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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Whaaaaaaat? That is literally 10 questions.
  2. I mean, sure. If you have literally never seen a QB rack up yards in garbage time, then you would think today was "hollow" yards lol
  3. stidham is way way worse. He is like peterman
  4. Did cam newton bully you or something??? Five years of making cam newton threads is really really odd behavior lol
  5. Anyways, it was an ugly game but Allen kept us in it and led us down the field constantly. Overall, he was okay. And we should all just forget about this ugly ugly game
  6. Yea, if someone describes a read option play like that.....he may have an awful agenda
  7. It is so bad. Half of his reasoning is always objectively wrong and the grading scale makes no sense.
  8. I don't know why your LAMP posts are allowed. This is an awful opinion
  9. he moved the ball today with ease. A lot of self-destruction by the offense killed drives, and most were not by Allen.
  10. The Kelly teams were blown out sometimes
  11. lol they are choosing to leave to go to a conservative only version of this forum.
  12. Haven't your friends invited you to the PPP knockoff they have elsewhere?
  13. This looking more and more like a giant dud. We’ll see
  14. good lord. When I caught DR in a lie about him watching Cuties (his claims about it matched a viral post that wasn’t accurate), he kept rambling about what I was defending and what I was promoting or something. Maniac
  15. thanks for correcting. Did not see that. Though it still sounds like he is accusing people of stuff privately in PM...but maybe he did those things on the message board too?
  16. feel free to share/quote that. I’m unaware of that
  17. come again? Here is SDS’s description of DR’s pm conversation:
  18. You say about a guy who accused another poster of abusing children to SDS through a PM
  19. right, he wasn’t lawyering while defending (my understanding of the situation). Thus a pedohplile lawyer, under any interpretation of the phrase, was wildly immature and false.
  20. ummm is he a “pedophile lawyer” as you define it??? Or is that made up as well? god some people love to be persecuted.
  21. I don't think i can be more clear that I don't agree with the reason. But just pointing out a valid reason to vote for biden a lot of people will be following. You can disagree with it and think it is actually a bad reason, like you do, but its still a reason. I personally don't like the riots, media, and non-stop hysteria. But I can just tune it out without much issue so I don't really care. We are about to have 4 years of obnoxiousness either way imo.
  22. The reason is gets them to stop crying. Voting in biden gets rid of a lot of hysteria, riots, non-stop chaos by the media. Again, i don't really agree with it but that is obviously a reason.
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