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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Dayummmmmmmm. Burned at the stake
  2. says the person who quotes me whenever I post. Ohhhhh the irony
  3. What an unbelievable incoherent post! Nice and as an FYI, I dont think of you at all
  4. lol still jealous?
  5. it’s because you aren’t a serious person. You are a dishonest person saying dishonest things. oh the irony you moron
  6. Have we played Fitzpatrick since he left? I can’t remember
  7. Im not saying they are unbeatable. Their point differential is 142 points...through six games.
  8. Pats are in a tier of their own. Texans and chiefs are in a tier with the bills. sorry, but the chiefs are no longer belong in the top 2. They have proved nothing and their defense is not good enough.
  9. Matt Stanford’s stats plus Allen’s running ability and knack for winning equals a top 5 QB. So yes Stafford was clearly a top 6-10 qb at his prime.
  10. Maybe All STadium wall Users Really Better ... never mind
  11. angry whiny tweets!!!
  12. Just popping in to point out that this is a very dumb thing to say, and shows your lack of understanding on the subject. 1 US soldier is enough to hold off the turks....they aren't going to do ***** if US has a presence there. and LOL at you think anyone who disagrees with you was spun by the media. Great way to go through life buddy No your point was that that 50 soldiers wouldn't hold off the "turks." That point was wrong.
  13. oh I have someone else file my motions, maybe I can pass it along!
  14. anything that is used as evidence should be transparent. Not everything at the evidence-gathering stage imo
  15. but if they lose to the niners, it actually helps them in the tie breaking process. So a browns win would help because it hurts them in the case of a tie breaker.
  16. whatever floats your boat lol. I don’t care what you think is true if you think having a few random people on the internet believe to wrong things about me would bother me, think again
  17. I have won tons of motions and getting any trial experience in the first quarter of your career is an accomplishment when you work at a big firm and only deal with big clients. I am sure you are unaware, but it is out of the firms hands on who leads trials. Giant corporations only pay for senior partners to do that. but anyways, stop sidetracking me on my accomplishments lol. It’s cute, but I’m blushing!!!
  18. why do you always like to chime in and compliment me on my accomplishments? It’s flattering, but you don’t have to! Showering me with praise won’t make me like you
  19. Step 1: whistleblower 1 comes forward Step 2: attorney now represents one of the direct sources (likely) Step 3: internet weirdos drool over deep state conspiracies despite this being par for the course. what did I say pages ago? It’s okay for a whistleblower to have second hand knowledge because you then gather evidence, which includes finding the DIRECT SOURCES. Now that they have a direct source, you all act like something shady is occurring by this obvious and predictable development.
  20. that’s not how it works, so that is a dumb thing to say.
  21. What makes someone go and make this thread?
  22. Well, TDs and INTs represent a very small sample of passing plays...unlike completion percentage. So that would be dumb
  23. "people who dont agree with my views were manipulated" go find your tin foil hat
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