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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Coming along nicely. Here's how these boo boos happen: 1. Outside "experts" like Elon Musk (damn good inventor, so he must be a damn good shadow President, right?) fail to consider what their bombastic pronouncements will do. Congressman from Lower Buttfrick Hollow KY phones White House, says "my constituents are saying their Medicaid appointments have been canceled!" WH goes into panic mode - oops, we didn't think about that! 2. Judge enters TRO, sets hearing for Monday. Main DOJ attorneys look at the Order. Immediately say, "Holy crap, I've got nothing to defend this with! It's clearly unconstitutional. What did your WH legal advisors put together?" WH legal advisors say: oops. I guess we skipped that step. The Clown Car EO Machine that blew up in 2017 will blow up again.
  2. Yeah, what has all that "science" bs done for us? All that germ theory of disease crapola? Just eat healthy, snort the right God-made poppy dust, do some cadaver-sourced HGH and testosterone and you can become RFJ Jr.
  3. And who has done more for humanity, RFK Jr. of the Heroin ADHD Cure? Or Pfizer of the "let's save hundreds of thousands of lives"?
  4. Oh, yeah, Mr. Brainworm destroyed her! Can people understand what he's trying to say without captions? WTF is wrong with him, all of you Biden-Fetterman diagnosticians?
  5. I dunno. To some his toenails might have appeared rather ... tasty. Oops, sorry. Wrong Love Guru. This is the dead named Chris Butler, Tulsi's guru.
  6. Parkinson's. Watch the video without the late-stage Katherine Hepburn audio.
  7. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/tulsi-gabbard-science-of-identity-qi-group-ed51c890?mod=hp_lead_pos7 Gabbard’s parents are followers of Butler, a former Hare Krishna disciple who founded Science of Identity Foundation in Hawaii in the 1970s. They raised Gabbard in the group, said former followers, who described Butler’s demands of fealty. Some adherents mixed Butler’s toenail clippings into their meals, two former followers said, as a sign of devotion. Others used his shoes as prayer totems, they said. Those toenail clippings do nothing for the skin. At least nothing good for the skin.
  9. You can't be a fashion model when you are posing nude. "Celebration of the human form." If that human form is in the slut mode.
  10. Well, I read right here that Biden caused eggs to be so expensive. bird flu notwithstanding. Turnabout is fair play.
  11. Poetic justice. Only the best. https://www.newsweek.com/january-6-protestor-capitol-riot-matthew-huttle-1846038 A court document reviewed by Newsweek shows that Capitol protester Matthew Huttle recently filed a document in court explaining his reason for attending the January 6 riot and asking for probation instead of jail time "Matt's offense conduct in this case—in 2021—was not caused by his drinking. It was a reckless decision resulting from Matt's stupidity and failing to think through his actions. Shortly after Matt was released from jail on his last DUI, his uncle Dale asked him if he would drive him to D.C. for the Trump rally on January 6," the document reviewed by Newsweek says. "Matt has his grievances with the government and the imbalance of power in the country, but he is not a true believer in any political cause. He instead went to the rally because he thought it would be a historic moment and he had nothing better to do after getting out of jail," the document states, adding a request for 18 months of probation from the court. His own lawyer referred to his "stupidity" in his request for probation.
  12. Man, rough crowd. His buddy Knox tells Wawrow, “you know, he did play on a torn PCL all year.” And the response is “stop making excuses, Kincaid!”
  13. And a lot of that has to do with getting the best record and the bye. I don't think you can overemphasize what their schedule meant to them. Christmas Day win. Rest starters the next week against the Broncos. Playoff bye. Next game: Houston in the divisional round on January 18. Any important player saw no meaningful game action for 24 days. More than a 3 week "bye." No rust, just a lot of rested and healthy players.
  14. Exactly. Just sayin' ... it ain't over till its over
  15. Mahomes is holding back. He does exactly what we want Josh to do. Don't run with it until it really matters.
  16. I know. Just kidding. But 13 seconds and all that ...
  17. Me? I'm reading the Doug Marrone thread!
  18. Obviously a newish Bills fan if you think having the ball deep in Chiefs territory would translate into a win.
  19. Loving this thread. Just the kind of news I needed to snap me out of my post-AFC Championship Game depression.
  20. I like how he waited until his dream job - JETS! - was filled.
  21. I would suggest you read the bill. Would it have required the custody of this Florida illegal after his 1st or 2nd DUI? No. It will require his custody now that he's "caused injury." After someone's already dead. And guess what? The liquor/bar/restaurant industry actually lobbies against these laws, the ones that add new punishments to DUI offenders. That's probably why there's no mandatory custody for first-time illegal aliens offenders.
  22. No. It shows how desperate a foreign leader can be to hang onto power as he lets his country collapse back into a narco-state.
  23. True, but ... Dan Campbell's swagger didn't help much in the playoffs either. I agree with you about McD looking nervous, but I think we need to be honest about our own team: the Chiefs are better. Better at key positions, with more playmakers, particularly on defense. We all got fooled by how they kind of got to 15-1 with smoke and mirrors and blocked field goals and other flubs by their opponents. But in the end, they were the best, most complete team in the AFC. We're really good, but they outplayed us. We really didn't deserve to have the chance to tie or win with 3 minutes left on the clock. And I'm not sure any Dan Campbell or Harbaugh changes that.
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