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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. Fair, but i think the person responsible for over 90 percent of the team’s yards “did their job.” your issue is the standard you hold Allen to is: did he do his job on every single play? Rather than the standard you hold every other player to: did they do their job overall.
  2. the goof did keep out kicking his coverage though
  3. yup. I couldn’t agree anymore, good post
  4. it’s actually the “QB Experience.”
  5. There is a small percentage of fans that disliked Allen before he was drafted, purely because some media pundits labeled him bad. And they can’t let that go. thank god we have Allen over Darnold, mayfield, or Rosen...
  6. It is funny that when the team moves the ball, or scores, it is the "bills" When they do poor, it is "allen" At what point does "Allen" take credit for moving the ball without a run game? he accounted for over 90% of the team's yards which is absurd. Just an observation.
  7. dak hit his WR for a deep ball and easily in FG range and they called OPI. It was a ticky tacky call
  8. you cant make that opi call...
  9. this. Our spending is wildly out of control in this country.
  10. we both know the true standard....95% Minshew (whatever the hell that is)
  11. Sure you aren’t taking about Darnold???
  12. I mean, being 3/4 isn’t that bad on a windy day
  13. It’s tough to complain about an OC when the team was in the red zone....NINE times I think.
  14. a paradox within a paradox. Within a cat. Who may be dead.
  15. my friend started dating a guy named Jeff. Imagine my surprise when I learned he spelled it Geoff...... dump him
  16. When has he been awful? He has fumbled twice today and has been great 90% of the time.
  17. i agree that the federal government has very little to do with any of this, trump included. our love of individual freedom is no doubt a huge driver in our amount of cases. After a month of the lockdowns, I decided to live my life normally with my girlfriend. We are young, we’re all a normal size (dare I say a good size), and healthy. At that point, everyone was on notice of the dangers of this, and if you are scared of vunerable, then don’t go out. There is no reason I should encounter you. I wear masks in public indoor spaces, but I go to restaurants, stores, bars often (And I have started traveling again). My state, Texas, allows me to do that. I am not willing to give up a year of my life for something that has virtually no chance of harming me. Now, because life is funny, I got Covid in July. It was fine, I isolated myself for three weeks, and it’s all good. In Texas we had a ton of cases, but not many deaths. desths are absolutely going to the old and the unhealthy. And I’m sorry, but a lot of the unhealthy are self imposed. The obese. I laugh every time CNN trots out a “healthy” 25 year old who got Covid and was severely ill or who died, to demonstrate anyone can die from this....and the person is 300 pounds.
  18. Other cultures need to remove syllables from their language that resemble offensive english words. I mean, how culturally insensitive can they be!!!
  19. This is it. Peak cancel culture. Both hilariously dumb, and terrifyingly real. A USC professor ussed the mandarin word for "that,"--nei ge. He pronounced it correctly. He used it in the proper context. He was teaching how different languages/cultures use filler words, and he explained the mandarin version of this. The black MBA candidates of 2022 wrote a joint letter to the school, explaining how offensive this was: The teacher has been put on leave, and the dean of the school offered this incredibly apology: Everyone (on both sides) seems to be condemning the school's reaction and the offended children's reaction. Source: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html (yes it is cnn, but this is the best article on this, surprisingly) Video of incident:
  20. I haven’t seen a leader in Congress be so disliked by both parties in a long time. She is the worst
  21. Hey look. A 9/11 thread with a motive brought a bunch of awful posts. Who’s would have thought this board is an absolute mess
  22. pretty great lol. i dont think the intended word was fortune, but still
  23. okay, this was funny lol ahhhh the old fight spam with spam thread
  24. I don’t anything about this specifically, but the idea that the case would go away if the DOJ steps in on immunity grounds because the feds can’t be sued directly seems wildly unfounded. I have never heard of immunity being created by representation...it doesn’t change the parties. but that’s honestly an uneducated guess, more of a smell test.
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