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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Shocked you won't own up to it
  2. no chance joe lol. I’d ask if you’d honor your bet and leave this forum when Biden wins...but we both know you’d use on of your duplicate accounts.
  3. lol what an idiot. Answer the question and stop evading. Which one bothers you and why?
  4. So you are saying I’m actually the poster that posts completely different than me? There’s that great lack of logic you love to show!
  5. I’m sure you have those too. But don’t worry, without a real job or any purpose, it’s okay for you to be a complete idiot.
  6. We all know trump only goes into hiding when fully necessary! Your spider sense tingling? Or you mean your ability to read Twitter?
  7. Gosh I can’t wait for the heads to roll!!!!! I’m sure these Twitter nuts are right
  8. You are an idiot whose leaps logic and presumptions make the average person seem like a genius.
  9. im not concerned about either. Why are you? What do either have to do with you or your life?
  10. thanks for proving my point. ”I’m not an extremist....rambles about baby limbs”
  11. im not interested in having discussions with someone who reads an NRA topic and then instantly jumps to crying about abortion. He is a loser
  12. Right wing extremist is right wing extremist
  13. loony people call that murder. Everyone else thinks it’s a medical procedure people are entitled to. thank goodness your batshit opinion is literally dying off imagine the Clintons being so present in your brain you have to link every news story to them. horse face and teeth also, geeeeesh
  14. your views and hopes of laws changing in your favor are as dead as those babies
  15. Purposefully antagonizing a group of people and riling up the voter base is a hilarious way to lose
  16. You have posted wild thread after wild thread. Each very extreme and irrational. Who would waste their time with coherent thoughts to stuff like this
  17. because the risk of minimal harm is heavily outweighed by its enormous benefits
  18. The excuses are already starting to form for when trump loses in November. losers won’t be able to admit that the country wants him out
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