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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. What is your actual point. Nothing is harder to follow than someone who has no idea what they are talking about, but thinks they do. Okay let’s track this guy’s post. So he starts off randomly quitting constitutional experts for some reason. But hints at DEA’s place in this topic. Okay moving on, so far so good, but somewhat vague Lololol wtf is this. Congress didn’t give away any powers. DEA has rulemaking powers, it doesn’t preempt congress from acting. What do you think, they preempted themeselves? They have to take away rulemaking powers to act? Not quite right still. The post you quoted talked about law making, not rulemaking. What do you think happened, Congress have the DEA temporary exclusive control over an area of law?
  2. lol okay buddy. I did look through the comments, but following your legal logic is tough for someone who knows what they are talking about.
  3. Welp, that is irrelevant! and anyone who thinks marijuna reform wouldn’t come from congress is smoking something
  4. Okay! That’s great. An obama could have blabla and foxnews would have blabla. my point is who cares. Like who in their right mind cares about this
  5. Ok. What exactly are you whining about it again?
  6. OMG its administrative law, not con law* you goof Its rulemaking procedures, not lawmaking. *KILLS SELF* ***How in god's name is marijuana being illegal unconstitutional or implicate the constitution? What is the actual coherent theory? I'll even take a link
  7. Fox news? The station trump actually thanks through his twitter account? Are you trolling? Fox news heavily slants right, and CNN and MSNC left. By viewership the numbers are pretty close. This isn't rocket science. Why in the world would it bother you.
  8. Holy reading comprehension! I said both sides do it. And both sides whine about it
  9. Arent their more liberal leaning major news stations? CNN and MSNB vs Fox? And trump intentionally antagonizes on Twitter. Why wouldn’t there be opposite reactions to that? And he one Intentionally antagonizes the news stations that don’t align with him. i mean whine about something else
  10. Every president gets unfairly pumped up by media favorable to him, and unfairly put down by media not favorable to him. it happens to everyone. Whining about it or acting like it’s new is little league.
  11. Yea no. Special inevsitagation >>>>> divorce lawyers lol
  12. I’m sure if he’s clean, but I’m not sure that’s the case. Though i do think the collusion angle is very out there
  13. I would be beyond shocked if there is collusion with Russia. But I bet trump and his inner circle are getting paranoid about having other matters investigated. Unless of course there is nothing to hide! they are aware of the talent and resources of the Special investigation. I’d sure be scared if I was hiding something illegal.
  14. I bet Middletown Kentucky is doing great lol. Democratic conspiracy theory must be hiding it.
  15. Lol “media portrayal of trump” How is this a topic
  16. Well what group of people would think a billionaire-money-obsessed person would try and help the poor. It doesnt even pass the laughing test (try to say it without laughing)
  17. How can you respond to the fact I don’t think Tv stars are qualified? That’s my opinion and you can disagree with it. It’s not an objective criteria. You can list things you like about Trump, I can list things I don’t like as a response. But there is no need to go down that road. That was my 2 cents on the topic of Oprah running for president. Sorry if it implied I think Trump is also unqualified and that hurt your feelings.
  18. This doesn’t need to be a trump debate. I don’t think he is remotely qualified, nor do I think Oprah would be. In fact I think they are laughably unqualified. I would like to dip into the non-TV-star bucket.
  19. Maybe we need to try something new! How about tennis player?
  20. Who else loved how long we took to get the snap off following the Clay catch.
  21. I mean, the categories aren’t just tv stars and military generals
  22. Would be nice if we could go back to qualified candidates instead of tv personalities with no sense of what they are doing
  23. lol I pick words wisely, but nice try. I don’t have any opinions on if he did it or not. But I wouldn’t be suprised if he did. They are uh two different concepts i have no opinions on our win loss record next year, but I wouldn’t be suprised if we get screwed by a bad call.
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