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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. I think in the age of social media we want to see things as binary because there are character limits preventing reasonable takes. the looters and people engaging in crime therefore have to be put in either the “good” basket with the protestors or the “bad“ basket with the police. And social media obviously isn’t going with the latter so this mob gets protected with nonsense logic (like, they are expressing their anger with the police) fact is, the protest is reasonable and understandable. The looters and criminal activity is not okay and not justifiable.
  2. 50b in revenue wouldn’t be referring to a law firm, that’s too much
  3. if you shoot for the low-hanging fruit, you might just hit a star! ... I think that is the saying
  4. well, Lorenzo Alexander was one of those signings.
  5. the reason you don’t get it is because you never heard of him an hour ago, the extent of your knowledge is his stats page, and because the people who drafted him do this for a living and probably know way more than you
  6. you aren’t at war. You are a weird loser on the internet who acts like posting on a forum is war.
  7. The funniest part about the thread is how many of you don’t actually leave your house to “work”
  8. And lawyers! Add it to the list
  9. Can you imagine being a republican and being scared of everything? Voting fraud, immigrants, conspiracies, abortions, gays getting married, the deep state, people saying “happy holidays” instead of “merry xmas” I’d be ashamed to vote right and be lumped in with such pussies.
  10. Damn repression is tough. It wasn’t your mom, but your dad. It wasn’t sugar sprinkling into your mouth, it was, never mind.
  11. Does anyone even watch the Bucs enough to notice if these are any different?
  12. I disagree with Trent Edwards, a decent Qb (until his injury) that was drafted late. also, I’d add Troup as the big omission.
  13. holy crap you are a weird loser who thinks their internet ramblings come off as smart...(They don’t) yikes.
  14. Um, carl yung's bs?
  15. Do I believe you believe in a lot of dumb things? I do. Is it any surprise our resident conspiracy go-getters also believe in this...nonsense. lol
  16. whines about the voiceless....wants to deprive the poor of non-abortion medical services because of something. Lol, look in the mirror if you want to see a lack of empathy. go on fighting your pointless losing fight, that is also misinformed. I’m glad you’ll make a difference (you won’t). its a shame if I get me girlfriend pregnant she would keep it, or else I’d ask for an abortion just for you.
  17. good. That’s what gives me joy. People fighting a terribly dumb and irrational fight that they can’t win. The fact you lose, And always will lose, is funny. Because your fight is wildly dumb
  18. It’s true, and and embarrassing. You literally are unable to discuss logic because of your hatred of “baby killers.“ I good part of me takes joy in knowing that (a) there is a weird part of population that includes people like you that have a strong hatred of abortions and (b) abortions will never ever ever ever ever go away. So deal with it, wipe your irrational tears with dead babies
  19. that’s what I would do. But I imagine a large portion of people making less than 100,000 are not invested in the stock market outside of their retirement
  20. right, and they have a breakdown of services in their annual reports and you can come to your own statistical conclusions. The fact remains that a substantial amount of their services are unrelated to abortion. That can’t be disputed, only ignorantly ignored.
  21. not to be rude, but how are the homeless being impacted financially? and what exactly are people goiing to immediately spend the money on. If I got 1,200 bucks right now, I would have trouble spending it if I wanted to.
  22. so you aren’t willing to have an honest discussion, at least you are honest about that. it objectively true that the vast majority of services they provides are not related to abortions. Many that use it are males (they aren’t getting abortions). Many of their clinics don’t even perform abortions. i think it is absolutely cruel that you want them to close down during this, when many people in poverty use it as a healthcare provider for Medical services other than abortion, simply to push your agenda. How that is not condemned by everyone here, is unfortunate.
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