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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. I know right, if I was playing madden I would be throwing bombs baby
  2. hehe, perpetually freaked
  3. yea we have had so many in this game
  4. They don't need any momentum on offense, again up by two scores at the very end of the game.
  5. I bet lots of you were cheering the falcons not running the ball in the superbowl!
  6. Is it bad to be conservative when you have a two score lead with 5 minutes left against a team that can't score...?
  7. falcons agree with you
  8. please no mccoy... edit: Why!!!!
  9. He is clearly down and has the ball...
  10. I need to take some trynoassatall
  11. Stick in ass? Am I out for the season. Did my head fall off too?
  12. I love the complaints about the bills offense that is racking up a ton of yards and the d-line who is allowing nothing in the run game.
  13. Can we start banning people that over-react or mindlessly speculate on injuries. Other forums do that
  14. They have held their rushing game to less than 2 yards a carry....
  15. It'll be conveniently not mentioned
  16. This thread is comical and a great tool to see someone's football knowledge. Only here will you see a bunch of people complaining about an offense that can't move that is on pace for almost 600 yards...gtfo
  17. so bad its on pace for over 500 yards lol
  18. Very silly, but you both know damn well there would have been 50+ posts here if the reverse happened saying the same thing
  19. How out of touch do you have to be to think you know everything about something you honestly have know idea about. Seriously, we are all wondering, how much and in what way did you scout Vallejo? Everyone has opinions, but dear god why when you have no idea about something...
  20. Mods keep this thread, it's useful the separate these discussions. As someone who doesn't know anything, I like beane
  21. Those are certainly reasons to be cautiously optimistic. And those two firsts next year don't hurt
  22. you should have just went like this: sdklh4893tyvnn y84 7tre ydsf HR8w rsaa rr a7 st f fd7sfd@& $
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