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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Maybe (but probably not) they have learned from their many mistakes. Both were decent coaches when they were here, and made plenty of errors.
  2. Man, if you think ESPN's downfall has to do with people stop watching them because of politics....then do i have something to sell YOU! It has nothing to do with providing a quickly-outdated service
  3. "lock this up" "lock this up" "lock this up" *Mods lock this thread* Six months later... "lock this up"
  4. hahaha, yea 90% weren't decent human beings. I am sure that isn't your subjective (racist) opinion
  5. Great post, great movie Savage +1 Agreed. It is like people who were against the Iraq war, many said they didn't support our troops.... You didn't observe the massive uptick today in protests and many directly reference trump? I think you misread his post
  6. I do think the only good argument against the protest is the I just dont want selfishly see any protests in sports. And I dont mean selfish in a bad way, sincerely. Theres lots of things I think like that for! Good point
  7. Holy leaps of logic Batman! Yea go do a crime you fools!!! Unless you are the president or super rich, you better pay! Who cares though! Is having a counter protest (what exactly would it even be for...? Would the counter protest be for standing for the anthem? Isnt that what other players are doing.) that important to anyone?
  8. And protesting war is anti-troops lol. The anthem is goofy, especially at sporting events. I like, tens of thousands of othe fans, go and get alcohol during that time. People throwing a hissy fit over disrespecting the flag and country need to stop being so worried about being politicaly correct lol. Iv never seen such a group of people being so whiny about something!
  9. Whatching you two is like reading YouTube comments lol
  10. lol troll elsewhere. Something is over your head.
  11. Ok, think whatever you want. That isn't what I said or what I meant. I'm glad you are in my head and want to argue about it, I don't. Go practice logical reasoning elsewhere
  12. comically so too!
  13. the one when i am talking about nfl coaches in general? Hey its not might fault you came in to the thread insulting me for no reason, inferred something I didn't mean or say, and then want to argue about it. The fact many nfl coaches struggle with it is a pet peeve of mine, I hope our coach isn't one of them. I am talking about one specific play and not generalizing it. Is that the hardest concept for you to understand? I'm not going to teach you how to read and make inferences....but I can tell you when a coach makes a bad decision about saving the clock
  14. I don't play games. And when you are down by 6 with 40 seconds left at their 40, it is 100% about saving time and 0% about not letting the other team have time left....that sounds like madden talk lol. haha yea we dont want to leave them 10 seconds instead of 4, better waste some time
  15. What, you don't think a lot of nfl coaches can't manage the clock? Some are incredibly bad at it I have been saying teams should do that long before we hired our coach, and they should. If you read my posts, I said all teams should do that. I said he had issues today and hopefully he gets better at, I'm not dumb enough to judge how he coaches in anyway from 2 games. So again, I didn't say that and your post was off-base. Seriously quote me saying he can't manage the clock, I'll wait.
  16. I don't think I said he can't manage a clock? So inaccurate and stupid eh? I'm talking about one specific bad clock management decision. And I don't feel like explaining why it was bad choice anymore. The second timeout in less than a minute of a game should be used to save as much time as possible. Failing to use it when it took almost 15 seconds to run a play was a bad decision objectively, because the chances of being able to save that much time with your 2nd TO is very unlikely. Choosing when to use that last TO is much much more subjective. And saying blabla is a head coach so he is better at that than you is a silly argument. I bet you think Reid's clock management is just dandy. He of course can manage a game better than me, but I am not saying that, or saying he managed this game badly. I'm pointing out he missed a chance to call a TO in a very obvious opportunity
  17. I'm not a penalty expert, but I don't think PI was the right call since the ball wasn't thrown yet. But it sure looked like it should be some other type of penalty imo
  18. Both at times. But the right side of the line is a huge issue. No way to blame taylor for that
  19. lol this is a great post from someone calling people douches. Fails to read the thread, doesn't understand it, and starts shouting
  20. Yea? So many coaches are awful at it. I have been surprised for years a team hasn't delegated this duty to someone who is an expert in it
  21. How many times do I have to say it didn't matter and had no impact on the game. I don't know how you can type when you are unable to read? What are you talking about? So if something doesn't impact the end of the game, we can't criticise or discuss it?
  22. Ok? I guess clock management is complicated since many of you don't understand it either haha
  23. You are using hindsight and an imaginary sequence of events where the missed TO would have been better. You can make a bad decision, and have it work out for you. I'm not saying that. But if you have multiple timeouts in under 40 seconds, and you waste 13 seconds after a play ends, then you missed a spot to call a TO. Because the chances of you saving more than 13 seconds in a later play is low-percentage. It really isn't complicated. And again, I didn't say it cost us the game or had an impact. Also not hard to understand...
  24. Again, we had two timeouts when he should have called a TO. Look, I don't think clock management had anything to do with the loss, but saving time in the final two minutes when you have multiple timeouts is a science. There are objective moments when a timeout should be called. He missed one, hopefully its not a pattern And to everyone who says it ended up not costing us anything, who cares? If we won, would we not be allowed to complaint about the inept offense because we won? Of course we still can. Clock management is a pet peeve of mine because so many head coaches are bad at it. It strikes a cord
  25. Heh, no one looks good that had anything to do with offense after that game
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