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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Um no. When a flat earther tells you to indulge in their research, do you? Maybe that's the difference between us, you have time to waste on laughable middle school bull####. I just think its cute you think you started some of your nonsense
  2. Lol, typos on the internet show someone um, making a typo. Typing rambling incoherent walls of text....shows they can't write clear And sorry, bragging about being a successful lawyer is obnoxious. My apologies, its just you used writing income as evidence of you being a good writer (good logic), and I couldn't resist lol
  3. I teach law students at a top 20 university, but okay. And you are right, DR was the first here.....not on the internet ass DR claims. Learn to read genius Coup coup coup!!!!
  4. Thats ridiculous
  5. Lol now I feel bad that you didn't realize you are just mirroring the thought process a bunch of middle schoolers. It is kind of sad that someone is spending all this time on the internet saying the exact same things others are doing. It’s kind of like a black mirror episode!!! (I don’t feel bad that I’m wildly more successful than you or that I’m a better writer. That’s just being fair)
  6. Yes, so do all the reddit and other forum threads. But keep on thinking you were at the forefront of your popular nonsensical internet theories. It’s full of children and adults with too much time on their hand. Except for some fields like mine, where you work in your career making a lot of money, and you adjunct at top universities for a class or two to be involved in the community. I teach writing in my field, because I’m recognized and paid for being a great writer
  7. You have have no idea how dumb you sound saying you were talking about this months before anyone else was on the internet. You are a terrible writer because you are a terrible writer. The saying is “if I had more time, I’d have written less,” not “I ramble for paragraphs because I have passion.” two, how much money you make is irrelevant. There are ***** successful people in every field. And if you want to argue with this dumb logic, I make a substantial amount of money writing for a living. And I teach writing. And if first year student rambled like you I’d have to sit down and talk to them. And if they rambled in your manner, I’d refer them to mental counseling.
  8. You are insane if you think you are remotely original with your thoughts. Yup, keep thinking you are the only person saying these things. You should google for a few minutes and you’ll find a bunch of people that can have mirror conversations with. Im glad you have learned to make a few dollars or spare change with your writing. It doesn’t change the fact you are an embarrassingly bad writer because you take 10x longer to say something than the average writer. And 100x longer than a good writer.
  9. it’s nice you have decided to dedicate a lot of time to play around with a baseless conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, a ton of other people have as well. And you all reach the same conclusions and say the same things because you actually can’t add value to the topic. also, you aren’t long-winded because you type with passion. You are long-winded because you struggle with clarity. Long rambling posts like yours are a hallmark of someone who doesn’t even know what they are trying to say and no one is mocking you. You are just this weird byproduct of the internet age.
  10. Spreading information is a nice way to say you type nonsense on the internet. The exact nonsense a bunch of people do on reddit and other forums. You literally say the exact same thing as they do, with no added analysis because it doesn’t actually require any logic or smarts (just time). You dont think outisde the box. So many people are saying the exact same dumb stuff as you.
  11. At frist glance DR seems like someone with a normal amount of reason and logic. Then you realize he is this weird guy who peddles middle school conspiracies all day on the internet. The there are a few guys who just aren’t very bright, and have found a safe space to share their low-level conservative ideas about hating Obama and loving trump. Its all harmless as they are just goofy weirdos on the internet who thankfully have no influence other than the elderly on Facebook. Lol so what? Something that is not direct evidence can be just as credible. That’s basic logic...now quick, respond with a Reddit meme It was entertaining until you realize it’s the same one over and over. There’s better stuff out there on the internet
  12. WOAH that is a wildly absurd response based on someone calling you out for saying Allen deserved to take hits, even if it was sarcastic. You made an inappropriate conduct, carry on.
  13. Dominate? He didn’t even look competent against them... oh you didn’t watch the game, that’s why your post doesn’t make sense! Got it
  14. Well also because players were celebrating with him when he was on the ground. In other words, every single fact suggests he gave himself up before running back.
  15. Allen at least avoids the sacks
  16. Nice phantom penalty
  17. Goff is bad
  18. yea wtf was that!? Coach, we are having trouble protecting our QB, he is constantly under pressure, and we are backed up...what should we do? EVERYONE RUN DEEP
  19. Especially when he was really accurate and leading his team on drives all first half
  20. Tough class, doesn’t even get credit for a game winning drive.
  21. Nah He has a pattern of winning in the NFL though.
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