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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. No, I think most people understand that. The dumb part is that they are using their mock draft as the model answer to grade from. In other words, they are using their amateur mock draft to grade professionals....on a wildly unpredictable topic where we won't know the right answers for at least a year. Basically, draft grades are dumb for a lot of reasons!
  2. because it is a very very dumb concept. It’s backwards. It’s grading a team based on close they got to the mock draft. It should be the opposite: a self-grade of how close the mock drafter got to reality.
  3. he gave the bills a D for drafting Allen. He gave the cardinals an A for drafting Rosen. this is why draft grades have NO value. It’s a joke. You can’t grade something if you don’t have the answer key...
  4. The browns played the chiefs after they played Pittsburg handing them a game. The chiefs played us after beating the mediocre browns. We played the chiefs after grueling games against the colts and ravens. LOL at the idea of how Cleveland played KC compared to how we did as any sort of meaningful benchmark
  5. this is great levels of online pettiness. Someone said he had a priority udfa grade on him but still praised him and gave his opinion on his pros/cons and you are ready with the "told you so"? A little too early on that, don't you think.
  6. I agree with this. I think it is a strong argument for a mistrial. There is a zero percent chance it gets reversed
  7. I have been to a lot of status conferences across the country. Including many in Houston. I have never seen a plaintiff’s attorney bring a client, and if they did, I would think it was very odd. this is buzbee continuing to try the case in the public. What a circus
  8. The “violence of lies” is great lol
  9. The general rule is once you know litigation is a possibility, you have to preserve all possible evidence. So it depends on when they scrubbed social media history, and it what extent it constitutes evidence.
  10. My big question is how have so many people watched the trial??? Does anyone work lol?
  11. How he is generally wrong at that time AND with hindsight is always funny to me
  12. because the NFL has explicitly suspended players in the past for a failure to cooperate, and having settlement agreements that explicitly forbid cooperation with the nfl would fit that. Deflate gate and the Al Jazeera incidents are good examples of punishments specifically for lack of cooperation I think a settlement with all these victims is extremely unlikely and beyond wishful thinking. And even more wishful be Watson thinking he could escape any suspension by going that route. the nfl is going to investigate this, Watson can’t simply prevent everyone from cooperating and think the nfl would just shrug in confusion this is a league that suspended Big Ben, who had two super bowl rings, after one sexual assault allegation he was never charged or convicted of.
  13. I think any settlement the precluded them from speaking with the nfl would be an issue with the nfl
  14. Oh my gosh Chris Watson the punt catcher
  15. the logic isn’t hard to follow, even if you disagree. There are over 20 sets of factual allegations. When there’s that many, the gist of them are almost always true. Here that gist is he used massages for sexual purposes. Whether or not it rises to harassment/assault is really the only issue. but with that many independent allegations, it’s pretty reasonable to believe he was being inappropriate during massages.
  16. every year? He has been active safety depth for two years now.
  17. Itll be interesting to see what happens for sure. Covid-19 has been really unpredictable, so it’ll be a great learning experience. For example, Texas lessening many of their restrictions was though my to be irresponsible by many, but Texas is one of the states that has not see a surge this year, and is instead seeing a constant decline since it lessened restrictions.
  18. I don’t think a lot of people understand the process is unlikely to ever play out. It is unlikely Watson ever has a jury trial (civil or criminal). all we can do is look at the evidence. We don’t have any here, so I wouldn’t judge much personally. But I think when you start getting 20-40 accusers, it is as reasonable to judge as most videos. Though, under NFL precedent, he already has done enough to be suspended. Which is dumb imo I understand how the law works quite well, thank you. But this whole discussion is about judging, so not sure what you’re talking about. None of us hypothetical jurors for a hypothetical trial.
  19. People always say wait for the legal process to play out, but that isn’t always the reasonable standard. Did anyone need to let the legal process play out to know ray rice did something wrong and illegal? No, because we saw the evidence. in other words, we were made aware of facts before the legal process played out and that was enough. 20+ accusations isn’t evidence or a fact we can look at like a video. But it’s damning enough circumstances that judging him is more than reasonable.
  20. So each crime usually has a different level of culpability associated with it. And separately, each crime also has specific circumstances tied to it. 1st degree murder - intentional and premeditated (and then specific circumstances is just killing a cop) 2nd degree murder - intentional but not premeditated 3rd degree murder - not intentional, but you were knowingly doing something so reckless it was a conscious disregard for human life 1st degree manslaughter - intentional murder but with understandable circumstances, like heat of passion (catching your wife cheating) 2nd degree manslaughter - basically negligence each has some very specific circumstances, but I only listed it for the first murder. my thoughts. 2nd degree manslaughter is the most appropriate, and is the most common for stuff like this. But you could shoehorn it into 3rd degree murder. I expect 2nd degree murder just because. Not really appropriate though
  21. Yea, it should be manslaughter or maybe 3rd degree murder. None of the other officers with him that day should be criminally liable though.
  22. While that is accurate, that is not really applicable here. Chauvin would be part of a union and would require just cause to be fired. There is no doubt there was just cause to fire him, it is not dependent on a criminal conviction, and he would not have a legal gripe. That is all I know about labor law, so i don't anything further haha.
  23. I don't know a ton about criminal law but third-degree murder generally would fit facts like this.
  24. My only complaints are it is going to change how we think of season cumulative stats (as we are used to it being based on 16 starts). But we’ll get used to it after a few games. And how are some teams having 8 home games versus 9?
  25. So can Bates play any of the three interior lineman spots? If so, let’s add a young Tackle in the draft so we have those two waiting in the wings.
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