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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Or people constantly insulting me. Or DR bringing up his job as relevant first. But whatever i dont expect you to be objective Lol burnnnnnn. The career path of big law attorneys is soooooo funny. Maybe when I was a newbie this would have stung a little lol
  2. Nice thing about my job is I don’t have to ever bring anything. Stuff is always paid for
  3. FUNNNNNNY JOKE!!!! i now see why you don’t post anything original. Because, wow, this is...geesh go back to riding other’s posts. Leave the big boy dumb posts to people like DR lol
  4. What an insult lol! My job is not an area to insult me in haha. Lol, that’s me! An unsuccessful lawyer haha
  5. Nah I litigate for a living. I get to teach because I’m good at my job. And also, who in their right mind would mind getting laughed at by the 8 of you.
  6. You don’t know understand whistleblowing or complaints. It’s okay, I’m sure that level of thinking isn’t needed in your job
  7. You know you are a conspiracy whacko when all of your rambling posts include a “you just can’t see it because you believe in the liesssss. Use you’re own judgment man!” laughable
  8. That’s the best part! They make up their mind right away, post inaccurate information, and all pat each other on the back saying we are the biased ones...
  9. Waiting for you to show where i said there was more to the Ukraine story or that there shouldn’t be an impeachment. Or are you just going to ignore that you posted wrong info? Like DR
  10. I never said he should be impeached. I actually said there is nothing so far worthy of impeachment. I also am on record as saying the same thing with the Russian collusion stuff. either you have me confused or reading is hard. I just point out when DR is wrong ***doesnt it bother you that you just posted something factually wrong? I literally never said what you said I did. Can you admit when you are wrong, unlike DR?
  11. You cant read buddy. I said the coup consequences for the wrongdoers. I know I’ll never convince you there was no coup lol
  12. Good thing about this is one of us will be right about your dumb coup consequences ramblings. I’m sure you won’t acknowledge I’m right when the time comes Mr. “No one else was present that can be called.”
  13. I have seen this hook, like, sinker line so many times. None of your predictions for consequences of the wrongdoers has occurred yet. Coup coup
  14. Yea, true. But I’m just answering your questions. nothing says impeach to me so far. But let’s investigate and see? It’s going to be a circus with lots of lies, but that’s our climate now
  15. Its maddening to see him do it so frequently Yea it might not be anything of value. But a dozen White House officials are probably worth talking to just to be sure. If anything, it can confirm the transcript is accurate and nothing was missing or said before/after. Isn’t that something?
  16. Bored. Your answer to someone’s question showed you didn’t read that part of the complaint. Anyways....keep posting tweets lol
  17. Yes White House officials cannot be subpoenaed. Eye roll
  18. Probably nothing. But no harm I guess. Maybe they can provide additional context?
  19. You just said no one else was present in the call. You were wrong. People can see it. moving on
  20. You have to know I just correctly called you out for being wrong. you just said no one was present besides the two. Wrong. then you said besides CIS transcribers. Wrong now EVERYONE is privileged. Wrong you did not read read the complaint. It’s embarrassing. Does no one care how DR just said posts factually incorrect stuff and won’t own it?
  21. someone asked if they could. DR is wrong again and said no one else was present that can be called. Im just pointing out someone being wrong. Why is that such an issue? Do you think he is right?
  22. Um the complaint says approximately a dozen White House officials listened to the call (including policy officials, whitehouse personnel, and Brechbuhl). And that participation in the call was not restricted... are you sure you read the complaint? Keep digging lol.
  23. Im backtracking? You just posted all day yesterday about the complaint being suspect because it conflicts with the transcript. Now it’s a new dumb reason. It’s not even worth quitting your posts to show that you did say it was suspect because it is secondhand
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