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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Well since you want to weigh in, do you think the government gives any legal rights, or are they all inalienable? (and it’s just this argument and the one you refuse to finish because you know you are wrong. But oh well)
  2. This is officially the dumbest argument I have been a part of. Yes, there inalienable rights. But there also legal rights that are not inalienable. For example, as a renter or homeowner, you have legal rights given to you by the government. These are called legal rights, not social or legal privileges or whatever you referred to them by. Lol remember when you distinguished many of my examples and disregarded them because there were also non-political motives? That was dumb of course, but funny that you can’t distinguish them now from smollet.
  3. Thank you, my post (if you read it?) was that it was still a political hoax with political motives EVEN IF there were also none-political motives. That was my point, and I am glad you agree with me. 3rdnlng argued yesterday that something couldn’t be a political hoax if there actual non-political motives too. I disagreed.
  4. I mean multiple people agreed that Todd was a politically hoax. and its about you owning up after you obnoxiously made me google links and make a list.
  5. Dude, the governor gives rights to you. There are rights like you are talking about that are intrinsic or inalienable....then there are legal rights that are accorded by statute and law. I have no idea why in the world you would dispute or argue this. Disagree with it, but it’s a reasonable line. We treat babies pretty differently pre and post birth. I don’t know what you are talking about. You aren’t living in this world or something. Many rights are, in fact, given after birth to a person that they did not have while in the womb. what a silly thing to argue about. Yes, because everyone who is an advocate for abortions gets abortions. Great logic. oh, and my mother does believe that and I turned out just fine lol. Lolol. You would have looked less foolish yesterday I suppose. still waiting in that thread for you to answer if the smollet thing is a political hoax, since he had non-political motives... (you know, the same stupid logic you tried to use to discount a few of my examples)
  6. Seems dumb. This country has a diet issue for sure. But taxing sodas isn’t going to deter that many people, it’s just going to cost families more money. And curbing impulse buying is dumb...the problem isn’t the person who buys a soda on impulse, it’s the families that guzzle a liter a day and give their children a ton of soda.
  7. Now im curious. Since it came out that smollet was upset about his salary, and that was his motive (he just took advatange of the political climate to do this hoax), does that mean he wasn’t politically motivated? of course not, it’s still politically motivated. But you seemed to try and distinguish my examples based on motives other than politics (even if they covered up their real motives with a political hoax). so, is Smollett a political hoax or not? My answer is obviously it is. im sure you’ll keep distinguishing instead of admitting anything. But maybe you’ll man up and surprise me. My respect for you will go up a ton.
  8. I saw he was charged with a felony lol!
  9. Yup, I am very much in favor of vaccines, but no thank you to the flu vaccine.
  10. Fully agreed. And I even said if I had to make a guess, I would say there seem to be more hoaxes by liberals lately.
  11. No one provides links in their original posts for pretty obvious assertions. I made one post asking you to clarify lol. Haha you are a silly one. I never tried to confuse the issue. My examples dont suck. And you have not taught me any lessons other than to take you not seriously. You did not do well today. It is funny you think so though, I am happy I have contributed to thinking you helped teach people forum lessons.
  12. You move the goalposts so much its unreal. Yea, a mccain staffer who made up a report of a black guy pinning her down, telling her to support obama, and scratching a B into her face was not politically motivated because of mental illness....as if anyone being a victim for a hoax doesn't have mental issues. You are the type of person who doesn't admit they are wrong. There are plenty of examples. Not that long ago there was the case of the guy making a report of his truck being vandalized by BLM supporters. Turns out he spraypainted his own car. You are a fool. I made zero comparison between left and right hoaxes (so not sure how they could be weak...they don't exist). I made zero points about media. I said there were false flags from both sides, that was literally my only point. Something you just agreed with me on, so thank you. I don't even know 3rdnlng's point. All he did was randomly ask me to prove something, which you and several others have agreed with the past few pages. I provided proof, but he still wants to argue for god knows what reason.
  13. That isn't true. I just went with the first because it is the most clear, and if you won't admit that is politically motivated, you won't for the others. But keep lying about what I said lol (or make up things that I didn't say like liberal hoaxes are on par) I just went back to our last democratic president. And keep harping on mental illness, as if anyone who would stage a hoax as a victim would not be mentally ill. Lol "poser." You were a clown today, and I thought you could debate better. I found you links within 10 or 15 minutes, and you couldn't deal with it.
