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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. yup. Even in their post about mayfield...they took a weird Off-topic shot at Allen to trigger bills fans. It’s so explicit
  2. Come on guys. They know Bills fans have a reaction to this and its a great tactic to generate traffic. It is why they go out of their way to tag and incorporate bills fans in their posts.
  3. no I won’t, I’ll own being wrong. But they are not getting indicted. And I’ll be right, and you’ll ignore your objectively wrong prediction. you are living in a fantasy land. Can’t wait to see what reddit conspiracy you pimp to explain why nothing happened cant wait for the perp walks!!!!!
  4. I think he just complimented me and then likened me to Harry Potter?
  5. lol you criticizing an attorney who works in big law and goes to trial will always be amusing for me. You are obsessed with it! you’re like my little parrot that brags for me!
  6. 99 percent of politicians and political nonsense goes unpunished. It’s just how it works, and hence, why it’s easy to know nothing is coming of this. Not in a million years
  7. you were ahead of the curve for reddit conspiracy nonsense. Well done
  8. well if you a predicting something is coming, I can sleep soundly knowing it won’t lol. going through this and quoting your predictions would be too funny.
  9. That isn’t common sense like the others (the legitimacy of a Russian conspiracy and repercussions for a “coup” lol) Safe money is on trump though. That 401k will speak to the middle class too loudly nope
  10. Just letting you know the outcome of the biggest scandal of all time. and no I don’t care. It was a giant waste of tax payer money, was stupid, and doesn’t impact me.
  11. oh it’s because I don’t care. Just telling you that nothing will come of it. Sorry for the spoilers of operation boomerang (get a life) the truth is, these predictions are easy for anyone with half a brain. The leftist idiots will believe anything about trump. While the right-wing nut jobs here believe nonsense like this. You may not night a righty, but a conspiracy-drooling fool.
  12. i am on record saying there was nothing to the Russian conspiracy. It sounded false from day one. i am on record saying there will be no arrests to all the big names allegedly behind a coup. It sounds childish and laughable. ill be right on both of these...two for two baby (I even said from early on that Trump would be impeached, and many of you laughed at that, for the Ukraine issue. But that nothing would come of it as it doesn’t rise to warranting removing someone from us. God I am good at these predictions)
  13. Saquon gets my top vote, but then Knox for me
  14. Probably doing what he does best... murdering people
  15. if the other average, Super Bowl winning QBs are also in the top 10 for all time passing yards and touchdowns...then yea, let them all in.
  16. “you realize how silly this sounds right! You guys are ones criticizing the rookie of the year!” - C.Biscuit on Vince Young in 2006.
  17. let them play, that penalty was awful to see
  18. Just ignore people that feel the need to go on the internet and tell people they don't care about a post (while taking enough time on their busy saturday night to do so)
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