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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. what, that statistically they provide a substantial amount of non-abortion services? And you want them not to do that during the pandemic because......? What, they also provide abortions? How is that logical what are you disagreeing with? How does my post, which listed facts, require a suspension of disbelief?
  2. abortions make up 3 percent of the services they provide. Hundreds of their clinics do not perform abortions. many people use it for other reasons in their community. I know people who have their gyco exams there as its the only affordable option in their area. does it bother you that what you are saying is objectively wrong? I am trying to have a logical and rational conversation, we’ll see if you do the same
  3. A lot of people actually use it for other reasons in their community. This can’t really be argued...
  4. why would planed parenthood be an exception to medical facilities being deemed essential? Do people realize they do a lot beyond abortions?
  5. you probably know more than me, but it’s an advance on a new 2020 tax credit.
  6. he doesn’t say “will” in the video, just that it is the goal
  7. when I skimmed it I didn’t see any cutoff dates and it just said “time of determination” but because no determinations have been made, my poor understanding is that you could file today and your 2019 would count once it is accepted by the government (which should be very fast)
  8. right, but many people (like me) have already filed 2019 returns.
  9. this is really bad and misinformed. Even the conservatives on the site will agree with that
  10. if you filed in 2019, then it will be 2019. If not, then 2018
  11. holy *****, is any of this actually true? (No) edit: sorry if that came off as rude. It was a remarkably false post!
  12. its because I value the choice of a family over the life of an unborn child.
  13. okay, I am just not interested in politicizing that issue, maybe others are
  14. Parents in this country are in no way qualified to teach this. And I really disagree, an 18 year old is very close to making money, and they have money at that point. And teaching kids how to make a lot more money through financial principles could be appealing. But I don't know if teaching will fix the issue (just my best idea), but it is such an issue
  15. I am not sure where it falls on republican vs democrat spectrum, I don't think like that (you can twist it either way tbh). It is something that needs to be taught though
  16. lol lost my composure. ? No bill permits it. No law permits it. no proposed law permits it. laws forbid it. Extremely rare examples of people breaking the law, and idiots saying stuff, does not make it relevant to the abortion debate. The fact it is a talking point for you is embarrassing ************************* @3rdnlng "You accept money for stuff you morally oppose" Yes, what do you get paychecks for and see how it aligns with your morales... "NOT RELVANTTTT"
  17. It is the very topic we are discussing. You want to criticize me for accepting money for stuff i morally oppose? Then let's see what you get paychecks for and see if you are being a hypocrite. It is relevant, stop lying. We know the actual reason you won't share it. It is not for relevancy. And I never said local school, stop making it up. It is a top 20 law school, you made up that it was a community college. (example 100 of you lying about my job)
  18. "I DONT SHARE MY JOB BECAUSE ITS NOT RELEVANT" ...the topic is what you accept to do for paychecks, your job is the most relevant thing. "DERRR U LOST" what is your job, I won't ridicule you like you do. I just want to see if it aligns with your morales
  19. Sure, but that's the exception. 40% of americans don't have an emergency fund of at least 400 dollars. That is awful Yup, that's why i said it needs to be taught
  20. I shared my job one time when the topic was law. Posters like you insulted me and said I must not be successful. So I shared that I was successful. I have never once brought up I was lawyer since with the exception of you obsessing over it and insulting it. Your job is directly relevant to you rambling about not taking paychecks for things you are morally opposed to. So share it clown cool, still nothing relevant to killing children after birth. That’s when I stopped answering your questions
  21. nope, you have done nothing but make up stuff about my job lol. All of it very false. and we both know why you won’t share it. What you do for money is very relevant to someone saying they won’t accept money for anything they don’t morally agree with. Learn what relevancy means idiot.
  22. It is shocking how many individuals can not withstand a brief financial emergency. Finances need to be taught in high school. bills, debt (not all debt), and the creation of an emergency fund NEED to be where the vast amount of your money goes before anything else. Saving, investments, vacations, etc.
  23. no, because no bill or law permits it. It’s not relevant. There is a clear line between post and pre birth. It’s a very dumb and ignorant argument. i posted in depth explanations previously about why those bills patently don’t permit it.
  24. You already lost his argument before. These bills did not allow abortion after birth.
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