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Everything posted by Numark3

  1. To explain why your grades are so bad. If Allen replicates these performances every week, he is the undisputed MVP. If your performances are on an MVP level, they shouldn't be Bs.
  2. a 5 touchdown game, including a game winning 4th quarter drive. As always, your explanation doesn't justify your odd grade
  3. He is getting abused today
  4. you copying and pasting the same message over and over again is the definition of spamming... If you want to ignore those trolls then IGNORE THEM, I don’t know why you think spamming helps. Sorry
  5. ok but why are you spamming with this?
  6. What should have been a normal thread and something that was fun, quickly turned into a cesspool of nonsense. you all are adults, and look at how you’re posting. It’s embarrassing
  7. If you think a Bills superbowl victory would be instant gratification..... how in the world would this season get an asterick?
  8. You all are crazy. The natural follow up is if you don’t pick the bills, they won’t win in your lifetime. I really don’t think anything more outside of family stuff would bring me more joy than a Stanley cup or super bowl victory
  9. What would you rather have this year. A Bills SB victory, or your presidential choice to win? obviously whatever you don’t pick can’t happen. for me, I’m taking the Super Bowl victory 10/10 times
  10. I say republicans don’t confirm during election. then if trump wins, you confirm WITHOUT giving the dems the ammo they (may) need to pack the court. if trump loses, you confirm. You will get the wrath of dems and give them the ammo to pack the court, but that would happen if you confirmed before the election. I like my idea! I don’t believe there is any ability for a rule/law to prevent the ability of congress to amend a rule/law? I could be really wrong on that though
  11. UNLESS you all listen to me
  12. it’s just foolish because as hilarious as the meltdown would be, it would be duplicated by Dems in the future. And we really don’t want court packing for the Supreme Court.... should be! But I think one of the parties will go down that slippery slope sooner than later unfortunately
  13. I think you misread my post, I said why not wait until the lame duck session if it comes to that. If he wins, you’re gravy. If he loses, just confirm your nominee and incur the “wrath.” It’s not like you wouldn’t get equal wrath by confirming before the election
  14. I suppose so. BUT you still have a lame duck session in November and December. See what I’m saying? so if it gets it to that point, then confirm your nominee
  15. Why don’t republicans hold off until after the election, and if Trump loses, confirm a nomineee during the lame duck portion? If they are hell bent on ***** the 2016 precedent they set. That way, if trump wins, then they avoid this bad look. why not go that route? ehhhhh idk. I’d say no. if you ask me while I’m drunk and wanting a one night stand, I’d obviously say yes.
  16. no. Making these types of moves is how you create a 2-3 year window. Bills are building the team for sustained success.
  17. the funniest way for this stupid game to end
  18. Kollingsworth really wishes he could predict plays like romo.
  19. "The clock is going to stop anyway" does he not understand football?
  20. Shame he has dropped off so quickly
  21. Yea he is a bit overhyped. Really good, but shaky in coverage at times...
  22. you almost have to!!!!! 😄
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