooooo FUNNY
  22. Exactly, it's always something and it's beyond annoying with Stevie. When are we not talking about SJ and his tweet? He is always TALKING and bringing ATTENTION to himself...
  23. If we all were the GM then we would have 22 pro bowlers easily
  24. Too bad he is injury prone
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