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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. What’s the over/under on the number of people who have actually watched him enough to even give a basic fan-level opinion? Two?
  2. My guess is five years, 47.5 million, 23 million guaranteed.
  3. Garble garble SJWs and women. See in five pages.
  4. Your joke-comment about another culture’s name being stupid missed. Don’t try to evolve it a different stupid joke. Just move on. You have mostly hits, but there’s a reason you are a forum jokester lol
  5. Didn’t they play in nine blizzards or something?
  6. The cause you mention does not lead to the result you mention. Clearly There are so many topics I won’t talk about because I am completely ignorant of them. Wanna talk about the death penalty? I don’t because I don’t know anything about it. I’m vey aware of my ignorance. But your ignorance knows no bounds. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, but for some reason you just keep at it...”why yes sir, let me too talk about the pharmaceutical industry.” If you don’t understand the pharma industry’s impact on the drug issue in this country, just freaking say “I don’t know anything about that, but I’m talking about illegal drug dealers.” and you wanting to deal the death penalty to drug dealers is not a shocker
  7. You are conflating way too many things with your position. These players aren’t comparable to most employees, they are governed by collective bargaining unit, have a ton of rights, and don’t have to do a bizillion things the pegula’s ask of them while “in the office.” ”Employees” have a variety of rights, and they are allowed to act within the scope of their rights. I am allowed to do a lot of things someone at McDonald’s cannot. I think the elusive concept of a “fact” is escaping your fingers
  8. Is anyone actually saying these things you are mocking? Or are you obsessed with the make-believe? The imaginary mist that goes after the innocent and demands punishment without evidence. (I have seen zero of that here)
  9. Actuallys it's the reverse. Some people say let’s wait until facts come out and let them do their investigation until we make judgments. Then their are special posters who make judgments right away, while thinking the reverse is true. Special is good though!!!!
  10. Says the person who understands law as well as he explains his taste in cuckolding. He was not terminated, so uh no wrongful termination lol. And you were looking for libel not slander, and that’s a no go when the grounds are these types of statements. So yea reaaaaal informed.
  11. Sue for what you goof? Your post ranges from uninformed to laughable. Nothing to sue for. Cuckolding has nothing to do with this, though it seems to be on your mind quite a bit lol. Fetishes are fine though! Whatever floats your boat. I don’t see the enjoyment of watching that, but then again I don’t have deep-rooted issues that gets Freud’s coffin a rockin.
  12. Your failure to understand basic things is embarrassing. Innoncent until proven guilty is an informal reference to burdens of proof in criminal proceedings. Burdens nor criminal proceedings are relevant here. Might as well talk about how many goldfish you have.
  13. The chroise Didnt losman once throw it away on fourth down?
  14. Drew Magary is so so good with the words
  15. It’s childish and dumb, nothing really derogatory though for the most part, but I could see how it can be seen that way!
  16. Looks at username. Sees ridiculous generalization. giggles
  17. Often the sign of death!
  18. No because that type of play happens a few times a year it seems, not necessarily in that context. The forward lateral was a fluke play that was simply inexcusable and should never happen.
  19. I'll give it a read tomorrow! I also think a concern with Mueller will be seeking to find something if there really isn’t anything. For attention-sake.
  20. I think it’s a little early for that. Flynn is no high bar to pass. But how worried trumps inner circle I think depends on what they investigate, which we have no idea what it is. I agree with that!
  21. You even capitalized it you goof. You clearly said they don’t have the power RIGHT NOW. Again, aside from misstating the law a bunch, what’s your point? Do you actually think this change would come from the DEA? And you are wrong a bunch!
  22. It’s very unclear as to what he is investigating. From people I’ve talked to, he is one of the most arrogant people around. But I heavily doubt it effects him strategically. I think that team is smarter than anyone they are investigating or meeting with.
  23. Thats all your quotes and the innacuraies of each one. No context saves your mistakes. Go brush up on Law before you misstate it (and ps I read the context). hold my beer little one unless you want to explain how congress delegated powers means they don’t have the power. Lol I’ll wait FINISH HIM
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