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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. yea, protecting the identity of a whistleblower is totally shady as *****!
  2. Your reaching is enjoyable. you repeating false insults really gets to me lol. and to think you a smart published (while in school) professional!
  3. there is an option (c) beyond being (a) dumb or (b) taken advantages of
  4. not how you all have it framed
  5. I mean, look who disagrees with my point! A 9/11 truther. Point proven, thanks.
  6. Now you’re getting closer to the main point
  7. but what if the battle doesn’t exist?
  8. its never going to happen. None of the consequences will fall
  9. oh, being ignorant of dumb conspiracy theories is absolutely the way to go through life. Ask me why flat earthers think the earth is flat, and my answer is “I don’t know, nor do I want to know.” Show me a person who knows, and I’ll show you someone who could have spent their time better. it is way worse to be ignorant of the fact the theory you believe in is a figment if your imagination. That’s the ignorance you have, and I’m sorry I find it funny I know you only talk about things you don’t really understand, but you should work in stopping it. People will laugh at you less.
  10. trust me, I have no plans on engaging anyone on the substance of these conspiracy theories. They are loony
  11. but I’m not a serious person, which is worse!
  12. This discussion is for serious people only!!! No non-serious people allowed!!! maybe you are in middle school? you all are certainly harmless.
  13. i didn’t buy into and I am on record as saying as such here and those insults only work if I was lying lol
  14. you have trouble not understanding anything that challenges your little thoughts. Your analysis of the documents are nutty, not the document. I know you can’t really distinguish between concepts, but try and figure out the difference serious internet person
  15. do you need to see documents to laugh and discount flat earth theories? Do you need to see the photographs to know Bigfoot is fake? Or do you lack the very basic ability to smell patent BS? its not that I’m “not a serious” person or whatever that means. Or that I’m trolling. It’s that this is laughably dumb Idea that normal people don’t engage with. we all have our dumb hobbies. I like real housewives and bravo tv. You all like to engage with idiotic conspiracy theories that are rooted in middle-school reddit.
  16. At what point, when there are no consequences to all these people you have on your list, will you admit you are wrong? 5 years from now?
  17. so you all know the discussion is real. I mean, if a bunch of weirdos just kept talking about this nonsense themselves online without any outside voices, how would you even know you exist? me no serious. ME SILLY ? id love to go around and think of myself as a serious person lol. What a goof I’d be!
  18. Gawd it’s boiling!!!!!! (in the irrelevant corners of the internet and nowhere else and never will)
  19. nutjob says what? You have no idea how dumb you sound talking civil war on the internet.
  20. Yea, because a bunch of poor, uneducated, internet losers would be a terrifying civil war lol.
  21. Yes, no bad games in year 2. Especially when you are playing a top defense, are under pressure, and your WRs are getting no separation for the first half.
  22. Yea I am stuck on it because people keep quoting me and asking me to discuss it ?
  23. you all are the ones who keep on calling it LEGAL hearsay, which it isn’t. I’m just correcting you all. Sorry you don’t like facts I love how whistleblowers are snitches now.
  24. Hey, if you wanted tips on a career change, I highly recommend it. The life is goooooooood
  25. There ya go buddy, the complaint is not what would go to court. Hence it is not hearsay. And keep laughing at a big law attorney getting trial experience. It really stings! I should have picked a profession that doesn't pay hundreds of thousands as an entry level salary ?
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