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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. What am I looking at? 3rdandlong's retail job? Some screenwriter or something? And a PUBLISHED physicist. Unless that retail job is 10000 hours a week, then I dunno man
  2. a decent understanding of statistics. Though, maybe I am underestimating the fact you are a PUBLISHED physicist
  3. It is all too true! It is annoying how much money good lawyers make. I hope no one does a coup against me
  4. Oh no, I am a professional writer. No doubt about that. That is why I get paid wayyyyyyyy more than you all combined to write for a living. I just share that with law students. And in case you didn't know. Most law schools use practicing attorneys for practice-based classes, like writing. Also, they um still pay me. Im such a liarrrrrrr! wait, what did i lie about lol?
  5. They seeeeeeeeeeeem to like me quite a bit! It is time consuming, which is very tough for someone who works a lot so much in my field (and also still publishes......not just in school). But I still make time for them. reaching lol. You know I have you about your awful long rambling posts haha. Can't really argue with that, can ya? go to the children's table. When I talked about annoying weird rambling people, I am talking about DR and DC Tom (to a lesser extent). When i mentioned the dumb goofy people that can't contribute a single new thought, I was talking about people like you.
  6. Well......those are the same things. I said I teach at a top 20 law school. I do I don't think I would consider myself a professor. Just correcting you (you should learn how to use quotations. Just gonna ignore you made up the first one lol) Might explain why you haven't published since school, huh?
  7. yes, me no write or or teach writing. Or in the words of DR:
  8. but if you want to spread information (on a bills forum), you might want to write in a manner that doesn't make the average person want to stab their eyes. Not a professor, just an adjunct at my local college. Gives back and I love writing, I can't help myself but want to correct terrible writers. It is a blight (this forum has one.....)
  9. How about this, next time you want to write 10 paragraphs about something. I'll show you how to shorten it to one paragraph, while keeping all the information and making it 100x more clear.
  10. I only do high stakes civil law. Gosh I remember a bunch of students publishing stuff during school. Is that the boat you fall in? Or have you published continuously since you started your career.
  11. Oh yea, because if you make money in your field that means you are good at it. Like I said, and DC tom brought up, it doesn't mean anything. Lots of ***** people in their fields make money. Lawyers are no different
  12. Lol, I like your repeat-the-same-dumb-thing point over and over strategy. Well, considering I usually win....probably not terrible. Nah, his presence is spreading truth on a bills forum. Lol, what a goal that is
  13. Yup, you do realize I pulled it out because your boy DR talked about his income to support that his long-winded style of writing resembles something above a middle school level. And then said it was meaningless. So thank you.
  14. I doubt anyone has actually been scared to engage you intellectually. In your whole life. Which, is kinda sad
  15. Yes, someone who doesn't want to read a document and listen to you rant (and raaaaaant for paragraphs endlessly), is a coward. Keep saying it and posting memes lol Ah yes, I could converse with the loony or the dumb
  16. It must be nice to go through life thinking anyone who does not want to entertain your reddit-level thoughts is coward. I wasn't quoting you, I am aware you don't consider yourself a republican. But details....?
  17. Well, most people in my field are extremely smart liberals, so I bet that is what you think we all use to write.
  18. Oh boy, published!!! Quite the credential.
  19. Yes, only the intellectual cowards don't engage with fools.
  20. I don't care about his conspiracy views, I know reading is hard Yes not engaging with idiots = not caring about facts
  21. You are obtuse. This is a discussion about your nonsensical viewpoints, I am not interested in reading anything and seeing how it fits into any of your silly views.
  22. You haven't been to any graduate program in any field, have you? (most professors actually practice in the field...successfully) You are right, no objective evidence I am a successful teacher. Lot's of objective evidence I am a successful lawyer though, so that is nice.
  23. I am sorry I have the ability to hear 20 seconds about a conspiracy and be able to tell it is wildly dumb. Someone mentions the earth is flat, I don't have to hear their side to know they are dumb. Same with your nonsense. I get it, not everyone has the ability to tease out stupid.
  24. I have no idea what you mean by legal writing not being actual writing. Regardless, I doubt your masterful style of rambling incoherently for paragraphs at a time is looked upon favorable in "actual writing" Coool? Like I said, I am not indulging in the merits of any of your conspiracies, they are incredibly dumb. Primary sources, secondary sources, who cares?
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