  14. I sincerely don't expect to be deemed a winner of any debates here. It is a conservative board, its just very entertaining to me. I tested it today by providing plenty of links, for him to blindly say ashley todd's conduct wasn't politically motivated. It is laughable.
  15. Lol whatever you say boss. You can pretend conservatives have never done that. That’s what is nice about forums, there is no ultimate decision maker. You can go unchecked and believe whatever you want. I personally like it that way as it lets people have opinions and discussions that wouldn’t pass muster elsewhere. you asking me to prove something, me giving it to you, and you get to pretend I didn’t and tell me not to try that ***** again. Lol, I i make a living proving much smarter people wrong on much more complex topics. I’m much more aware of logic and supporting assertions with evidence than you’ll ever be, so pipe down with your threats/lessons of supporting evidence. and we both know how right I was after you read about someone like Ashley Todd. You can try and snake your way out of it all you want.
  16. I guess it is off topic, but I didn’t think McCain was that bad in his earlier days. During his campaign, was when he started to switch, but afterwards he became a complete idiot. Maybe I wasn’t as observant before though, so I could be wrong. Yea because, someone listing two things is putting them on par. You are reaching and reaching. You thought I was making a point that I wasn’t, and ran with it incorrectly. You should have just admitted that, but whatever. You are clearly in the wrong and have learned nothing so oh well. I am moving on. I have no no idea who has done more, and don’t claim to say I did (I didn’t) Based on recent events it certainly seems like more liberals making up hoaxes. But that’s just a guess.
  17. That is fair. I remember the story being on the news, but not nearly to the degree of this current Smollet story. I believe Mccain himself used the Ashley Todd story numerous times in his favors before it was deemed a hoax. Yea she was a paid organizer for a republic organization or something.
  18. I figured I would get that response, and it is fair. I posted a few more examples after that list, but what do you think about the ashley todd example I have posted since this list. Isn't that what you are saying?
  19. Haha you are looking for any way out of this possible. First off, I think it is funny that are believing the B on her face was accidental (convenient to believe that, I have never accidentally scratched a letter into my face). Even going with that. She created a political hoax to cover it up. She is a mccain staffer, she made up a story about a black guy being upset at her mccain bumper sticker, he scratched a B into her face, and told her to go support Obama. This is a perfect example. It doesn't get any better. How can you say this was not politically motivated, what an outrageous position to take. Also, since you keep demanding I prove things. Go show me where I said they were on par with each other. Go ahead and do it.
  20. I think concocting an entire story and reporting it to police gets her above the threshold. Though, I admit, it is tough to get above it when you do the B backwords.
  21. Welllllllll are we setting any intelligence threshold for these people to call it a hoax? Didn't this actor guy hire people he knew to do the attack or something lol? I said they were on par with each other in my original post? Proove it lol. I am serious, go ahead and show me. All I said is I am confused anytime anyone does this, conservative or liberal. Let's see where I put them on par with each other.... And its not about me being right (though I was, I just said I hate it when either political side does it, and I proved a conservative did it). I am more curious why you even disputed that a conservative has done that. You don't realize there are absolutely crazy losers on both sides of the spectrum that seek attention? The only people who don't believe that are the Tibs and Row_33 people of the world. I am going to give you a tip about learning something. Before you dispute something obvious/common sense and demand evidence, you should research it for 30 seconds to see if you are right or not. It avoids situations like this. Also, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
  22. YES! Its like the guy who scratched his hand with a knife, and then made up an entire hoax about how people stabbed him because he had a neo-nazi haricut. World's dumbest criminals lol
  23. You are seriously disputing Ashley Todd? A McCain staffer who made up that a black Obama supporter scratched a B into her face was not politically motivated??? Just because she was mentally ill doesn’t change anything. She was a ***** McCain staffer hahah admit when you are wrong man. I said I hate it when anyone, liberal or conservative, makes up a hoax that is politically motivated. I just gave you an example of a conservative doing it, Ashley Todd. I prooved my point. Admit it lol. You look silly not just admitting it. EDIT: There we have it. You are the type of person who demands proof of something obvious. Gets the proof. And won't admit it when you are wrong.
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